We are Dating! [지금은 여내정 || Kim Taeyeon]




     We Are Dating!     









 Taeyeon Kim  




 it's everything about you

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username FutureAngel


getting to know you

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Character NAME Kim Taeyeon ( 김태연 )


  • Lin-lin | 琳琳 -- Her chinese name. She isn't chinese, she is a born japanese and korean, but she has lived in china for 3 years. She has her own name in china. She is known as Xiao Hualin (肖华林), it's her official full chinese name. Her fans in china has used to call her this, she has a quite big fans and fanclub in china.
  • Violet비오레트 -- Her eye colour is violet. It's not really though. It didn't meant that her true eye colours is violet. Instead, it hazel-coloured. But, she often wear violet or purple contact lenses, she almost never take them off if it's not because she is going to sleep or to take a bath. Many people got mistaken or confused with her true eye colour and start to questioning her nationality. Thus, her friends decided to call her this sometimes, to with her addiction to contact lenses.
  • Luna 루나 -- First, the meaning of this name is: "Moon". This name origin came from Italy, and sometimes used as a prefix, as in: deluna. Nevertheless, Taeyeon chose this to be her own stage name. There is no particular reason why, she just fell in love with night view and astronomy. It's a meaningful name she've got from her mother. And she decided to have this as her stage name.
  • Sky | 스카이 -- Her love interest or her dating partner called her this. As I said before, she loves astronomy. Her partner wanted to tell her if she is beautiful in her own ways, but she need to explore it more. Like the sky. He knew that Taeyeon is a fan of beauty (eventhough she is beautiful), but she still feel she isn't beauty enough. Same like the sky, there are so many element it, and it's looks pretty because all of the element on it. What her partner means, if she is beautiful the way she is, and she shined more when she showed the world her inside and outside beauty. It's her favorite nickname that have a very deep meaning in it.
  • Genie | 진니 -- This came of from Taeyeon favorite movie, Aladdin. She often talked to her friends and fans how much she wanted to be a genie. This funny yet cute sentences bugs her friends sometimes, and so, they decided to call her it, to grant her wish. It's a cute name and her fans proudly called them this (Genies). It's a cute nickname though, both for her fans and herself, and she like it too.
  • Star | 스타/별 -- Eunhyuk called her this. It's to show her since she is now a star, and she  likes stargazing, which is to remind her to always act like a star on stage. Eunhyuk meant to make her remember if to have a attitude of a star, but still humble, modest and down to earth enough to the fans. He wants to emphasized if Taeyeon is just as bright as the star. More than every star in the sky and if she shouldn't feel too pessimistic with her skill and face.
  • Tete | 테테 -- Taeng works fine too. A nickname invented by fans and another close idol friend, they kind of lazy to call her Luna or Taeyeon on stage and prefer to call her with Tete or Taeng. It a good nickname and she doesn't really bothered with it. Honestly, she loves every single nickname that people invented for her.
  • Sunny 써니 -- This unique and wonderful nickname came from her friend. They wanted to call her Sunny since she resembles Sunny from SNSD, in a way of personality and attitude. It's because Taeyeon loves to smile and help people. She could be an energy source too, just the same like the Sun. It's far the most lovely nickname that Taeyeon had and like, a lot.

gender Female

BIRTHDAY September 5, 1990

AGE 23

ETHNICITY Korean - Japanese

BIRTHPLACE Jeju-do, South Korea

HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea


 every minute's like the last so

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[ more than what meets the eye your first impression when meeting Taeyeon must be shy, calm and composed. she looked arrogant at first, but actually, she is far from it. it's just because she is shy and awkward when she first met stranger. she doesn't talk much and prefer to stay shut up when she met someone new. she isn't the type that talk first and have the initiative to introduce herself around stranger. she interacts more with eye and her mind. she will bows deeply and introduce herself, then showing her classy lady smile to people she just met. she is really respectful towards everyone, even to the younger ones. her partner is not an exception, because her partner is older than her, she usually gave the prefix -ssi on their first meeting. she even went more awkward with the older ones. she isn't a fan of skinship either, that's why she is shy when meeting boys than girl. Taeyeon has a warm aura when you first met her. somehow she shined with her charming smile and beautiful personality. she has the ability to make people wants to be friend with her and get close with her. that's her charm.

brighter than the sun ]  inside, Taeyeon is a warm hearted girl and really kind to everyone. she hates having enemy, even if it's just one. she try her best not to have any enemy by being kind to every single person that she knew. she loves to smile (not a creepy wide grin smile like Chanyeol but more like girly feminime smile) and making people happy. she felt happier when she could make someone happy too. she is really generous, she loves spending money to the poor people, people who needs money or saving it up (her money) in the bank. she is an open minded person. she doesn't mind getting critisize and really creative. she is a sweet kind of person. she could make you feel comfortable around her. she is a very good listener and her advices are always the best ones. she is uberly calm when solving problems; whether it's her friends problem or family, big or not, or even her own problem. many people went to ask for her advice. she is wide and smart; she often helps people with her critical minds. she isn't selfish at all. you could say if she is a simple and carefree person. she is like the energy source, sun.

[ you don't know me well, yet ]  deep down there, she is a hardworking person. Taeyeon is a family oriented person, she will do clearly anything, to protect her siblings, her partner, her father, her mother, basically everyone in her family. she isn't scared to face anything for her beloved ones sake. she is an outspoken and brave girl; she will said what is right and what is wrong with full of determination. she can be completely honest and typically impulsive and will regret it later since she can't like for God's sake. she is very lovable and extraordinary. she often thinking outside the bos. she do things well planned and full of calculating (people called her as taeng eomma for this. although she is an adventorous person that likes having adrenaline on her body, still, she doesn't like taking risks. se is bipolar, meant on one perspective, she is a total perfectionist and picky when it came to her family and her dearly beloved. she always wants the best for them. she is caring, she cared much about the other people than herself. again, she is rarely angry and almost never do in front of her family, siblings, friends, practically everyone that close to her.

[ not everyone could be perfect, do they? ]  although she may looks like a lazy and chic, very chic person, she is actually fell in love on doing house chores and has her own motherly insticts. still, she isn't a perfect. she has flaws too. first, she is strict and firm. she hates unrespectful people and she will scold you quiet terribly if you're wrong. she'll be a total honest and straightforward person. her words could hit you hard but she does it because she loved you, and cared for you. second, she is super over protective towards her treasured ones. it's her real natural traits. third, she isn't the type that could express herself easily like a maknae or choding. she gets awkward when she has to do skinship because she's just done it with people whom she is really really close to. she failed at aegyo either. but she could make funny, random jokes with her signature weird faces quite impressively. fourth, she is forgetful and quite clumsy. she is still trying to get over with this. fifth, she is stubborn, but she hold grudges truly well when she is having an argument. sixth, actually one of her biggest flaws is her insecurities or naiveness. she rarely showed this traits, though.

[ better than i know myself ]  as i said before, she trusted people too easily, and it sometimes could be her own boomerang, you could blamed her symphathicness for this. it makes her a gullible person. she easily cry or touched kind of person meaning that her heart deep down there is pure and innocent. her true personality is introverted. she hates having many friends and doesn't open up easily. she hates worrying people and often lied about her mood, conditions or time when she has problems. she is sensitive but never showed it. she doesn't want people to care about her because she hates the feeling. it makes her looked weak and she doesn't like it. anyway, she has good temper. it's a good trait especially because she has some hard to tell friend. she is obedient too, she never broke any rules in her life. she is down to earth, humble and modest. she often giving fan services, she often giving them her signatures, allowing them to take a picture, keep smiling and waving hands to the fans eventhough she is extremely tired and exhausted. no doubt she is known as the fan service queen. she is loyal and trustworthy with her friend. with all that she had, there is no reason why you can't fell in love with her.

[ overall ]  she came of as a calm, shy and composed person. she looked like an arrogant person at first but she will change your mind once she smiled and bowed when introduced herself shyly and with some nice attitude. inside, she is the type of person that caring and kind by being respectful, generous, obedient, honest (real straightforward and blunt) and a good listener, she treasured her beloved ones rather than herself. thinking about people she loved first is always on her top priority. she is humble and has a warm aura that makes you wants to be with her. deep down, she is uberly naive and sensitive, she is introverted (hard to open up her true self with people) and often felt that she is a burden to everyone, which is completely wrong, making she is really symphatethic, pessimist, quiet and actually needs friends that loved her and giving back the care that she has gave to people. when she is with her best friend, she'll become more cheerful and warm hearted. she open up more easily and will become her true self, telling them about her problems and become really different from the usual Taeyeon. she hates making people worried about her and will stay shut up, giving her best smile eventhough she constantly having a mood swings, she just can't show it to people. with all the traits that she had, Taeyeon is just real, really extraordinary.




  • Ribbon -- She has that for ribbons. mostly on the pink ones. she usually used it for headbands or simple accessories
  • Books -- Who wouldn't love books? reading books gave off the typical calming feeling. beside, it make you smarter and more sensitive
  • Fall -- It's so fascinating seeing the brownish leaves falling beautifully to the ground, and the breezy wind that always been her favorite reason to love fall
  • Ballad -- This genre of music is the best. No exception for this fact
  • Chocolate -- Belgium and Swiss chocolate is too good to resist. The taste of chocolate it's just delicious and sweet. Even the smell never failed to make her nose cringe
  • Bubblegum -- Chewy but tasty
  • Cappucinno -- She is an idol now, she drank this to keep her awake and the taster is not that bad. In fact, the aroma is fantastic and the taste it's cool
  • Teddy Bear -- She can't resist her love from them. She even has one huge teddy bear called Bonnie. She couldn't live without her Bonnie
  • Rillakuma -- She has a full collection of this thing, you named it
  • City Lights -- It's always been a beautiful night view for every single of us, right? Not to forget if Seoul has the best city lights in the world, or she said
  • Rain -- The idol is hot whether the rain itself is too charming. The sound is unique
  • Camera -- She isn't fond with selcas but she loves camera or more like clicking the "snap" button would be the better definition



  • Stilettos -- It's hurting her feet. This type of high heels are so gross and painful to wear. Many people suffered with wearing it, but not with her
  • Cucumber -- She allergic to it. and she doesn't even know the reason why. Her face turned to bright red if she eats this
  • Chucky -- It's terrifying. She is over it
  • Mathematics -- It's never been 8 on her report. It's her weak subject and she doesn't like this subject either. She can't do Math for God sake
  • Betrayal -- No. Don't even think about it. Being betrayed could be the worst feeling on earth and she has experienced it. No need for second time for this
  • Cigarette(s) -- Smoke and Cigar. They both related and the simple fact that you could die because of this is one on her main reason why she dislike it
  • Junk Food -- She has to maintain her body and eating junk food is always a no. It's clearly unhealthy
  • Neon Colours -- The colours reminds her of Elvis Presley and Stevie Wonder era. Beside, 70's era is definitely not her style
  • Alcohol -- Alcoholic beverages? Not a fan. She can stand wine since she loves wines but it's a different case with the others
  • Being Sick -- No! She wants to keep healthy. Being sick and she hates the feeling of it
  • Waking Up Late -- She is an early bird, she almost never wake up below 5 AM. She loves morning exercises and waking up late totally ruined her day
  • Glitter -- She thinks it's odd and too glamorous. Glamorous things is basically not on her dictionary because of her simple and chic taste on fashion


  • Walking
  • Stargazing 
  • Reading
  • Ice Skating
  • Riding Bike
  • Baking
  • Photography
  • Playing Piano
  • Shopping


  • when happy  cheering people up, help people, smile a lot
  • when sad  keep quiet, cry in her room, gloomy all day
  • when uninteresed  stared blankly on the floor, played with her pen
  • when nervous  chew bubblegum, stuttered with words, awkward situation
  • when bored  try to do aegyo, puffed her cheeks, hummed songs
  • when confused  ruffled her hair, rolled her eyes
  • when frustrated  scream and loud, extremely exercising and practicing
  • when angry  talked back, rude, her words became painful and scary
  • when excited  jumped everywhere, showed her wide grin
  • when laughing  covered , clapped her hands
  • when afraid  shouted, stay behind person closest to their back
  • when jealous  stalk them both, giving the un-ending list of important and unnecessary questions to her partner and the third wheel


  • Korean | Fluent  No need explanation for this. It's her mother tounge. Of course she can speak and communicate well with it. She sometimes forgot some hard korean words. Still, she speaks with strong dialect/accents eventhough she has lived in china for 3 years
  • Chinese | Conversational  Some slip ups here & there. That's it. Her experience of living alone there has gave her some good skill with her mandarin. She could speak them well, with a little cantonese and not so perfect writing. She is improving and learning fast
  • Japanese | Semi Fluent  Almost in the term of "perfect". She speaks well, she talked in this language everyday in home. She is half japanese and she has trained in japan before, she was going to debut there before her agency changed their mind
  • English | Basic  She knows enough to order food in a restaurant, going on restroom, asking for the right way when she get lost, etc. She understand some basic and important phrases that is really useful when you're going abroad. She could do basic introduction too. Her english isn't perfect, but it's a mandatory in school and even her agency. She once took a quick english course too


  • Sleeping | She can't sleep without the lights turn off
  • Right-Handed | It may looks normal for you but she is the only one in the family that is right handed. All members on her family is rather left-handed or ambixdetrous
  • Anemia| She has anemia and often fainted because of her ilness. She has to constantly eat pills. Her bloodtype is AB- anyway and she easily tired
  • Education | Currently studying at Seoul National University Of Arts [Post Modern Music Major]
  • Jobs | She is a former pianist, barista and model for cherryspoon and MV
  • Pet | She has one 3 years old siberian husky named Jewel
  • Fashion | She quite enjoy shopping and you could consider her as a good fashionista. Her fashion style is outstanding
  • Bruises | She has so many wounds due to her intensive training on SM Ent. but now she mostly covers it up with concealer and loose powder
  • Nail Arts | She has interested with them ever since [especially the 3D ones] and prefer to use and paint it herself
  • Entertainer | She admired and a fan of the national MC, Yoo Jae Suk
  • Jewelry | She is not a fan of them but she thinks sapphire, diamond and jewels is quite delighting
  • Flowers | She has a park full of flowers and other plants is her house, her favorite is red rose and lily
  • Training | She trained for 2 years on SM Ent. before transferred to FNC Music
  • Idol | It's an avid fan of Jason Mraz. She has full of his albums and poster placed in her room. She is a fan of Usher and Ne-Yo too
  • Car | She has one chevrolet camaro. Believe it or not and the fact that she bought it with her own money on trainee days is simply amazing
  • Role Model | Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi. Why? Because she wants to have a heart and an attitude like them, they're really inspiring
  • Ideal Type | She doesn't have one specifically. But she is crazily and extremely in love with korean famous actor: "Won Bin". She always answer him as her ideal type. She is his number one and loyal fan. Ever
  • Social Media | Her twitter username is @blackmoon90 [public acc.], @mynameisluna [private]. Her personal website is: http://www.thefemmefatale.co.kr/. Her official website is: http://www.callmeluna.fnc.com/. Her fanclub is: http://www.beautifulgenies.co.kr/. Her me2day is @diaryoftaeyeon. Her instagram is @sunnydays. She updated most on twitter and has a quite big fanbase, on her official fanclub or minihompy [naver/daum]
  • Watching Dramas | She has watched so many of them in her life, but her favorite is: "Endless Love"
  • Taking Selcas | She doesn't update her instagram frequently but she loves talking selcas with her family more than taking photos of herself alone. Yes, she feels ugly [weird, right?]
  • Career | She is an UN Goodwill Ambassador and UNICEF. She starred in some CF [mention 1: "Casio-G"], MBLAQ's Monalisa and Infinite's Paradise MV
  • Instruments | She could play Harmonica, Guitar, Violin, Flute and Piano. Not to mention if she is an expert on them all
  • Ring | She has this ring given from Minhyuk
  • Earrings | She has this earrings given from Jongin, she rarely put it off
  • Necklace | She has this necklace given from Eunhyuk and Donghae sunbae-nim for her 17th birthday
  • Boygroups | She is an ELF and a Cassiopeia secretly, she has slight crush on EunHae [Eunhyuk-Donghae] and Changmin [TVXQ]
  • Taekwondo | She received black belt on it, she learnt it for her self-protection and she is fairly good at it
  • Birthday | She has the same birthday with one of her close friend, a famous professional [senior] figure skater Kim Yuna
  • Religion | Roman Catholic
  • Name | She realized it. She has the exact same name with SNSD's Kim Taeyeon but that clearly coincindental eventhough many people said if her face is a mix of Hyoyeon and Taeyeon's
  • Favorites | Her favorite number is 89 and her favorite colour is wine
  • Face | People sometimes (or often) mistaken her as 17 years old girl because of her baby face, but she is actually has a "Bagel Girl" nickname
  • Talents | She could hit high notes perfectly [5 octaves], her wink [eyesmile], her eyes could trembling like an earthquake, her arms could spin 360 degrees and probably her fails aegyo [?]
  • Dreams | Be a famous, well known south korean female singer soloist, not only in her own country, but worldwide
  • Pre-debut Experience | She mostly composed her own songs [debut, title track, etc] and she wrote it herself too, with the help of her producer
  • Motto | "I'd rather bend than break"


 all the little things

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ulzzang  Hana of Cherrykoko

links  » more


back up ulzzang Ryn of Cherrykoko

LINKS  » more

height 160 cm

weight 45 kg


She is a fan with cardigan. She really loves blazer, any type of cardigan and outerwear. She likes hats and headbands, including clips and ribbon. She mostly wears it on formal occasion or casual wear. Cute necklace, badge, earrings, ring and most importantly: bag. It's a must have item on her list. She wears scarf too on winter. She even buy and choose all of her accessories on her own; especially about her bag or purse. Why? Because fo her, bag is as important as clothes. She has a wide variety of bag, accessories and hats. Don't forget about legging. It's one of her signature items and she usually mix n' matching it with other clothes that she thinks will fit perfectly with her clothes.

Her make up is mostly consist on fondation, concealer, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. Nothing much. She'll use lip stick and blush-on but it's rarely used everyday. She's short sighted but rarely seen with her glasses. She prefer using brown or wine contact lenses than wearing big glasses. For her hair, she likes to let it down, leave it on a messy bunone or double ponytailcurlying or double braided it. She loves experimenting with her hair. It's a real luck because her hair is really loose, long and really easy to get done. For addition, she doesn't have any piercings unless the one she has on both of her ears. She hates and scared of getting piercings. It's the only piercings she had for God's sake.




  • Casual :


  • formaL :


  • training :


  • dorm 


  • Beach :


  • SHOES :



 don't over think just let it go

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[ the brand new happiness ] ↷ It's nearly fall (or exactly autumn), the leaves has fallen from it's big tree, sweeping off the road with their leaves and has turned their colours into beautiful reddish brown. It's on a beautiful island on South Korea, called Jeju, with everything that it has, making a pair of new beautiful family decided to live there. September 5. It's a good memories and dates for both of them. It's the day of their first and second daughter birth day. Yes, it's a day where Kim Taeyeon was born in the local hospital of Jeju-do. From now on, they knew Taeyeon would be a big person. It was the first day of happiness for both of Taeyeon parents. Furthermore, Kim Taeyeon is a very meaningful name. It means "The Great Beauty". It's a meaning that resembles Taeyeon the most, and they never knew if today, she'll be as successful as their wish.

my daughter has grown up ] ↷ Taeyeon childhood has been pretty normal. she didn't consider as the most popular girl, but living in a independent island in South Korea has made her life full of colours and free. She was a typical island girl, she loves going to the beach, hearing the beautiful voice of the wave, and it's not until eleven she finally knew if she has passion on music because she isn't excessively prominent at school. at her twelfth birthday, her father gifted her a guitar, and she started to learn and play guitar by herself. You'll often saw her at the beach, sitting on a rock while singing with her guitar, composing songs by herself. Her teenage life was amazing. She doesn't have many friends, one of them was Kang Jihyun, they've been together since elementary schools and has promised to pursued a music career someday. They both proved it some years later.

start of the new era ] ↷ At the age of 13, she decided to enter a school of arts. she got a scholarship to seoul, and thus, her family didn't agree at first. Seeing Taeyeon full determination of being an idol, they let her go to Seoul. Alone. No need a year for her to audition and got scouted by SM Ent. staff. On the year of 2003, she officially became a trainee. She survived the intensive training for 2 years, being friend with some other trainee there. She thought that SM Ent. it's not her style, and accepted the trainee offer to FNC Music. She isn't that smart, but she managed to get a job, graduated high school while living in FNC dorm, already signed a contract, with a little hope that she will debut anytime soon. She isn't that fond with dancing. She first wanted to be like the soloist BoA, but then, seeing her bad dancing, she changed her dream to become like Avril Lavigne instead.

my passion, my life, my love ] ↷ 5 years. She need five years to train and finally debut at the year 2008, under the stage name Luna. She is still young at that time (18 years old), she just graduated from an art school. Still, she has positive thinking that people would like her for everything that she prepared. She doesn't have much attention from public at first since it was the era of girl group, until people slowly realized her talents and thankfully, she has a quite large dedicated fanbase until now. Fans always love her consistency for music; she rarely change her concept and her personality never failed to delight fans. She started to become famous; there are some antis, but she doesn't paid attention to them and acted kind to everyone. Taeyeon; now known with Luna; still showing her humbleness to everyone and junior; giving every people in music industry an example of an awesome role model.


  • mother

Shin Haesun | 47 | Pianist | Warm, Patient, Mother-like, Diligent | Alive | Haesun is really warm-hearted and mother-like. Her mother-like personality always making Taeyeon comfortable being with her, and she loved to chat together, and Haesun will give Taeyeon advice or just try to brighten up/support Taeyeon. She is indeed a good mother, and she is like an angel and role-model for Taeyeon. Her smile is enough to make Taeyeon happy. Taeyeon is always extremely grateful having Haesun since they're really close and Haesun is a perfect mother for her.

  • father

Hiroto Takeda (Kim Daejeong) | 48 | Lawyer | Odd, Kind, Traditional, Wise | Alive | They interact naturally with each other. Daejeong cared a lot with Taeyeon, and he always do his best to make Taeyeon happy. He worked really hard for Taeyeon, proving how precious is Taeyeon for Daejeong. Daejeong is a kind person. Eventhough sometimes he doesn't know Taeyeon heart, he is a good father for Taeyeon and willing to give his shoulders and listening all of Taeyeon's problems. He is somehow very supportive to everything that Taeyeon's do.


​Kim Jongin | 18 | Idol | Stubborn, Hard Headed, Lazy, Confident | Alive | He is like the total opposite of Taeyeon. He acted overly y and he danced all the time. It's driving Taeyeon crazy. He couldn't stop blabbering, if he will become an idol too. They rarely met since they're on different agencies. But since Jongin has debuted, they keep in contact too. Jongin is sometimes could be too annoying; believe me, Taeyeon's tired of having a fight with him but actually, he is a good person.


  • FrienDs

Lee ​Donghae | 26 | Idol | Charming, Shy, Cute, Open-Minded | Alive | They kind of close with each other. Donghae is really, a good sunbae to Taeyeon He told and fixed Taeyeon mistakes in her trainee days. Even now, Donghae always there to see the progress of Taeyeon skills at her weaknesses point, that absolutely improving day by day. Now, her skills even looks more stunning. It looks more like a talent rather than her weak point, thanks to Donghae, that's just like her personal trainer or special sunbae for her. Still, Donghae, being as friendly as he is, they often chatted together too. Not just talking about performing, but the others too. Donghae is indeed a good friends to Taeyeon. But that's it. They're just being close friends. Taeyeon won't "upgraded" their relationships since she just thinks Donghae as a good sunbae for her. Beside, they have like... 4 years gap with each other. It's kind of impossible to date and now they're both idols right? Taeyeon is just a good dongsaeng for Donghae. No more than that.

Lee Hyukjae | 26 | Idol | Gullible, Funny, Flirty, Talkactive | Alive | We all know that Eunhyuk is extremelly gullible, funny and talkactive. He is really good at talking, and could make Taeyeon laughed so hard at his jokes. His gummy smile is really an undeniable charm. Especially for Taeyeon, just seeing Eunhyuk face could make Taeyeon mood become brighter. Eunhyuk is indeed the mood maker, just the same as Taeyeon, making they really "click" together. He is really kind too, he knew Taeyeon couldn't dance and rap very well, and thanks to his ability, because that two main points is her strong points, he likes and would be really pleased to teach Taeyeon. They loved chatting together too or just hanging out and eating in their both favorite restaurants. Eunhyuk is really a good sunbae for Taeyeon. They have a pretty good and stable relationship as a sunbae-hoobae with each other and keep in contact. They've been friends for 10 years now.

  • best friend

Choi Junhee | 19 | Soloist | Soft spoken, Sweet, Adorable, Childish | Alive | Juniel is a good friend for Taeyeon. They were both from the same agency and undergo training together, they were originally meant to debut together as a duo, but it's later replaced by them both debuting as a female soloist. They are really close with each other, mainly because they have the same common interest. They met each other everyday, and really close with each other. Juniel is a fun and kind person to be with, and it was Taeyeon first friend when she first going into FNC Entertainment. You could see them both hanging out together a lot, and doing some covers; whether it's international or not. They both have a good and unique voices and there are so many other things that make them both maintain a close relationship with each other.


 i know we only met but let's pretend it's love

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love interest

Kang Minhyuk | CN Blue | Immature, Caring, Calm, Friendly, Protective | She met him at FNC building, it kind of weird since them both from the same agency | They acted pretty much the same since they both a honest person. They kind of have an awkward relationship, which is actually funny because they saw each other every single day. They didn't show much skinships and interactions with each other. They really have a respect with each other and didn't talk much. Usually, on camera, Taeyeon or Minhyuk will try their best to melt the ice. They try to find a good topic, and increasing their chemistry with each other at first. It does sound awkward, but as time goes by, they'll become closer and their relationship will already become bigger at the time. What we have to do is just wait patiently since Taeyeon is a hard to open up person. It's a pretty much the same like Yonghwa - Seohyun on We Got Married | Tete/Taengoo  Minhyuk to Taeyeon, Min  Taeyeon to Minhyuk | Sunny or TaeMin Couple


Lee Hyukjae | Super Junior | Funny, Gullible, Crazy, Talkactive, Charismatic | She met him back them in SM Entertainment building, when Taeyeon first became a trainee there | They acted pretty much the same off and on camera since they are close friends and they have known each other for the exact 10 years. They are both comfortable with each other. They talked about random things, and they speak freelly with each other. They talked a lot and Eunhyuk is really funny too. He often told funny jokes but he could be romantic too towards Taeyeon and throws some skinships to her since their closeness is high | Myeolchi ㅡ Taeyeon to Eunhyuk, Star & Sky  Eunhyuk to Taeyeon | Smiley or Everyday Couple


 we only wanna have a laugh

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company FNC Ent.

how'd you GET In Audition [Undergo trainee change from SM Ent.]

how long DID YOU TRAIN 5 years 2 months

Boy or Girlgroup member/soloist/actress/actor Soloist

group N/A




  • Missing Child | 2008
  • Timeless [ft. Xiah Junsu] | 2008
  • You & I | 2009
  • Marshmallow | 2009
  • Good Day | 2010
  • Ice Flower [ft. Kim Yuna] | 2010
  • Don't Cry | 2011
  • Fool [ft. Jung Yonghwa | 2011
  • Bad Man | 2012
  • Only One | 2012
  • If You Want | 2013
  • Peach | 2013


  • [KBS] Dream High | As a keyboardist [2011]
  • [MBC] High Kick 3 | As Ahn Soojung [2012]
  • [SBS] To The Beautiful You | As a student [2012]


  • Plastic Surgery [2008] | Taeyeon has received plastic surgery for her mono eyelid and tooth laminated before her major debut on Korea ㅡ True
  • Car Accident [2009] | Taeyeon has involved on a big car accident in Gangnam District on 11pm because of her sleepy manager and caused her to have a lung surgery and vocal cords surgery that have a big risk for her future music career, she has 30% possibilities of success on the surgery ㅡ True
  • Relationship [2010] | There is a photo of someone look a like to Taeyeon kissing one of Super Junior's member named Donghae ㅡ False
  • Dating [2011] | There are pre-debut photos leaked and posted on the online community forum of Taeyeon and Sungmin of Super Junior posing together cutely at the camera. It proved later if they are just close friends when Taeyeon still being a SM Ent. trainee ㅡ False
  • Plagiarism [2012] | One of Taeyeon going-to-be debut song back in 2007 called "Timeless" has a similar note with one of the famous hollywood singer Kelly Clarkson. She has the legal cover of this. In the end, Taeyeon debut date was being pushed back and she debuted one year later, on 2008 ㅡ False

PERSONA The Femme Fatale

Fanclub Genie(s) |   #cc6699  



 don't wanna say goodbye

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Comments Finally finished! I spent 3 whole days spending my precious time to fill up this application. Sorry for tweaking the application a bit, I hope it's okay for you. Anyway, you didn't add the almighty kpop legend "TVXQ" in the masterlist? And JYJ too. It's saddening T.T. Oh, and I truly worked hard for this, I swear. I hope you could appreciated my hard work and sorry if there are some parts that confusing to you, english isn't my first language and of course, I try my best to fill up this application. I hope I could get chosen because this apply story seems really fun and good. But I'm not sure myself if this application would satisfying enough to make you choose me either. I /sobbing in the corner

suggestions Nothing :)

scene requests

  • Taeyeon and her partner having a duet
  • Her partner or Taeyeon became jealous of something
  • Taeyeon and her partner wear couple ring
  • Taeyeon teaching her partner how to play instrument and the partner too
  • Taeyeon went to haunted house and got scared
  • Taeyeon and her partner having a sweet romantic date
  • Taeyeon ate ice cream together with her partner
  • Taeyeon having a night talk with her dating or set-up partner and started to get closer with each other since then

Password Super Junior KRY - Promise You




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