So as you Guys THINK, i can't really explain it all, but it's in a video but a Quick Thing mentions:

1. How to REALLY attract Beautiful, hot young Women

2. Helpful Tips and how to get her to like you, even if your Ugly or Butterz, or even good looking

3.How Girls don't really like Guys with, MONEY, Muscles or A hole head ful of hair, well we like hair, but just cuz your bald doesn't mean we think you guys are..un-attractive, and yeah we need to live on Money but we don't want some rich douchebag

4.About how we can fall attracted to you guys with just one (ONE) Sentence

5. How to make us Aroused before even finishing his introduction 

6. How even he understands MAN hates woman's games, but he even understand why we play game and explains we do it to FEEL SAFE, and actually trust you, and he actually says and it's true we NEED to do it.

And a hole lot more, but just to let you know this might be a 24 HOUR Video so watch it one DAY, when you can actually  watch a video for a day that's got pretty awesome tips and all that, then feel free to, but WARNING: You can Pause this Video at anytime you want,  and if you just want to sleep because your tired then i think it would be best if you PAUSE THE VIDEO, exit all the other windows and Tabs, just leave this one open, (and you don't have to log of, you can leave your laptop or comp on, but i dunno what to do if you use a house comp whereas everyone uses it lol)  stop just shut your laptop or turn you comp SCREEN, not your hole computer system just the screen button, so when you wake up you and open your laptop or go on your comp and turn on the screen, then click on the tab, press play and WATCH,cuz i dunno, once u find it, u cna never find it again lol)

At least Watch till the Parts u really need to know, he gives out warnings saying, if u don't want to blahblablablablah then EXIT THE VIDEO NOW, kinda Warnings so yah, imma stop chatting an here's link: 







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