
Hello :P

Wooh! Back to my prettier blog :P

I have internet from now on! Wooh! So that means a lot more updating! And I'm taking a week off (going to start a new job after that, and after I move) 

I worked on my Park story. So NOT what I was supposed to but I couldn't get it out my mind. It's good thing I type 65 words per minute. (As long as I can think of them lol)


Anyways! I have:

The Younger YongGuk Sequel

The Mature Sequel

The Next Ren Chapter

The Daehyun


My Newest Request :) 

BigBang's Story


...crap when I make it a list like that I feel bad! But I have lots of candy and icecream. Just probably not tonight :) I hope people continue to like my stories. :)


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