draco dormiens || Yang Seri


     ( hoyaddict )   ||   ( 4 )   ||   ( Lolly )     


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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Korean: Yang Seri

dob + age || 01/05/95 + 17. 
place of birth || Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
hometown || Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
languages || English&Korean


idol || Sunny- Girls' Generation

pictures || 1 2 3 4 5

back-up idol || Hyosung- Secret

pictures || 1 2 3 4 5

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where you ought to be.

personality || 

Eyes can tell you everything about a person. Seri's eyes, however, have the tendancy to turn upwards into crescent moons as soon as her lips twitch into a smile. She's reasonably easygoing and carefree, and she'd definitely follow her heart over her head. Unfortunately, Seri wishes she could please everybody, being blood type A she longs for peace, harmony and happiness. This has caused her to be a little too forgiving and wants to see the good in everybody except voldemort and maybe learn to stop at second chances. 

Intelligence doesn't come to everybody and unfortunately Seri is everybody. What she doesn't lack is common sense and perseverence. Her determination and faith in herself, however, still causes her to be a little modest and insecure of her own abilities, despite this she tries hard with everything she does, school, love, friendship.
The best way to describe her would be warm and her smile is mostly infectious and a telltale sign to her heart which is worn a little too close to her sleeve. She hates her own naivety as it does nothing to help her insecurities. Seri is fair and likes to sit on the fence. She shys away from confrontation and doesn't consider herself competitve, prefering to take the impartial route when conflict arrives. Her diplomacy, however, is left firmly outside the Quidditch grounds which is the only thing that gets her really riled. Healthy sportsmanship, she calls it, but those on the receiving end of her sailor's mouth may not agree if she's not pleased with the final score. It's fortunuate she's small enough to be carried away.
Seri's mind has the liability to wander a little... Meaning she's quite the daydreamer. Sometimes she needs nothing more than a clip upside the head to bring her back down to reality. Her cheerful and friendly demeanor doesn't often faulter. She will never give up fighting for something she believes in and she will speak up for what is right. Injustice is something that she will never accept. 


history || 

She had nothing to complain about; growing up in Seoul, practically attached to her brother's hip for the first ten years of their life, and trying her best in school. Albeit, not always with her preferred outcome but she always did her best. Like any young person, her curiosity was off the scale and it often found her getting into more harm than good. Growing up, the most important person in her life was her brother and she was positive nothing would ever change that.

likes || 

» Berty Botts every flavoured beans... Sometimes. 
» Her broom- a Comet 290 which she got for her 16th birthday to replace her  Comet 180.
» The journey to Hogwarts on the Hogwarts Express.
» The colour Yellow.
» Wizarding Fairy Tales.

dislikes || 

» Filch- he gives her the creeps.
» Tea- the tea leaves and their so called divination meanings make her shiver.
» History of Magic- she was beyond pleased to drop that class after 5th year.
» Puffskeins- their tongues freak her out.
» Yoon Doojoon.
» Exams.

hobbies ||

» Quidditch- her favourite passtime.
» Her and her friends have invented a charming game of hide&seek. Seeker has to hex or charm the ones they find, they have a list of playful spells to use and play this most weekends.
» Games that involve the wagering of dares just for fun.
» Pranking her brother. They've had a pranking war that's been running for a long time.

habits || 

» Talking to her cat as if he were a person who could actually understand.
» Getting a little too competitive watching or participating in Quidditch matches.
» Insisiting on group studying which aids her distraction.
» Getting out of bed during lights-out and using the secret passages to pass through the castle- after waking someone to go with her of course. 

trivia || 

» She's not a massive fan of the dark. Going anywhere near the forbidden forest would be her nightmare
» Her dream job would be a Quidditch Referee if she wasn't able to play professionally (which doesn't look likely.)
» Her Cat once ate Yoseob's pet rat- she doesn't think he's forgiven her yet for that. He turned Little Prince purple for an entire week.
» She'll buy chocolate frogs to eat the chocolate and give her brother the card.
» When they were in 5th year, Jooyeon, Yoseob, Hoya and herself all made a deal to visit the Shrieking Shack one winter evening and she was so frightened she screamed whilst holding onto Hoya for dear life- both of them were mortified and nobody mentions this again unless they want to answer to Seri's wand.
» She has an irrational fear of travelling by floo powder and apparation- she's heard too many horror stories.
» Her wand is made of Hawthorn Wood with a Unicorn Hair core.
» Her favourite Quidditch Team are the Toyohashi Tengu (Japan).


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we never left.

family members || 

father || Yang Seungwoo | 49 | Metal Charmer | 4 | He is knowledgable and very wise. He has a lot of faith in his children and just wants the best for them. He's a proud man and would fight for his family.
mother || Yang Yeojin | 45 | Metal Charmer | 4 | She likes to look her best as she claims having twins has aged her horribly. She's a hardworker and thinks on the bright side of everything but she worries too much about her children.

» To the muggle world, and to their children before they knew of their magical abilities, Seungwoo and Yeojin are jewellers- they stock and sell muggle jewellry. But behind the scenes they are metal charmers, using intricate charms and spells to give metal magical properties. Their personal speciality and what they are known for are Golden Snitches.
siblings || Yang Yoseob(BEAST) | 17 | Student at Hogwarts | 5 | He's fair and utterly loyal, especially to his sister, not that he openly admits it anymore. He recognises right and wrong but is less likely to stand up for what he believes in, instead he'd polish the soap box for his sister, his voice was often drowned out by hers, anyway. Secretly, he knows he wouldn't change it.
Yoseob and Seri are twins, fraternal, but still bare a spine tingling likeness when it comes to their personalities despite the growing number of differences as they get older. They were delighted to both be sorted into Hufflepuff, their relationship still remains strong but they are regretably not as close as they once were.
pets || A cat. He's white and named 'Prince Lune' or 'Little Prince' Seri has slipped into the habit of just calling him 'Little' over the years.

friends || 

» Jooyeon(After School) | 6thyear | Ravenclaw | 4 | She definitely outwits Seri and has a hearty sense of humour but is a little more introverted than her. She worries a lot about her academic ability and is on the shy side. Seri brings out her exuberant side, they've been long-term friends since the first year, despite being in different houses.
» Hoya(Infinite) | 6thyear | Gryffindor | 4 | He's a little quiet but when he does say things people understand why his uniform is red&gold. He has high morals and his opinions, especially those regarding the wrong in the wizarding world, are strong and gutsy. He would never back down in a fight and he's particularly protective of Seri and her ability to get herself into trouble.
» Park Sojin(Girl's Day) | 7thyear | Hufflepuff | 3 | Seri thinks shes's going to be the mother theresa of the wizarding world, she's motherly, protective and has a lot of faith in human kind. She doesn't agree with violence and has a silly side to her. 

rivals || 

» Doojoon(BEAST) | 7thyear | Slytherin | 3 | He's cocky, arrogant, and ignorant to others around him. He knows he's good looking and he knows he's rich. Seri has pointed out, maybe a little too loudly, that he doesn't have smarts, and she gets more and more irritated when she sees him walk past like he owns the ground he walks on. If she weren't so self restrained or restrained by Hoya&Jooyeon she'd challenge that big-headed-slytherin to a duel! She'd probably lose, because duelling isn't her strong point, but she'd lose knowing she fought for her own beliefs.

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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || Lay(exo-m) | Gryffindor
back-up love interest || Chunji(teentop) | Gryffindor
personality || He's a little reckless and nearly always has a smile plastered on his face. Sometimes appears he has a short fuse and can snap when he get's too competitive. And competitive he gets. He really hates to lose and doesn't like to be made a fool of and is willing to prove his worth, manliness and place in Gryffindor. He has a daring side in that he loves a challenge and won't back down from one, no matter how dangerous or plain stupid it seems. He duels well and does it with style which is something he clearly knows. His confidence is a little much and he has nerve but something about is awfully charming.

first impression || At first he was just that attractive guy in the year above her, then he was that cocky attractive guy in the year above her and each time she saw him or even heard him talk he was that charming, cocky and attractive guy who made her heart beat a little bit faster in her chest. 
behavior ||
» Seri hadn't even heard him speak let alone to her when she felt her heartstrings tug a little just by hearing rumours and seeing him walk by. She never once made an attempt to know him, not with countless eyes on him already. Plus what would a Gryffindor like him want with a Hufflepuff like her? 
» The first time she made his chest thump was when he saw how passionate and competetive she became during a Quidditch match between their two houses. Hufflepuffs do have an intense rivalvry with Gryffindors in Quidditch, after all. Even with her hair all over the place and dirt on her cheeks, his breath caught in his throat a little and he couldn't look at her the same. 
» He made attempts to talk to her, he really tried, but for the first time in his life he became tongue tied. It mortified him. All he wanted to do was impress her. Seri on the other hand was a lot calmer than she had pictured herself being with him talking to her. 

scene requests || 
» For her to be on her way back to bed after sneaking out after lightsout and she sees Filch coming towards her. Her love interest grabs her with a hand over and pulls her out of the way.
» He tries to impress her during Quidditch practice and ends up with a beater to the stomach. 

» He offers to help her study, they're sitting outside and he's looking at her, not the book and Seri doesn't even notice him lean in to try to kiss her but Yoseob does and is quick to knock him to the floor with a strong disarming charm.
» She's practicing/playing around with hexes and curses with her friends and somebody ducks hitting him instead.
ending || Though her first priority is making sure her brother is unharmed, he refuses to leave Seri out of his sight and despite the danger lying around every corner he makes sure to have his hand firmly in his and is quick to push her behind him. 

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dumbledore's army.



sixth years || 

core classes || 

» Flying
» Charms
» Potions
» Herbology

electives || 

» Apparation
» Care of Magical Creatures



unforgivables || 

» The Crutiatus Curse | Crucio
» The Imperius Curse | Imperio
» The Killing Curse | Avada Kedavra

incantations || 

tickling charm || Rictusempra
summoning charm || Accio
levitation charm || Wingardium Leviosa
jelly-legs curse || Locomotor Wibbly
water-making spell || Aguamenti
fire-making spell || Incendio
disarming charm || Expelliarmus 

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.

 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || For anybody to stand up for what's right and putting themselves in such danger, repeatedly deserves that amount of fame and respect. He's smart too. 
what do you think of the slytherins? || They... They think they own the place. Sure, they have a lot of dark wizards but how is that a good thing? I'd kind of like to teach them all a lesson or just... pull a face when they weren't looking.
if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || That's like asking me to choose between my arms and my legs! I have friends in both houses, can't I sacrifice myself to save them both, instead? That seems fair, right?

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || Is it a normal flame? Because if it's a phoenix flame then the phoenix had to be there to make the flame to come out of again...Surely. But if it's a normal flame then I guess a phoenix just suddenly appeared out of it. Wait, which did come first?
what do you think of the gryffindors? || They have nearly all the super famous people. They're all pretty brave, too, sometimes too brave, like, almost-dying-brave. I guess it makes them the best house, but not when it comes to Quidditch. They can sit nicely in second!
knowledge is... || Something you get more of when you get older.

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || Being liked is what everyone wants but... If I'm praised then I feel like I've at least succeeded at something.
what do you think about hogwarts? || Hogwarts is my home, my family, my school and my life- all rolled into one!
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || My friends would understand if I betrayed them in order to keep my family safe. Nobody would come between us.

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || To get so power hungry to the point of losing your nose is a bit extreme. But don't tell him I said that. He's smart, really smart- he's achieved a lot, but it's a shame he hasn't achieved anything good. He has no heart, soul or reason to live having done so much wrong.
what do you think of the gryffindors? || [this was already answered?]
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || I'd do my best to get them to reconsider... They can't possibly join voldemort unless they were under the imperius curse they wouldn't do that and I certainly wouldn't.


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you have your mother's eyes.

questions || I hope you don't mind but I added the Quidditch template below to save more links & posts! I also hope that everything is filled in correctly and if you think she fits Hufflepuff?^^

comments || I had way too much fun filling this out and I watched some of the movies and looked stuff up before I filled it in I hope it seems as authentic as I wanted it to be T_T I wanted her to be realistic. I also don't have any preferences over love interests^^
scene requests || 

» A quidditch match! 
» Seri to confront Doojoon and end up in a duel but somebody steps in front of her and duels for her instead.
» For her parents to send her a specially made Snitch after she does well.
how many horcruxes? || VII
hogwarts motto? || never tickle a sleeping dragon

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character || Seri, Yang

house || Hufflepuff
year || 6th
position || Beater

questions || It's not a question as much as a request! (if a little cheeky, hehe) I was hoping that if I was lucky enough to be accepted for her and Yoseob to be beaters for Hufflepuff. I love the idea of twins being on the same Quidditch team and in even in the same position. Since they're not as close as they used to be it would be kind of sweet for them to still remain close when playing Quidditch.




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glowbug #1

oh, and it's perfectly fine that quidditch is there. ouo i'd prefer that actually.