Ajedrez Dae Ho

❑ A  J  E  D  R  E  Z ; Dae Ho  ❑

A F F  I N F O
AFF Username: Vy2jy512
Profile Link: click me
What can I call you? ^^ : DiDi
A R T I S T  P R O F I L E
Nickname : Dae, he is called this because he was emberassed by his real name
Age: 19  
Date of Birth: May 14 1993
Hometown: busan
Ethnicity: Korean and American, however he is not in touch with his American side
Language: Korean fluent
Personality: Dae Ho normaly is smiling like an idiot. He isnt that bright, but under pressure he can have a good idea. He has a clueless look on his face, but at times he explodes with creativity. Dae likes to mess around, but tends to stay away from the from the bishop. He doesnt like how the kid wings everything. Dae ho has this need to understand everyone. This gives him the puzzeled look. Its because hes trying to understand what you're thinking. As for himself Dae tends to hide his fears. Tricking everyone with the stupid smile. No one except her knows the true person inside himself. Slowly Dae is even tricking himself. He thinks he is happy and really is trying to be a happy person. So far its working out. 
                   Wait that doesnt explain his personality. Well when you first look at him he seems like an idiot. And really he is. He can never keep a straight face. He finds anything that breaths funny. He isnt an optamist though. He isnt a downer either. He is more of an opertunist. If he sees an opening for something he will go for it. This kinda leads to stupid descisions. When they are in a tough spot, instead of thinking of the world will end or saying positive things he will already be trying something else. Dae ho likes to mess around this makes him close to the pawn.
                  Most people say that they need everything tp be clean and stuff. However Dae is the opposite. He is the dirtiest member of the group. He isn't gross, but he isnt cleanist. He rooms with the cleanist member (insert cleanist member here) and it isn't that great. There is a small tension between him and (insert cleanist member here) but they still love each other. Dae envys the knight. The fact that one could
I N - D E P T H
Family: [ name , age, relationship, how they treat you - does not have to be long. one sentence is enough. ] 
Family Background: [ does not need to be long. just state briefly. ] 
Hobbies: 3+
Likes: 3+
Dislikes: 3+ 
Habits: 3+
(*)Trivia: [ anything about your character that you think I should know. maybe he's afraid of the dark? or he doesn't like to bathe? ]
F A C E  A N D  I M A G E S
Ulzzang / Idol used: Dae Hwan
Back up ulzzang/Idol: Song Chan Ho
Fashion sense: Dae wears simple clothing. He doesnt wear to much and dresses like a normal person. He normaly wears blue. He doesnt care too much as long as he has a guitar.
B E H I N D  T H E  S C E N E
How were you recruited? Dae doesn't ever leave his guitar. SInce he was a run away he ran out of money quickly. It was difficult paying for a hotel, transportation, food, and still have money. So Dae got a liscense and started playing out in the streets. He was being discovered and someone metioned that becoming an idol would pay well. Then Dae read up on auditions, componies, and much more. This resulting in him auditioning.
How long have you been training: 4 years
Trainee background:Dae was in a tough spot when he started training. This took away time from finding a job or playing out in the streets. He was losing a lot of money. He had to live with a friend of his who was also a trainee for awhile. As for training Dae was dissopointed that there was nothing for guitar, but he quickly adjusted to singing, rapping, and dancing. He connected well with the others. Maybe their parents didn't approve of them either. Or they worked hard to get there too. at first it was difficult. Dae had danced when he was a kid and he enjoyed rapping. However singing was totaly new for him. It was hard because you had to stand right, breathe at certain times, hold your breath at certain times, and a bunch of other confusing stuff. After a year he started getting better. And after four years his singing wasnt great, but became normal. When Dae was recruited to join Ajedrez his friend, the one who gave him a place to stay, kicked him out. Resulting in him living with one of his soon-to-be fellow member. And they debuted in which he moved to the dorm.
O N  S T A G E
Stage name: Ash
Own Fanclub name: Fire
Group position: 
[ ] main vocalist
[ ] lead vocalist
[ ] main dancer
[ ] lead dancer
[ x ] main rapper
[ ] jack of all trades
[ ] leader
[ ] visual
[ ] maknae
[ ] undecided position
[ ] composer
[ x ] choreographer
Chess position: 
[ ] king (LEADER)
[ ] queen (VISUAL)
[ ] bishop
[ ] knight
[ x ] castle 
[ ] pawn
D E M O  T A P E S
For Vocalist - 
Singing Link(s):
Idol/Person used:
For Dancer - 
Dancing Link(s):
Idol/Person used: Taeyang BigBang
For Rapper - 
Rapping Link:
Idol/Person used: Mir Mblaq
Jack of All Trades: 
Provide all of the above. Mwahaha. 
I T S  A  L O V E  S T O R Y (*)
Name: [ can be an O/ C as well. ]
Group: [ if she's an idol. ]
Status: [ dating, friends, strangers, etc. ] 
Details: why you like her, where you two meet, does she likes you, everything that you think I should know. ]
Any special scene? 
D I E , M A N ! (*)
Rival Name:
Why are you rivals: 

Anything else you'd like to add? : 

Password please! :D 


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