Cliches Everywhere


It's been two months since I joined AFF and I must say that I was fascinated by all of the authors out there. ^.^

Some wrote so well and beautiful that I feel like crawling at the corner of my room but some wrote randomly until the fic became meaningless-- not that it was bad but seriously, if the plot went wrong then how can the readers understand the fic?

There's one thing that irritates me though... -__-

What's with the cliche things???!!

Well, I'm not saying that writing cliche fics are illegal-- sometimes I write cliche fics too-- but sometimes writers tend to write an extremely cliche story that everyone can predict with closed eyes. If a writer wrote a predictable story then where's the fun in reading? In a story, there must be at least one mystery to be solved. I'm not saying that I'm the best judge out there but I found at least 5 fics that have the same plot and cliche moments and they are bad. Really bad. I don't even remember who wrote it but I think even the author feels the same. 

I'm really looking forward to authors who could write beautiful, non-cliche fics that would make me cry.

I've found a few great authors and I'm loving their fics ^.^


Before I end my post, here's a list of cliche stuff in fics and dramas that I've watched or read so far:

Dropping things and accidentally touched someone's hand

Bumping into each other and almost falling down but was saved by the hero

Parents died from an accident

Sitting in a bus and fell asleep on someone's shoulder (I think this is a trademark for korean dramas -_-)

Got chased by bad guys and was saved by the hero

Poor girl, rich boy and vice versa

A hero who loves a loser or geek

Popular hero an a nobody heroine (I'm sick of this plot -_-)

etc. (I can't remember all of them so if you have any cliche stuff you wanna add, please inform me : )  )


Adding a few cliche stuff is okay as long as you can make the story interesting. I've found a few cliche fics but I didn't hate them because the authors were so good at using beautiful words and phrases that the stories became flawless.

That's all from me, I guess ^.^


Sincerely, Myeongsss.







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i agree with the other two people who commented.
a cliche story can be good if the author knows how to write it~ >.<
and also, humans DO tend to have a fear towards the unknown.
you fear your test results because you're afraid that it will turn out bad, you fear death because you don't know what's waiting on the other side...
but that's just life.
and in this fictional world, humans tend to avoid the fear of the unknown because what i think is that the first reason why they even read a cliche fic is that they're trying to get away from reality in the first place.
though some tend to get away from reality by indulging themselves into the world of unknown. like me. hehe =.="
at least these are what i have as opinions of mine.^^
it's good. what you think about cliche stuff~
Park_HyeSun #2
Bahaha, I always think that no matter how cliche a story can be, as long as someone is good the story can turn out well.

As for cliches, please. Let me insert a cliche ending.

"I love you!"
"I love you too!"
And then they kissed.

Yay! The end of the oneshot! I mean, it doesn't go like that literally, but you know what I'm trying to say right... /sigh/
it's the fear of the unknown if you hadn't guessed.