Teenage Kicks Application





AFF Username: LoveLife

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/25506

E-mail:  [email protected]




Name: Aaron Lee Xiang Fei

Nickname: Aaron/XiangFei/AhFei

Age&Birthday: 18 y/o (March/15/1993)

Blood type: B

Place of birth: Taipei, Taiwan

Ethnicity:1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese

Appearance: Park Hyung Seok/ Park Hyeong Seok






Height: 179 cm

Weight: 56 kg







Spoken languages: Speak in Korean, Chinese(mandarin) & English fluently.

Personality: There’s so much thing about him that many people don’t know. He’s a caring, loving and nice person. But he always shows the other side of him more which is cool and charismatic. At first he would act like he doesn’t care about something then later he can’t help but to care about it. Sometimes, people might says that he’s some kind of mysterious because he would go to somewhere alone and do something without telling the others. He likes to be alone sometimes when he has problems. But most of the time, he can be as hyper as he can but yet he is not a childish type of person. He is very talkative when he is with the people he knows but he is shy when he is with people he barely knows.

                  He has a much undetermined mood sometimes. His mood can suddenly change. It’s hard to hear him sharing about his life as he doesn’t like to talks about his personal problem with anyone. He only would tell his problem to the person he truly trust. Nevertheless, don’t ever look down at him. He really is a genius. He can solve mathematics problems without taking a long time. Just asked him anything, he knows how to solve it. Reading is not his favourite things to do. He doesn’t like to do aegyo since it’s awkward for him but sometimes he would not purposely do it. Last but not least, he is a patient type of person and not a short temper one. But he has his limit of patient too. Scold him and he would act like he doesn’t know anything but just don’t make it over his limit if you don’t want anything happen to you. He will put all his attention to anything he do and stay focus at his working.



Family background: Aaron lives with his parent in Taiwan since he was 3 years old. But back to live in Korea when he was 13. He has 2 older sisters which mean he is the only son in the family and also the youngest between his siblings. His parent both is loving, caring and supportive. Even though their family life is rich but they never show off and being arrogant. His father is a Korean meanwhile his mother is a Chinese. That’s why he can speak both languages fluently.

Parents: Lee Jae Hoon – Father, 47 y/o. He works as architect. Always support his children in whatever they want to achieve.

             Chung Zhi Ling – Mother, 46 y/o. She works as lecturer at a University. Loves her children equally and always care about them.              


Siblings: Jenny Lee Xiao Yi – First older sister, 21 y/o. Taking degree in fashion designing course. Always thinks mature and very independent. Happy and energetic type of person. Caring and love her siblings so much.

             Esther Lee Mei Ling – Second older sister, 20 y/o. Currently having her last semester in university. Hyper and cheerful type of person. She is talkative and always likes to tease Aaron a lot.



Audition: Every weekend, Aaron will goes to a café and play with the band there to spend his free time. He works there for free and his position is as a keyboardist. One day, he comes to the café as usual. He didn’t know that one of the audiences is a staff at Peekaboo ent. The way he plays the keyboard on the stage and his vocal caught the staff’s attention. Even though he still in a young age, he was so skillful in playing the keyboard. After he performing, the staff offer him to try to go on an audition at Peekaboo ent. Since he really loves to play keyboard, he takes that offer as an opportunity to expand his skills.

Trainee background: When gets into the company, he trained hard to achieve his dream. He always put all his effort when he practices. Aaron tries his best not to let down his other members. Even though he was so tired but he never complains about it. He also knows the risk of being a coming-soon-famous-idol and he had promise to himself to never give up. Seeing the other member’s strength, he knows that they can make their band famous one day. He also didn’t neglect his studying because he knows that he had to focus on his study too.

How long were you a trainee?: 2 years 5 months. 


Stage name: Aaron

Position: Keyboardist; vocals

Persona: Aaron the Genius / the Charismatic Keyboardist

Personal fanclub: Numbers

Personal fanclub colour: Sapphire blue

Trivia: *Basketball expertise

           *Black belt in taekwondo

           *Mathematics geniuses

           *Always be alone when stress or sad

           *Has an Australian terrier dog

Past/ pre-debut experiences: He is the captain in his basketball team but then he hand over his position to the other player when he started to be a trainee. Aaron also works at a café with a band.  



Likes: *Himself and his family



          *Keyboard & piano

          *Cadbury chocolate


          *Sneaker shoes

          *His mp4

          *Anything that is black and red colour

Dislikes: *Betrayer & liar




              *Annoying people

              *Anything that is bitter

              *Dirty and mess up room

              *Bad smells

Hobbies: *Play basketball

              *Play piano or keyboard while singing

              *Listen to his mp4

              *Surf about sportcar

              *Watching racing movie & horror movie

Habits: *Listen to his mp4 before sleeping

            *Stare at people face blankly when confuse

            *Less talking when nervous

            *Can’t stand seeing his room mess up, he must clean it

            *Going somewhere without anyone knows

Fears: *Losing someone he love


           *Cobra snakes



Partner: No Minwoo

Love triangle: -

Position: Top

Friends: Kim Chan Hyun (fictional)

            Zin (X-5)

Rivals: -



: Yes

Requests: -

Questions/concerns:  If there's anything wrong, just tell me. Good luck in choosing and thanks!<3


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thank you for applying~
could you please provide me with an additional korean name or nickname for your character? just something korean, ne? it can be related to the chinese or english name. thank you~