〈 樱花树 〉 b l o s s o m ` ♡ 〈 Lee Gao Nou "Amy" 〉


{ Lee Gao Nou "Amy". }






Username ; mysweetmeldoy
Profile Link ; link 
Nickname  ; Mel
Activity Rate ; 9


one of a kind
Name ; Lee Gao Nou "Amy"  
 Aim - her friends think she is very completive and she aims for the best 
 Gao - all her family member calls her this 
Age  ; 18
Birthdate ;  26 || 08 || 94 
Birthplace ; Beijing, China
--- Beijing, China
--- New York City, USA - moved at 6 y/o
--- Seoul, South Korea - moved at 12 y/o 
Ethnicity ; Korean + Chinese ; Dad is korean, Mom is half chinese, half korean xD 
Languages ; Korean, Chinese, English ; Korean and Chinese - native language, English - she lived in USA


dazzling girl

Ulzzang ; Park Sora
Picture Links ; || || || || || ||  ||  | ||
Backup Ulzzang  ; Kim Seo Yeon
Picture Links ; || || || ||
Style ; Gaonou is the classy/preppy type of dresser. She likes to dress up for casual events. She is usually seen in dresses or skirts. If she ever wears pants, they are usually ripped-up jeans or jeans with embroiled jewels. But at home, she is in comfortable clothes. She is what you call a switch girl, comfortable at home and dolled up whenever outside. 
Causal ; 1 2 3 4 5 
Formal ; 1 2 3 
Home ; 1 2 3
Sleep ; 1 2 3 
--- Hair: original , dyed 
--- Tattoo: 1 2
I'm unbreakable

Looks can tell lies ~ 
Gaonou is a beautiful girl, she's skinny and has perfect skin. But once you talk to her, she turns cold. She is cold and emotionless to everyone she doesn't know. She had a barrier that no one has tried to break. The only people she is not cold to is her family, some close trainee friends, and her friends. You can never tell when she is happy or sad. She's known for the poker face. 
Never get her mad ~
But when she is mad, she's mad. You better run away. She'll be really cold and give you the shoulder. She'll also give glares to people, signaling them to get away from her. If people annoy her, she'll snap with a monotone voice and a poker face. 
The real her ~ 
If you have known her long enough or know her past then you know the real Gaonou. She is actually a really nice, carefree, native girl. She loves to joke around and her smile can brighten up a whole room. She only giggles and doesn't laugh much because her laugh is a laugh that people can catch on to and laugh too. That's how she got close to her friends. She tends to bottle up her feelings and put them aside. She also hides her feelings about people so, many people think she doesn't like them. Although she is a cold person. She is very completive. She wants to be the best and strives for the best.   

Background ; Her parents met in korea. Her older brother was born and they deiced they wanted to start a business in China. They moved to China and had Gaonou. They stayed there for 6 years and deiced to move to New York, USA to expand their business. They moved back to seoul when she was 12 years. Her parent's company PLUG's corp. is a company that creates headphones and music industry things. Her mother also owns a online fashion store. In Seoul, Gaonou lives with her brother. Her parents are usually traveling from Seoul to Beijing to US.
  • Photography 
  • Singing 
  • Soccer - her favorite sport
  • Sushi - her favorite Japanese food
  • Ice Cream - she likes Green Tea and Mint 
  • Coffee - the smell wakes her up
  • Music - her world
  • Drummers - they are charming
  • Sleeping
  • Baking
  • Snapbacks - she digs hats
  • Smokers - they smell and they have yellow teeth
  • Drinkers - they do stupid things
  • Rude People - the type of people who don't say sorry
  • Bullies - she hates them cause she was bullied once, she stands up for anyone being bullied
  • Hospitals - the smell and the dark, empty hallways creep her out
  • Perfume/Cologne 
  • Bananas - she hates the after taste
  • Drowning - she knows how she swim, but shes very bad at it 
  • Losing the one she loves - she and her grandma were really close, and she died when she was 15.
  • Not having friends - she was really lonely when she was in USA, her parents were never home and her school had no Asians
  • The dark - when she was five, she had stayed up watching a scary movie and that night the power went out. she was scared to death. no one was home because her parents had went out. shes still scared to this day, she sleeps with the lights on or with a night light
  • Bites her lips when nervous
  • When ever she plays with a team, she cheers them on even if they are losing
  • When she wins at something, which she often does - she acts like a little girl, she jumps up and down and hugs anyone that was on her team
  • She rolls her eyes a lot
  • Her hair often falls to her face, so she moves it all the time
  • She plays with her fingers when she's annoyed or bored
  • Photography - she has a camera with her always
  • Listening to music 
  • Dancing - the one thing that can take away her stress
  • Running - its a good excise
  • Playing the her guitar - she loves her guitar and plays it when she relaxes 
  • Allergic to strong perfumes/cologne 
  • If she doesn't wear makeup, she looks like shes really tired
  • She goes for a jog in the morning
  • She dances when she is stress
  • She loves to go to karaoke when she has free time
  • She always has her ipod with her
  • She's a dance copier machine
  • Her favorite quote is D.O.'s " Be number one"
  • When she is losing, she'll say "I'm the best! I got this! Let's go Lee Gaonou!"


Yes sir

♥ Father || Lee Chin Won || 40 || Owner of PLUG's Corp. || protective, playful and soils a lot || they get along well and she's a daddy's girl 
♥ Mother || Kim Mei Lian || 39 || Co-owner of PLUG's Corp and online store owner || friendly, funny, best friend like || they get along well, they often go shopping together 
♥ Older Brother || Lee Chin Sun || 20 || student, guitar player || protective, care-free, cold at times, fun || they are like best friends and they are always seen together
Best friend ;
♥ Jung Daehyun || 22 || Main Vocalist in B.A.P. || Daehyun looks like the cold type. he is always wears a mask, but he is way different. He's nice and cares about everyone he is close to. Hes funny and cute. His voice can melt anyone and bring a smile to their face. || How you met || They look like a couple, always nagging each other and teasing each other. ||  

♥ Zelo || 17 || Lead Dancer, Lead Rapper, Maknae in B.A.P. || Zelo is a mature little boy. He acts too mature for his age and only acts childish if he wants something
♥ Lu Han || 22 || Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, FOG in Exom || Luhan is a friendly fellow. He cam easily make friends. His smile and voice can brighten up a room. People often think he is young due to his baby-face. He is also not mature for his age. 

Enemy ;  OC || Kown Sura || 20 || student, trainee || She was her other brother's band singer, but she quit due to sm scouting her. After she left, she came back and tried to seduce Gaonou's friends. || 



Trainee History ; TS 
--- Gaonou was scouted. her brother and his band were street performers. one day her brother's main singer quit and they need someone to sing for them. her brother begged her to sing for them and told her that her voice was beautiful. he was right. they got a lot more attention. that day, she was walking home when a sm scoter offered her to become a trainee. she nicely declined. about a week after, she and her brother's band performed again. after they had finished, ts came to scout them. her brother agreed but, he wanted all s including his sister to be trainees too. the ts scoter agreed.
--- Her days as a trainee wasn't bad. She was doing what she loved so she enjoyed it. She trained everyday in singing and getting better in her vocal ranges. She also focused a lot on her dancing. She wasn't really a skilled dancer in the beginning so, she strived to be a dance copier. And, she reached her goal. At the end of her second year of training, she could copy any dance in a matter of minutes. Although trainee life was hard for her, she still succeed and tried to learn from every new obstacle. She had made new friends and learn a lot of new things.    
Trainee Years ; 3 years 
Stage Name  ; Amy
Main Rapper/Lead Dancer/Vocal

Main Vocal/Dancer
Main Dancer/Vocal/Rapper
Lead Vocal/Dancer
Fanclub Name ; The Aimers 
Fanclub Color ; #ffa07a & Light Salmon 
Persona ; The Aimer
Position ; Main Vocal/Dancer
Concept Power ; Perfect Aim - her nickname is Aim. She has perfect aiming. She can get and understand something easily. She can also shoot perfectly. Her eye sight is the best too. Her symbol is a bow with an two arrows crossing at an X. The bow is a gold yellowish color and the arrows are a sliver metal.
--- Dance copier - can copy a dance in a matter or minutes
--- Can hit high notes really well
--- Has a wide range of vocals


사랑 /
 Love Interest's Name ; Chanyeol
Age ; 20
Personality  ; Chanyeol is a hyper kid. That's why he is called the happy virus! He is always running around and playing with others. He loves to make people smile and laugh. He is as bright as the sun. He loves to rap and is a very determined person. Once he sets a goal. He gets it no matter what. 
How you met/meet ; Gaonou and Chanyeol first met at a cafe. It was a very popular cafe between trainees. Chanyeol was with exo and they were daring each other to do things with the other trainees. Gaonou was alone with her fellow trainees too, but her brother and his friends weren't around. Chanyeol had gotten dared to go talk to the loner girl at the table by herself, which was Gaonou. Chanyeol went up to her booth and sat down. He introduce himself and smiled his smile that melted everyone. She didn't bulge and just stared straight into his eyes. She moved up to him her lips and his lips inches away from each other and chanyeol's eyes widen , seconds later she rolled her eyes. After, he didn't say anything for a second and then he returned back to normal talking nonstop to her. she just listened to him, she had nothing better to do. she was awed by his baby face and his low voice. Chanyeol finally stopped talking and found her sleeping. He wrote down his phone number on her hand and flicked her head and ran away. She woke up and saw her hand and rubbed her head. She glared over at Chanyeol and his group of friends. She winked at luhan. Finally, when the person she was wanting for came she jumped up in joy and hugged him and smiled super bright. Everyone was looking at them. Chanyeol saw and wanted her to smile like that at him. Ever since then, he was determined to get her. And once he set a goal, he always got it. 
How do you act around one another? ; When Chanyeol and Gaonou met, Gaonou didn't like him at all. He was loud and always happy. He was a chatterbox and wouldn't shut up. While Chanyeol liked Gaonou very much. He saw how cold she was to everyone and was determined to make her open up to him. Chanyeol is always trying to make Gaonou laugh or smile. once in a while, he'll succeed. When, she finally opens up. she is really sweet and they would often bicker like an old married couple. and Gaonou would always complain to him.
→ Backup Love Interest's Name ; Tao 
→ Age ; 18
 Personality  ; Tao is a very weird fellow. He likes to be by himself most of time. But he also loves being around his band mates. He is very cute and no one can say no to his buing buing. He looks very scary and timid because of his looks. He is tall and his dark eyes which make him look scary. He can be cute at times. He is childish and gets hurt easily. He loves his kungfu and practices very often.  
 How you met/meet ; Tao was alone meditating. She was coming up the stairs running for her life. Someone was chasing her. She opened the door and closed it shut. Tao was still in his own world of kungfu. She wanted him to help her because the person chasing her would find her. She lightly pushed the boy on the shoulder and he flinched. She had asked him to help her. But he was memorized by her beauty and also, that he wanted to talk to him. He didn't hear what she said and also couldn't understand her. He barely knew korean. She was ranting on about something. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. She finally shut up and just sat down next to him. She actually fell sleep on his lap When she woke up it was nearly dark and she saw the boy from before, he was still meditating or sleeping but was mumbling words in chinese. it finally hit her, he didn't understand. she was felt dumb and embarrassed. She ran away hoping to never see him again. 
 How do you act around one another? ; At first when they met, Gaonou wasn't scared of Tao. She just wanted his help. But, when Tao didn't say anything back to her. She thought that Tao didn't like her. She actually later found out that he couldn't speak korean or understand it. She felt really embarrassed and avoided him at all cost.Tao was confused of why she would talk to him even though he didn't understand it and still stuck with him. Soon, his obsession of this turned into one-side love. When they finally became friends. They would often laugh and bicker like an old married couple. 


Bye Bye

Comments/Complaints ; ( Sorryyy, I'm very bad at personalities. xD & Fighting! )
Suggestions ; ( Nope  )
Scene Requests 
--- Chanyeol teaches Gaonou how to play the drums
--- Chanyeol plays the drums for Gaonou
--- Chanyeol follows Gaonou around a whole day, just to be with her
--- Gaonou and Chanyeol talk about their first meeting and how they felt
--- Gaonou sings Chanyeol to sleep

Password ; ♥ Share the love of Happy Virus Chanyeol 





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