'We Will Be Eternally Together'

Preview of my new fic, entitled We Will Be Eternally Together:




The door opened and he appeared; the feminine-looking male who was just about to celebrate his 27th birthday within a month. He dressed in v-neck T-shirt and a pair of only boxers. With the radiant skin he had, the redness of his lips, the size of his doe eyes, and the fine, girly shape of his legs, he could be mistaken as a female in every occasion.

But he didn’t like it. He didn’t mind Jaejoong being the face of their group, be it as five or three. He didn’t mind that his eldest member was slightly ladylike with the amount of female siblings he had grown up with. What he was objecting was the fact Jaejoong had used that to rip apart Dong Bang Shin Ki’s bright future.


“What bring you here at this time of night, huh?” asked Jaejoong. “Come, get in. Make yourself at home.”

He stepped forward, not bothering to close the door.


“Hyung, we’ll be back someday as five, won’t we?” he asked back.




“Don’t you want to give me a hug? Don’t you miss me?” he asked softly, reminding Yunho of the time they were still together, when he had been his most beloved member, the mood-maker and the best cheerleader of the group with his childlike attitude and his softer than silk heart.

“O-of course,” he stuttered. “But… but what brought you here?”

“I’m just missing you two,” he shrugged. “I just wanna visit my brothers…”

Yunho produced a nervous laugh. “At… At four in the morning? You can always visit us—“

“You know it’s impossible, right? Your agency won’t allow us to.”






He was tired. He could not take it any longer. He wished they could meet. He wished they could end that cold war. So much second-guessing, overthinking, and doubting; he had been fatigued with trying to figure out how they felt. Did, in a mere minutes before they fell asleep, a glimpse of Yunho and him enter their mind? Did the accusation and false rumors pointed to the duo Dong Bang Shin Ki hurt them, too, as much as the mockery about this new bull called JYJ hurt Yunho and him? Had Jaejoong cried when some anti-fans identified Yunho as SM’s obedient pet-slash-sycophant?

He was safer since he stayed in silence most of the time. But Yunho… As their leader he must feel the need to explain, to clear the rumors and misunderstanding, and to lift the burden of the three’s shoulders. But what he got in return? 

The anger in him seemed to melt the snow away as he walked to his car, SM Entertainment’s sugarplum to persuade him to stay. If only he had never taken that… If only he had never valued their friendship lower than a new apartment, a shiny car, and a role in cheap, unpopular drama… Could he just not give it back to SM in replacement of his days as five-piece Dong Bang Shin Ki?

‘Let me out of this… Let me out of this,’ he thought as he picked up the speed.






Will be updated to complete on Sunday, January 20, 2013




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IT LOOKS LIKE First pov from yunho..jaejoong ask "what bring u here?"..but then yunho ask him "what brought u here?"..hm...even i confused,but still..waiting for the first chapter^^
EmanneArdeeSy #2
Wow I thought you're not gonna write anymore about Yunho kyaaa~ But this is gonna be different, I guess. Question, though. Who visited whom? Good luck with this one! Ppwaiting~~