

Hello :( 

Well, that was food poisoning last night. Every 15 mins I was throwing up, even water. That . So of course I got nothing done. I go to my old house today to pick up some more stuff and papers, but after that have nothing to do. So when I'm at laundry mat I'll try and write some. 

The Ren chapter is still sent to editor (she was busy last night too)

The Park story is being fleshed a little and I'm figuring out what I want in it.

Working on a few more EXO stories.

YongGuk younger still at same place, but it's almost finished. 

So I'm a tad bit behind but have had a few health problems too :( So sorry and I'll get on it.


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Jajckdofmgj! I hope you get better soon, Unnie! ;A;;;
I've gotten indigestion but never food poisoning.. it sounds like it hurts...

Waaaah Unnie♥
ew !! poor you !! I had something like that before ,and it's not good AT ALL !!