Read this please!

Okay so I made some randomly and I need someone to tell me how it is. So that I can decide whether I want to start this story! You ready? Here goes nothing!





Her wavy long hair was silken ebony strands
Her wide wings soft as baby's skin
Her skin porcelain perfection
Her dress white and silver like the stars and moon she sat on.
She looked upon the world with interest, her eyes squinting to see more detail. 
This beautiful woman was the one to start 700 years of wars of magic across every known land.
Beauty, can be used as an armor and a weapon. But, it can also be a curse. It all depends on how well you manipulate the people around you with it.
General North Star lightly knocked in the tall doors of the Moon Throne Hall. "Come in, my precious." She mumbled and smiled genially upon the General who walked in. 
He bowed deeply and saluted his goddess. "M'lady I have returned from my quest. And I have brought back to object of your desire." He spoke with his deep voice.
"You have done well, Seunghyun. You deserve the name of my North Star." She flapped her beautiful wings to land on the marble floor of the hall in front of General North Star, her crystal slippers softly clicking on the surface.
She manifested her moon magic and created a new shining star of the night. The shining star attached itself to Seunghyun's uniform and twinkled. "Your quest object, my dear." She chuckled at Seunghyun's reaction to his new star. 
Seunghyun shook his head. "Yes M'lady." He dug out a silver bag and opened it to reveal the Queen of the Milky Way trapped in a moonstone.
The Queen was but a mere fairy, nothing bigger than her palm. She laughed and put the moonstone with her others. The King of Jupiter, Goddess of Saturn and others. She frowned at the last empty space. EXO planet. Troublesome they were.
A hologram of the Moon Godess' sister, Queen Willow appeared. "Sister! I have conquered the lands of Earth!" The fae queen of trees exclaimed with a large grin plastered to her beautiful face.
Her sister's chestnut hair floated around her body, twisting around her waist. Her green chiffon dress eccentuating her perfect figure. Her laughter echoed like a melody.
"That's great news, Willow!" Selene smiled and waved a hand to dismiss Seunghyun. He bowed and retreated. "Dear sister, how is Oak and my little nephew?"
Willow's grin stayed plastered to her face and perhaps grew a little bigger with the mention of her son. "Oak and Pine are fine. My kingdoms are flourishing! I owe this to you! Anything I can aid you with?"
Willow smiled at Selene and her wings flapped mildly. "Yes sister. I haven't gained ANY control on EXO planet!" Selene frowned in annoyance, her ebony hair in thought.


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Omg that looks soo cool!!