Went to school

yes..today I went to school even though I know it's a Saturday but I no choice..

so today the first class I have was Badminton.The teacher was talking with the microphone do everyone in the whole school heard it! I have to be the AJK ( sorry I don't really know what it means in English!).Usaully the teacher would ask us to vote for the person they want to be the chairman,asst. chairman etc.

So,when the teacher told us that he wants the AJK in year 6 suddenly 3boys shouted my name. -.- I hate them!

Then I went to my English club which was ok I guess.I really have no friends in that club so I have no choose but to talk with the boys -.- all my friend went to other clubs.

But really I was tired al day long for non stop walking....Huhu next Saturday I have to do the same thing!!!!

kk bye!oh and I weight 37kg... Lol the teen side of me is speaking 💦 🇰🇷


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nekolove #1
I'm from M'sia too
nekolove #2
I think it's Armed Forces Team.
Lol XD BTW, fighting saengie ouo;;