Yes, I'm cranky. Yes, I'm single. Yes, I'm butthurt, and yes you are pain in the .


I know a lot of people already blog about the tumblog. Yes, you know which tumblog I'm talking about. Well, I'm still not seeing my fics there. Maybe it mean my fic doesn't really catch their eyes. I don't know I suppose to be happy or not. Haha.. I think maybe some of the author submit their own fics because they wanna advertise it.. Okay, that is just my theory. Anyway, I don't wanna talk about fics that appeared in that blog. I don't really care [until I see my fics are in it, LOL] I just wanna talk about the name of the blog..

Asianfanfic.. Yeah, it's very creative but it's also sound very hurtful. Why blaming asianfanfics? Why you never blame Winglin, asianfanfiction, other forum/board? Why you only blaming asianfanfics to be source of bad fics? I read there are also some weird fics in it. Before this site is created, Winglin are so much worse but why you don't make a site "Winglineedtoclosedown" or whatever is it. Have the creator of that blog or the people who submit hurtful comment read Nichi's interview? HAVE YOU GUYS READ WHY HE MADE THIS SITE?  If you guys haven't, please read it.


"I started Asianfanfics around April of 2009 for my girlfriend at the time as a place for her to store her fanfics"

"She ended up liking the site we made together so she started to advertise the site in various places and managed to get a ton of users to sign up while I worked on implementing more and more features. I was actually pretty surprised when the site started attracting a lot of kpop fanfiction traffic since the site started out with Taiwanese fanfiction but we really enjoyed meeting all of the new users and seeing a new genre of content."

"Unfortunately, she later passed away after contracting pneumonia around a year after the site launched and Asianfanfics was left up to me to care for and maintain. I think of the site as a way for me to honor her memory and I’d like to think that she’d be really happy to see all of the users enjoying the site we made together. Without her, there would not have been an Asianfanfics. That is why I can pretty much guarantee that Asianfanfics won’t be going away and I’ll do my best to keep improving it."


Nichi has so much reason to close down this site but NO he still continue managing this site for the sake of her late girlfriend. I was almost crying when I read that interview. [No, I was not trying to up him]. He managing this site alone along with moderators that always helping and spending their time most on net though they are not been paid any single cent for it. It's all voluntarily work. Nichi even spends money just to make this site alive. Yes, I am very emotional and sensitive person and that is because I know how Nichi feels. If people ever lost somebody that they love, they will understand the feeling. We will try everything to make the memory alive again. Though we moved on, there will be a thing or two that always make you remember them. Why we must tainted this site's name just because you didn't like some of the authors and fics here. Please don't tainted the pure intention of Nichi and his late girl friend.

I'm sorry if I'm far away from the topic but I just want people to know that this site suppose to be people exchanging thoughts and ideas in a nice way. I'm not saying this to that creator of the blog only, I'm saying this to ALL THE USERS here.


Please, respect each other.

That is the most common thing in life. If you don't like some of the story, fine, don't read. If you still want to comment something because of that fic haunting your life and making you have bad dreams, why can't you make proper comments and suggestions? To be honest, I don't read , yuri and fics. I find it weird. But I never comment on the fic with words that will disappoint them. If someone asked me to read it, I will simply reply, I don't read , yuri and .


If you can not stand with the author's grammar mistakes, help them.

I'm guilty for this. My biggest weakness is grammar. After that is vocabulary. I know I make a lot of mistakes in my fic [and also in this blog] but every time I put in the author's note; to help me with my grammar, no one helped. I do understand some of you are annoyed reading fics that have a lot of mistakes. It the same I feel when I read story with a lot of grammar mistakes in my own language. I really do understand. But, doing nothing and bashing not going to help them. Make a site or blog to improve their English. Help them. Be their beta reader. Be my beta reader too! I seriously need it. If you had offered them to help and they refused, they are the one who loss.


Make friends, not enemy.

I have this friend in this site said she was commenting in a fic. She said she's confused about a thing in that author's fic but as a result she got cussed. I seriously do not understand how that happen. My friend is politely asking but the author are so arrogant and deny her mistake. I seriously want to say to her [if I knew her] "Are you an idiot?"  There is a person trying to make your fic better, but instead you swear at them? and then after that you will be complaining how your fic is submitted in asianfanfic. Please grow up and be matured on some things. Try to accept advice but if you think people that giving advice has no qualification to do that, try to find author that you think is good. Ask them to review your story and then you decide whether you should change something about your fic or maybe you can start all over.


Less drama, please.

Truthfully, I keep coming to this site not because of the fics but because of the people live [yes, live] in this site. I made a lot of good friends here. I really thankful that I found this site because it connects me with crazy fangirls/boys all around the world. I made families here[and love too XD]. But, lately because this site has become so popular, it's flooded with underage users. I'm going to confess. I don't really like it when this site has a lot of younger users. It is because they are not matured and somehow making rude comments. I practically live in the chatroom. I seen a lot of users there. Most of the users I tried to avoid are underage. They are attention-seeker and imposters. They actually think we are dumb to not recognize them in another account.  BUT, thankfully not all them are like that. I met several underage users that are very nice and matured enough to think what is wrong or not. I'm sorry if you feel offended reading this but like I was saying, it only occurred to some of the underage users, not all.


Okay, I'm actually have a lot things to say but I should stop before I bored anyone who still reading this. I think I'm going so far away from what  I'm trying to say in the first place. So, the point is, LOL why blaming only asianfanfics when there are other sites that 'producing' bad fics? If your blog is about how bad a fic can be, you can change it to fanfiction. Yes, I'm mad just because of  the name of the blog. Yes, I'm cranky. Yes, I'm single. Yes, I'm butthurt, and yes you are pain in the . [to answer all the possible response]. I know I'm not really eligible to give advices but I still want to have my say on this issue.


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@Snowfakes: I know.. I spend half day to write this blog.. LOL that is because I'M TOO LAZY TO DO MY WORK... haha... Like I said, I don't really care if they wanna bash about fics just can you change the name of your tumblog please? LOL

@vangbby: I just notice when you mention it! LOL Yeah, we all learning here in this site. If they feel annoyed with it, they should help rather than just bashing. Haish...

i find it hilarious that they named it 'asianfanfic' because if you think about it.. it looks like 'asianfanfics hit' ~ because, there's an 's' after asianfanfic. PWAHAHA! that is a real fail for them XD talk about grammar =_____= i think they have the wrong site. wtf?
Don't take it to heart Lol I don't think they were attacking Asianfanfics, as in the whole site. Ignore them, not worth your time, hell, not worth my energy to type a long message or blog. My time is precious LOL