( the ice cream shack ☄ ) » Ahn Hyerin

The Ice Cream Shack ☄



Applicant Info.

Username → k-rst-n

Nickname → just call me Kirston


Basic Info.

Name → Ahn Hyerin

Nickname → Rin; all of her close friends and family call her this. It's just a shortened version of her name.

Slow-Rin; she's not the smartest person out there, and is often called 'slow' by her friends, thus the nickname.

Age → 18

Birthday → 02/26/95

Height → 165cm

Weight → Athletic



Ulzzang → Park Hwan Hui (Hana)

Photos → 1 2 3 4 5

Backup ulzzang → Jung Min Hee

Photos → 1 2 3 4 


Appearance → She usually keeps her hair a shade of brown that goes down mid back. The brown is either light or dark, considering whether or not she's been in the sun a lot. She always shows up pale in pictures for some reason, but she's actually pretty tan, since she's always running around under the sun. Her bangs are almost always braided, as it's her favorite hairstyle, and depending on what she feels like, the rest of her hair will be down or in a braid of it's own. She doesn't like to paint her nails (because she can never do it by herself without messing up) so her toes make up for that, and thus they're always a bright color.

Style → Shorts and sandals are her friends. As are sunglasses. But since she also likes to be a little feminine and girly every now and then, she'll wear some comfortable dresses, none that are too tight or uncomfortable, though, since she is at the beach. Her favorite bathing suit is her pink and white floral bikini, and she wears it most often. She also has a few more, like her neon flowered one and her red and white striped bikini. As you can see, she likes a lot of floral prints. When she knows she'll be swimming that day, she'll put her hair up in a braided bun.


Description → Hyerin is very childish. Not really in a sense that she acts like a little kid, but more like she can never be serious and can never concentrate on one thing. She jokes that she might have mild ADHD, which isn't entirely impossible. She's the type of person who can go from talking about how hot it is one second to suddenly asking what your favorite color is the next. She can never keep on one subject or topic for long, or she'll get bored and zone out. She can never keep a straight face for long and is known as the girl with the long list of jokes always on hand. Hyerin is the type of person that loves to have fun and is really laid back. She never follows rules and is always urging others to go along with her crazy plans. She's always on one adventure or another, and tends to drag people along with her.

Hyerin is a super competitive person. Everything she does, she likes to turn it into a contest, even if it's something as simple as who can eat the fastest. Her favorite thing to say is "Competitions are meant to be won. By me, of course." She will literally do anything to win, no matter what, and cheating isn't beneath her (but only if it's or a friendly bet between her close friends, if it's for something serious, she definitely won't cheat). She hates losing more than anything, but she hates being in second even more. She'd rather be dead last the second place. She says "it's because if you were dead last, you know you were screwed from the beginning, but if you were second, you know someone was just barely better than you." Since she is also an athlete and loves sports, sports competitions are her favorite kinds. Hyerin can often times go over board with her competitiveness though. She can get quite dramatic about it, especially if she loses. If she was on a team competition, she'll be the teammate on the sideline yelling and screaming for her members to hurry up and do what they need to do to win. Everything is a contest to Hyerin. Well, everything except school.

Speaking about school, Hyerin did not do very well in her classes. Being smart is just not her thing. There's a stereotype that Asians are smart, but Hyerin is here to prove that false, one wrong math problem at a time. Math is especially not her forte. She at it (and that's probably why she's not allowed be anywhere near the cash register at the ice cream shack). She once confidentially yelled out that 3 x 1 was 4 without thinking. And that's probably her problem; she doesn't think before speaking. But even if she did, she would probably still think the answer was 4. She is often times heard saying and doing the most idiotic things. She is also considered 'slow' by her friends, thus the nickname 'Slow-Rin'. She doesn't like to go to school, and that's why she is still not sure if she's going to ever go to college.

Likes →

  • winning contests/competitions/bets
  • lame jokes and corny pick up lines
  • people who are willing to follow along with her crazy plans
  • ice cream
  • being outside in the sunshine
  • sports, especially soccer and beach volleyball
  • being different and standing out from her siblings
  • shorts and sandals
  • braiding her hair
  • floral prints
  • bright colors

Dislikes →

  • people who are too strict/not fun enough
  • rules
  • losing and/or being in second place
  • school, especially math
  • being stuck inside
  • the rain
  • heels
  • dull colors
  • being the youngest

Hobbies →

  • sports and competitions
  • fashion

Trivia →

  • her favorite color is yellow
  • she tells jokes when she's nervous
  • when she's sad, she'll get a big tub of Rainbow Sherbet ice cream and eat it
  • she can her elbow
  • even though she doesn't like the type, she can hold a grudge for a very long time
  • sometimes when she says something really stupid, people'll think she's joking, but most of the time she isn't

Favorite ice cream flavor → Hyerin's favorite flavor is Rainbow Sherbet. She loves how colorful it is, and it reminds her of her family, since they are such bright and fun people. She also likes how fun it is to eat, since she likes to eat one color at a time. 



Biography → Hyerin is the youngest in her household. She has two older siblings, a brother named Ahn Jaejin, and a sister (who's the oldest of the three) named Ahn Aerin. Since Hyerin was the youngest, she was always treated like a child, no matter how old she was (she still is, even though she's now 18).  Hyerin's family has never been the wealthiest family, nor have they ever been extremely poor. But they make just enough to survive and afford a few nice things. But since Hyerin is the youngest, she's sort of spoiled and a lot of money is given to her. She doesn't really realize that her parents work really hard to be able to put food on the table. As a kid, Hyerin was always scolded for spending money on the most useless things, but that never stopped her from continuing to spend it on things like Hello Kitty stationeries and her parents never really went through with their promises to stop giving her money either. 

Just before the summer started, Hyerin finally graduated high school, although barely. Her parents never put much emphasis on school when she was growing up, and as a result, she was never a good student. Her two older siblings were great at school though, and were always top of their class, while Hyerin was the girl that barely scraped by. She was over looked as the youngest sibling, and so she had to try to be different, which is why she was always the one that joked around a lot. She wanted to be independent from her siblings be stand out, so while they were number one in school, she was the class clown. And while they were in their rooms studying, she was outside playing soccer or kickball.

Lifestyle → She is sort of poor, wealth wise. She makes money, and her parents sometimes send her money (when they have extra to spare), but she blows it all on clothes and other useless junk. She lives in an apartment building really close to the beach, so she walks there everyday. Her apartment is nothing to brag about, it's a small studio apartment, since it's the only one she could afford.

Education → Hyerin has graduated high school, but has no plans to go to college or university anytime soon. She doesn't know yet if  she won't go or if she's just going to take a year off.

Job application → Hyerin wanted something to do over the summer, and what better to fill that than a summer job. And one at an ice cream shop at that? She wanted to be able to make her own money so she can spend it on things without her parents always scolding her. It's also the first year her parents trust her enough to let her have have a job, as she was always deemed too irresponsible and not serious enough. And since she finally turned 18, she was allowed to move out and into her own place. The Ice Cream Shack being on a beach is a big plus for her. She loves to be outside and have the sun beating down on her, and the beach is the perfect place for that. She's not allowed near the cash register though, for obvious reasons.


Love Lines

Love interest → Byun Baekhyun

Age → 19

Education → University

Personality → Baekhyun is an extremely sweet guy. He treats every girl like a princess and is extremely romantic. Even though he's a really sweet guy, he's also a major flirt. Being sweet is part of his charm. He's a really outgoing guy, and makes friends really easily. He doesn't really like ice cream that much, and he only visits the shack because he wants to talk to the girls. He is always happy and nothing can bring him down. He can sing really well and isn't afraid to show it off. Baekhyun's smile can melt even the sun, and he's always flashing it to people. He doesn't even know how much that affects people.

Relationship → They flirt way too much, not that they mind. Hyerin doesn't know if he's just play flirting or actually being serious, but she doesn't really care and flirts right back. She loves getting treated like a princess by him and he loves the attention he gets from her. She loves to hear his voice and is always making him sing to her. He likes that she isn't afraid to be herself. She likes his melting smiling and the way he treats her like a princess.


Backup love interest → Kim Minseok {Xiumin}

Age → 20

Education → University

Personality → Xiumin is a little shy. He doesn't talk unless he needs to, and would never step out of line. He's the type to follow rules and makes sure he's always doing what he's supposed to. He can be a little awkward, especially around girls, but around his friends he's a little better. He talks more when he's with friends, but once you introduce someone new to the group, he'll shut up immediately and not say a word unless a question was directed at him.

Relationship → Xiumin is a little awkward around Hyerin, but Hyerin finds it endearing. She thinks he's the most adorable thing to have ever lived and is always showing him one type of affection or another, even if it does make him feel awkward. He doesn't exactly know what he thinks of her or what she thinks of him, so he doesn't know how to take her less than subtle hints and flirting. Xiumin is shy around her and doesn't talk much. Hyerin loves to talk to him, though, and he's just as willing to listen to her. She's fine with doing all the talking, and just likes that he's there to listen.


Comments → I hope I did everything alright. And if my personality is too long (since you said you liked shorter ones) I'll be glad to shorten it. And if the love interests' personalities are too alike, I can change it up a bit. But, um, other than that, good luck with the story!

Suggestions → A scene where they all have a major food/ice cream fight. Or bonfire on the beach. A beach party. Or what about something where they all have a competition on the beach and they team up (EXO vs the girls, or couple vs couple) and compete against each other (games could include racing, or swimming, building sand castles, who eats ice cream the fastest, etc.) A scene where Hyerin is being really dumb or something like that.


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