This is not the reality I wanted.

So, first of all, a couple weeks ago, my doctor told me to stop dancing for 4-6 weeks. I've been doing pretty well so far...I've only danced like once or twice...okay...maybe more than that...but you can't just tell a dancer not to dance!

And now, I'm losing my voice really bad, and my doctor says that I might have something on my vocal chords (she's not sure), so I have to stop singing for at least a couple of months.


Take away my voice and you might as well take away my life. /sobs forever


Another thing bugging me, is the way people look at me.

DAFUQ did I do to you? , please. I'm better than you, and you know it.

But look at me like that again, and I'mma slap a hoe.

Seriously, I will kill everything you love.

....Okay. I'm not that terrible.

But seriously, I've been a majorly pissed off, antisocial person lately.

Mainly because I don't see the point in trying with people who don't give a to try with me.

If you don't want to put out the effort to be my friend, then why should I put out the effort to be yours?

Just stating the truth here.

Well, now that my life is , and I hate myself even more, what do I do with my life? I can't dance or sing, and my mind is too dead to write. OTL

Gonna go eat ramen and pudding like the fat kid I am. #fatpeopleproblems


Yeah....kbai now. <3


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I feel bad for you not being able to go the things that you love the most

I'm not trying to sound like a ____ believe me I'm not