Leonor Rivera

Leonor Rivera. Leonor Rivera Kipping (11 April 1867 – 28 August 1893)[1] was the childhood sweetheart, and “lover by correspondence”[2] of Philippine national hero José Rizal. Rivera was the “greatest influence” in preventing Rizal from falling in love with other women while Rizal was traveling outside the Philippines.[3] Rivera's romantic relationship with Rizal lasted for eight years.[4] She was immortalized by Rizal as the character María Clara in the Spanish-language novel Noli Me Tangere.[2] Her original hometown is in Camiling, Tarlac.

Rivera, a native of Camiling, Tarlac, was the daughter of Antonio Rivera and Silvestra Bauzon.[1] Her father (whom Rizal calls "Uncle Antonio" in his letters) is a cousin of Rizal's father, Francisco Mercado.[5]Austin Coates, Rizal’s European biographer, described Rivera in Rizal: Philippine Nationalist and Martyr as a “pretty woman” whose physical features included having a “high forehead”, “soft and wavy hair”, a face that supported “almond eyes”, “small and pensive mouth”, and “engaging dimples”. Furthermore, Rivera was a talented, mature, and intelligent lady who played the piano[2][6] and was gifted with a “charming singing voice”.[2] Rivera studied at La Concordia College in Manila.[6]

Leonor Rivera and Rizal first met in Manila when Rivera was only 13 years old. When Rizal left for Europe on May 3, 1882, Rivera was 15 years of age. Their correspondence began when Rizal left a poem for Rivera saying farewell. Their letters to each other slowly became romantic. The correspondence between Rivera and Rizal kept Rizal focused on his studies in Europe.

Rivera met Henry Kipping, the British engineer, at Doña Carmen Villamil’s house. Villamil was a former classmate at La Concordia College in Manila. 

Leonor Rivera died on 28 August 1893 from complications of childbirth, shortly after the birth to her second child with Kipping.[1]    


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