first post!

i almost forgot that there was a blog feature on this website LOL... maybe i'll use it when i need to rant or something like that. or if i start complaining about how hard it is to write a story.

i feel so bad because "where we left off" is a fic i really like. i was happy when i thought of the plot, but it's just taking me FOREVER to figure out how to word some things and then i end up updating weeks later than i should have updated it and i feel really bad :c i have  a lot of things planned out for it, and i want to make it at least ten chapters! and i try and keep my chapters at around 1k words when i upload them so, idk, 10k words aren't that much, right? 

i think that's why i prefer to write oneshots instead of huge stories. 

i think i update way too slowly to write a full story, and keep everyone who's interested satisfied and stuff ;;

i really am a bad author sigh

i'm starting to write chapter four now, but i'm torn between what i want to happen in the bedroom with yongguk, haha. 

oh well.

what happens, happens, i guess!


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Haha, I'd have to say that I'm the opposite of you^^
I prefer writing long stories as opposed to one shots, I don't exactly know why either...I guess I see too many details inside my head.

Hmm, as a writer...I would just say, write something that makes YOU happy.

You're writing your words, your feelings and thoughts through the character in the story.

So don't entirely focus on making your readers happy :) You're the first person to read the chapter as you proofread when you're done.

If it helps, write out your story plot on a piece of paper or somewhere in your computer. Once you have that, think of the ending and then think about the things that you want them to go through.

I don't know if working backwards works for you but it's worth a shot :)

All the best in writing ~

*Honestly I was surprised when I read your story XD because it was similar to my story "I remember you" but its really different at the same time~ do check it out when you're free :)*