Losing Weight ...

Because of the audition and my own self esteem issues I stsrted dieting a few days ago.

Obviously with dance practice, work and my daily exercise I already lost 2 lbs.

Yes, that's possible because my body is weird and I lose weight just as fast as I can gain it.

Like, let's say I ate junk food all week with no exercise I'd probably gain that weight back. But only temporarily.

Once I get in an area, I stay in that area. For example, right now my weight scale keeps going up and down between 120-125. Right now I'm 120.6 lbs.

I need to lose 15 more lbs before I'm satisfied but that will take a LONG time because like I said I stay in one area.

Once I get out of the 120's I'll be stuck in the teens till I step up my game again.

I freaking hate it. The smallest I've gotten is 115 since 2 years ago.

I wanna go back to middle school weight...


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I would love to be 120 lbs. But that'd be kind of unhealthy considering my height... >.<