Give up?

I like this guy ALOT. LIKE ALOOOT!~

I was getting ready to confess to him since my best friend said that he liked me. UNTIL ONE DAY my best friend told me that he just got a girlfriend.

My best friend said that they're not gonna last long. But they've been dating for more than a month. But..they arent really acting like they are in a relationship. They're not even talking or looking at each other. They just both have a title as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Should I give up and move on? Or should I bear this and wait??


sorry for the venting...just need advice :'(


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hmmm.... if you give up, will you regret ?
if you answer "yes", so dont give up on him
if you say "no",....
hm, I think you should wait because if the way they interact is like that then maybe that they just have titles. That's what happened with me and my friend, she had the title of being the girlfriend of the guy I like and they broke up like in the width-span of a week. Try and talk to him, create conversation and like ask about his relationship. I think that it'll just hurt you more trying to get over a guy than to see him with someone else. Hope your problem will resolve soon :)