Block B 30 Day Challenge - Day 5

Block B Challenge Day 5 yall~ Question of the day is...

Day 5: Your favorite Wanna B performance

Seriously?! I have to do this again? *sigh*

Be back yall...*leaves to find video*












BACK! So check this out peeps!

So I can't really choose one I'll just give yall a reason why I love them both

So this 1st one...

I love this performance mainly because I have a picture of Zico in his outfit for this performance and HOT DAYUM does he look y! I mean the way his arms are so muscular and the veins slightly popping out looks so freakin y...not to mention when he has the fitted on backwards and his sleeves slightly much much swag...I wish I could show yall the pic I'm talking about. I tried to find it so I could upload it but I can't. I also tried to copy and paste the pic but wouldn't work (DragonG I think I sent it to you in my email for my app)

Any hoodle doodle poodle...the performance! Right! I love all of their MTV's The Show performances mainly because the audience loves them and they are never cut. I find it so funny when Jaehyo starts to sing and the camera keeps leaving him and he has to keep searching for the cameras XD I also find it hot when U-Kwon reaches for the camera (Even though he has that cat on his shoulder -______-) He's still my y cutie! And Zico is a liar! He dances so amazingly hotly awesome in this performance it's not even funny even though my way of describing this...iness may be funny or just plain ol' retarded >.<

Now my other favorite performance is...

Yep~ I'm gonna have to go with another Philippines performance. I mean will listen to that crowd? Singing to the song and dancing...ah~ I love it so much! Did you hear the fan boy screams too?! Bananas! Jaehyo looks mighty fine with his jacket ped and the black wifebeater under...

mm mmm mmmm!! AY! 


XD I'm really sorry to those that read my dumb blog posts. 


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lmfao made my morning XD ♥