Outline for wishonastarrynight - Let's Write to This Modest Proposal

Outline for wishonastarrynight


Main idea: A girl is losing her memory, having only spaces and gaps in her memory. She starts to forget things and dreams of a few memories as reality. As the spaces grow bigger, she starts dying. Her lover watches her as she dreams and forgets things – starting with him. When she dies though, he’s sad but at the same time happy that she died without remembering their bad memories. The story should be told alternating from her point of view to her lover’s point of view.

( On a side, the dreams and memories should mostly be of the two of them. When they met [ this is up to you, ] them falling in love, them being together, and then some of the bad memories [ also up to you. ] )


Please include how the girl starts to lose figments of her memories, like having a big black space appear out of nowhere that she’s afraid to go into.


Foreword: This should be a dream from her point of view on one of their dates together, but part ways through, there’s a big black space [ that pretty much erases him in her mind ]. Not too long, though. And then it turns to his point of view as he watches her in a chair next to her bed, watching her smile and frown in her dreams or whatnot.


It sounds a bit intricate, but you can just write small paragraphs for each chapter. At least three, preferably, but more or less is fine, as long as the idea’s encompassed xD


The chapters/sections should be built like the chapter. A dream or memory of hers with something erased and him watching her, occasionally moving only to fluff her pillow, tuck her in, or whatnot. In some scenes, he may be thinking of the same memory ( but his is full ) and starts crying because he knows she’s going to die. Or maybe not crying. xD Up to you.


Near the middle of the story, start putting a big emphasis on the space in her mind. I’d like if it were steadily introduced in.


For the main male, I’d like if you choose a strong guy with a kind face. Hoya, Siwon, Suho. Someone like that?


Oh. The most important part.


Have fun (:


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Oh! This seems really interesting! I can't wait to start writing it! xD