Day 3 - Favourite 'Warrior' MV Moment


Day 3 – Favourite Moment from the ‘Warrior’ MV

Rather than a favourite moment, what I loved most about the MV – which also happened to be what made the song stand out more to me – was the choreography.

Like wow – there’s some serious stuff going on there.

I loved how the sort of connected the dance and the lyrics of the song. I loved the whole ‘puppet master’ theme that was going on, it was really well done and showcased their talents really well.

The dance break – with the clapping and foot stomping – was really cool. Jongup’s little break-dance sections in it were awesome too.

Although, if I was to brutally honest, the ‘Warrior’ MV wasn’t my favourite BAP video overall. The dancing was what – in my opinion – made it stand out. Also, the concept was original too. There were a couple of other debuts that were aegyo filled (E7, VIXX) and so it stood out for me once I looked back on it.

I wrote this random bunch of thoughts after re-watching the MV. It was nice to watch it again for the first time in a while. It once again comfirmed my thoughts that the dance was the most impressive part of the video.

I think I'll be able to say a lot about tomorrow's topic - there's one song I really love a lot more than the others so it'll be an easy thing to write about. Hopefully I'll be able to write a fair bit about it.



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kim_seul_young #1
Warrior is one of my favorite videos ever and it made me love BAP. I totally agree with what you mentioned above.
I love the dance break too!

Btw, have you heard of the rumor about a fangirl that drugged Himchan's drink...?