Lay Pre Debut acc

I was his schoolmate since Junior High, and our friendship began to blossom when we started playing basketball together. But just as we got closer, he went to SM to become a trainee. Everytime he came back to visit we could feel an obvious change in him, becoming more and more mature. The most impressive was when he told us, “You all must learn properly, my path is too tough, it’s just that I have no means to backtrack.” Zhang Yixing working in SM is quite tough, he told me he is often the first one to reach the dance practice room, and the last one to leave. Practically waking up 7am in the morning and returning to the dorm at around 12am. Everytime he would tell me how his dancing skills has improved, and eventually through his hardwork he upgraded to class A. He told me this was the best dancing class in SM~ When their History was out, he asked if I felt that his dancing has improved, and is it true that the other members are too handsome and I cannot see him anymore..

Lay’s friend account.

Full trans of the account:

source: BrainNew_叶涛TruStaR



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Awww well at least they got to see their friends now and then during the training period.
Thank god Lay worked hard, he deserved it.