Sweet Titanium application | Nam Yora





User Name: Yora_ssi

Profile Link: Clickeu!

How often do you come online?: 9


To Be a Princess or Priestess


Princess Sae Mul- Leader & Main Rapper

Princess Yuri- Visual & Sub Vocalist

Princess Ja Geun- Lead Dancer & Sub Rapper & Sub Vocalist

{Priestess Wi Sung- Main Vocalist}

Priestess Byeol Bul- Main Dancer - Sub Vocalist

(Priestess Mei Yo- Lead Vocalist)



Character Name: Nam Yora


Age: 18


Date of Birth: 10/19/94


Height: 168cm


Weight: 52kg


All About You


Personality: At first she can be a bit shy. She has a bubbly personality when you get to know her better. A bit of a choding. She's very open and loves challenges. She is very caring. She helps others a lot. She's also a perfectionist. Her determination will let her do as much as she can do till she thinks it's perfect enough. She is someone with a lot of patience. This can be a good but also bad trait. But eventually she will burst. She then has too much stress in her and the only way to let that go is by being mad. 

Background: She lived a normal live up until now. She really wants to be an idol but her parents opposed the idea. So she made a plan. If she won't be an idol in a year then she will do as her parents say. But if she will be an idol then they let her go and do as she likes further. She auditioned a lot, but nobody wanted her as a trainee. Till finally at one audition she took her. But now she was still not close to being an idol so she worked very hard with hope to become an idol,


How did you find out about your powers?: She found out about her heat manipulation power when she was cooking one day and suddenly there was a big fire. She covered herself from the fire and somehow also the fire stopped. Then she started experimenting further. 

She found her power of Physic weapons when she got mad at someone. They had a fight. Her expression was really mad and suddenly the person she fought with got a major headache and also stomach ache. Her expression turned normal again and the pain of the person also left. 

She doesn't really know and control her power of Sheild yet. It's something she found out recently. But one day she felt uncomfortable. As if something bad was happing soon. She tried to ignore it, but it wouldn't go away. And she saw shadows coming from the wall  those shadows didn't have human bodies. So she fought the bad thoughts and fought against the shadows and somehow they left and she got a better feeling. 







The sound of rain





Broken promises






What Makes the Princess of Priestess a Sweet Titanium member?:

When she was a trainee almost everybody commanded her around to get drinks or something else. And they know that she helps as much as she can so the kinda used her for their own benefits. If she objected she was threatened to be kicked out. Nobody helped or said something, because they're also afraid to be kicked out if they did. 


I Look Beautiful



Ulzzang/Model Name: Lee Dasom



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Back Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Kim Seuk Hye | Joo



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Who is He?


Love Interest?: Kim Myungsoo/L. Infinite

Age: 20

How did you two meet?:

He's a sunbae at the company and he helped her when he could. He knows that he could be in danger but he doesn't really care. He's very kind to her.


Does he have powers to?: no

If he does is he a prince, priest, or anything else?: -



Password: BoyfriendHSForever



Your Fate Has been Decided


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breeziechang #1
You choose Priestess Mei Yo as second choice please answer the question of how she found out about her powers. Even is she is your second choice.