Dear SSA Student and Staff, 

Lately, there has been a lot of inactivity amongst RP-ers. Either the new members are not feeling welcomed in the RP or people are signing up and just not RPing with anyone. I want to find new ways to make everyone more involved and get more active. Here are some things that I've been thinking of: 

1. Teachers - you need to update lessons (that go in your blog) for your students. This school can't run without people learning and having lessons. 

2. An RP welcoming committee - this would consist of 2-4 of you members who are ACTIVE on a weekly basis, to welcome in the new SSA members and give them RP starters. This would allow them to get comfortable with the RP and soon spread out to the others. 


- This one is very important. I need all of you to cooperate here. Send at least one comment on WAYS THAT YOU THINK COULD IMPROVE THIS RP. RPs are done through acommunity - not just one person. If you have a great idea or don't like a certain rule, PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO WE CAN IMPROVE OR FIX A SOLUTION. 


I hope this encourages you to stay at SSA and keep on RPing! We are in a rut right now, but we can get through this! ¡¡FIGHTING!! (^^) 




Head Admin of SSA 


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This would be cool on RPR
That's good idea.. I'll do my best for this rp
Classes have been busier and I've been lacking time lately but I'll do my best! ^_^
Ah, I am willing to be one of the 4 students of the welcoming committee. That's a brilliant idea. A few new rpers came but left again with no wall posts :(
I don't think doing more lessons would make a change.
Before(when there were still active people) I had my first lesson up only two out of my 14 students did the assignment. But please, do let me know how many students are still here and I will probably consider posting up more assignments.
I think a welcoming committee will help the new rpers, also sorry~ I haven't been online in a while that's because of exams, they are soon over. So I'LL be on soon~~ :)
I could help with welcoming people~
I'm sorry, school work has been killing me and I was doing famiyl stuff for a while but I'll try to be on more.
Do we have anyone advertising for this rp?