「The Secrets of Luminaria」┋ »Zhu Xiao Xing«

The Secrets of Luminaria

What is this place really?



Zhu Xiao Xing )


Welcome To The City

Username: Zero-Sanity

How active are you?: 8

Name/Nickname: Jay is fine~ 'Ello, Ree. c:


Allow Me To Take Off Your Coat

Full Name: Zhu Xiao Xing


  • Xing - just an abbreviation that some of her friends call her.
  • Mei mei - Little sister in Chinese. Her brother calls her this.

Age: 18

Birthdate: October 9, 2294

Ethnicity: Chinese


  • Chinese - fluent
  • Korean - conversational


You Look Rather Lovely

Ulzzang Name: Park Min Ju

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up Ulzzang: Yoo Hyun Jin

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Style DescriptionDespite her lack of self-confidence, Xiao Xing is very proud of her legs. She will not hesitate to show them off with shorts, skirts, dresses, or just a pair of skinny jeans. Yet its only her legs, and she would never wear a tight shirt. She loves wearing boots and converse with her outfit and will rarely wear anything else. (1 | 2 | 3 | 4)


Show Me Your Inner Light

Personality: Xiao Xing is a very emotional girl. She tends to hide her emotions under a poker face and an uncaring demeanor though. She is very patient and always acting mature. She tries to think things through before jumping into conclusions. Xing is very insecure and self concious about her outer appearance, and has a very low self esteem, getting easily discouraged. She doesn't talk very much and is always just going with the flow unless something irritates her.

She gets offended easily, and is just as easily impressed or pleased. She is anything but selfish, always thinking about others before thinking about herself. She is very persistent and a huge pessimist.  She is shy unless with her friends, where she will bluntly state her opinion with a blank face. She is a bit of an airhead and spaces out during the most important times, but she doesn't ever give up, making her a bit stubborn. She is very protective of her close friends and the people that are precious around her. 

Xing has a tendency of overreacting over the most stupidest things. She is very independent, careless, and clumsy. She can be lazy at times but she does things if she needs to. She is a good listener when her friend is in a bad situation and just wants someone to listen to them. Her silence can be comforting at those times. Xiao Xing doesn't pay much attention to the world around her and is always in her own little universe in her head. Especially when she's doing something that seems boring to her.

Background: Xiao Xing actually was a lot smarter than her classmates and some of her seniors. She always suspected that there was something people weren't telling her, and that there must've been something else besides the world she lived in. Of course, when she told her parents about this they deemed her as crazy. When she told her older brother, he just laughed it off as a silly joke a normal 10 year old would prank. In the end, she gave up trying to convince people that her thoughts were true. She slowly started to believe that her thoughts were just as crazy as her parents thought.

Xing was the type of kid to space out in class. She didn't do this because she was a bad student, but because it was too easy for her. She always had a passion for art. Music, literature, and paintings. She loved to draw, sing, write, and read. She knew she wanted to pursue a career as an entertainer in the future, yet her parents didn't like this for some reason. They always wanted for their daughter to become a lawyer just like them. Xing has always been rebellious towards her parents, so she never listened. She grew up to no attention for her, and all of it to her brother who was trying to become a doctor.

She was always being compared to him. Since Xing was always outcasted from her classmates, the only one she could depend on was her brother. The brother she always was compared to by everyone. Whenever her parents scolded her, her brother Jin would always come and support her even if she was at wrong. She depended on him for everything whenever she needed to rant or cry about something. Of course, she somehow made a friend around her later elemantary school years that finally wasn't one of her brother's. Her brother supported her throughout everything, and still would.


  • Animals
  • Music
  • Honesty
  • Sweets
  • Challenges


  • Illogical arguments
  • Being underestimated
  • Assumptions
  • non-stop whining
  • Crying children


  • Reading
  • Doing puzzles
  • Watching TV
  • Taking strolls


  • Covering when she laughs
  • Biting her hair
  • Cracking her knuckles


  • Being forgotten
  • Fire


  • Her name actually means little star in Chinese.
  • She has a pet ferret. (Feng) Her ferret's name means wind.
  • She has a blackhole for her stomach.


Aren't We Family?


Zhu Zhiqiang | 42 | Lawyer | Zhiqiang is strict, and very overprotective. He tends not to care about whatever other people may think of him or what they think of his actions. He's a go with the flow type of person. | He is very strict towards Xing and does not want her to chase her dream of becoming an entertainer. This is mostly the reason why they get into arguments despite the two both usually being calm and composed. | Alive


Li Suyun | 41 | Lawyer | Suyun is hot temepered and is very cautious about her image. She seems cold and uncaring towards some people, but she is very merciful towards her children and is very logical when it comes to reasoning. | Suyun gets along with Xing more than her husband and her daughter do. They have a relationship that is calm and collected, where she respects some of her decisions, yet disapproves of others. | Alive


Zhu Yijun | 20 | University Student | Older Brother | OC | Optimistic and friendly, Yijun is the type of person to easily make friends. He is the ideal type of older brother for everyone and some of Xing's classmates are jealous of this. He is very teasing and a joking type of person. | Xing is very close to her brother, and is always telling him everything. She is very dependent on him and if she left her, she'd probably break down into tears. He is always teasing her and making fun of her, but she never minds since she got used to it. | Alive

Other Relatives: --


Best Friends:

Jung Kyumi | 19 | University Student | Female | OC | Kyungmi is bright, optomistic, clever, and always very enthusiastic, no matter what she's doing. Kyungmi is the person who is always cheering her friends up, and the type of person to lead a team to victory. She has the leader traits, and is also a perfectionist. | They actually met in class when Xing spilled water all over her own homework. Kyungmi offered for her to copy her own before the teacher came in. | Kyungmi treats Xing like a younger sister, and was always very overprotective over her. Especially since Xing can be sensitive at times. She feels the need to protect her. Xing looks up to Kyungmi and has always wanted to be just like her. Besides her brother, she is going to her for help. | Alive


Jung Ilhoon | 18 | University Student | Male | Idol (BtoB) | Ilhoon is the type of person who brightens up a room just by walking into it. His personality is happy-go-lucky, and he is always very load and hyperactive. He can easily hype up a depressed room with just a cheer and a small joke, due to how lively he is. He is a person magnet and his cheerful personality is always attracting people to him. He usually acts very childish, but knows when to be serious. This boy is very reckless and is always joking around and having fun with his friends. Yet he dislikes skinship and shivers at the thought of it. | Xing never really liked Ilhoon. Of course, this would be pretty obvious. The student who always paid attention in class wouldn't really like the class clown who was always distracting her. Ilhoon would sit behind her and tap his pencil constantly on his desk. This noise would go throughout the whole class and it annoyed her. After class one day, she of course, approached him about it. Somehow this started a friendship. | While Xing treats Ilhoon as a nuisance on the outside, on the inside she appreciates him very much. He somehow knows this. Ilhoon treats Xing like a little sister, and is always protecting her from "those erts on campus". | Alive

Lee Seunghyun (Seungri) | 20 | University Student | Male | Idol (BIGBANG) | Seungri seems like a cocky and overconfident person. He is always bragging and showing off something. He loves showing affection to those close to him and isn't afraid to touch. He is also very bold and playful. On the inside, he really is kind and caring  | She actually broke his favorite necklace by stepping on it. Of course, this was an accident. He had dropped it on the floor and not noticed and she was walking when she heard a crack. It was very expensive, and she felt extremely bad. All Seungri said was that she would pay for it with her friendship. | Seungri is always teasing her and she never really likes it. He's always giving her backhugs and she's always thrashing around in them since she doesn't like affection in general. Of course, she enjoys hanging around him since he's always somehow making her smile. She feels comforted around him. | Alive


The Key To Your Heart

Love Interest: Jung Ilhoon

Age + Birthdate: 18 | October 4

Personality: ^^Above^^ Sorry if it isn't very long OTL

Have you met yet?: Yes

How you met/meet:  ^^Above^^


Back-up Love Interest: Lee Seunghyun

Age + Birthdate: 20 | December 12

Personality: ^^Above^^

Have you met yet?: Yes.

How you met/meet: ^^Above^^


This Is The End

Scene Requests: Mmm..Well some of our love interests are from Luminaria right? Then maybe the girls go to Earth and they don't tell their love interests and babam. You can brainstorm from there because I'm dead. LOL

Comments? Questions?: Nothing~~ Except that I kind of gave up a little during love interest's so tell me if I need to elaborate?? c:

Password: Lanterns



Thank you so much for applying! >w<


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