Block B 30 Day Challenge - Day 3

So it is Day 3 of the Block B challenge and the question of the day is~

Day 3: Your favorite Block B song and explain why it is your favourite

My favorite Block B song has to be "Halo" HANDS DOWN (how ironic)

 When I first heard the song I was like "Awwwwwwwww !" 


I was nodding my head and going crazy to the beat and the raps. That was the hip hop and Block B that I was waiting for. That was the rapping and beat work that I was waiting for Zico to compose. Gahhhh~ So good! I really wish they would stop promoting "Tell Them" even though I like that song, and just promote "Halo" already. I wanna see them jumping around the stage, getting hype to it, ya know?

I just recently got into "U Hoo Hoo" though. It's so sweet and I just love the vocals!

I was kinda wondering if "Dwidorabwa (Turn Around)" would count as a Block B song even though its just Kyung and Zico because that is like my all time favorite song. Hehehe I just melt at that song...


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lmfao your reactions XD and yes, turn around is total hep hap