Formally known as "KyuRinnie"...



Ayo! Wassup ma' homies?

/fails at being cool

/hides in a corner

Ahem! Anyway, let me tell you what this whole name-change is all about.

This past year - you know, the one with "the world is going to end!" and all that jazz - I have been greatly maturing in many ways. Not only have I gained much more self confidence, but I'm focusing more on my classes and getting through the challenging stuff before I graduate high school.

Also, my life has changed a lot since a year and a half ago when I first joined this wonderfully unique site.

I have become a better writer.

I have made a lot of friends that I treasure dearly, whether they know it or not.

And my life has become... pretty decent.

So, since I have changed so much in the real world mentally and physically, I have decided to change some things here as an author.



Yes, it's actually true. I have become really attached to other groups! It took a while, but I'm no longer sticking to the Shawol fandom.

Of course I'm still part of it, but I have expanded my heart and am now open to other great artist!

The fandoms I am currently part of (others still taking some time) are Shawols, Cassies, Exotics, Hottests, and last but not least, A+!





So, I'm pretty sure most of you are thinking "Why that name?"

Well, I have these little small obsessions. You know. Like the things you love so much, you keep buying/collecting stuff similar to it?

One of mine would have to be the key shape. 

I swear to you, I have at least - at LEAST - 5 different jewelry pieces that have a key on them.

Weird obsession? Maybe. But that's not the point.

One of my other obsessions is good-looking trees/ flowers (yes I said "good-looking trees/ flowers") - the cherry blossom tree being my most favorite.

Nah, my username won't be considered original. But it's okay, right? Right?!



Anyway, those are basically the major changes I have made so far.

OH! Before I forget. I'll be getting my hair highlighted for my upcoming birthday in March!

So if any of you have seen what I look like (unfortunately not many of you) then you know highlights are a pretty big deal for me.


Before I bore you to death, I'll say my final farewells for today.

I'm out, 'yo!


/hides in a corner again




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So you change your name?
I know right. It's hard staying with one fandom when you have all of this 'feels'.
Hey Rinnie!!!! It's been a while, eh? B))
glad to be hearing good news from you about school ad stuffs. :)
anyway, the whole 'sticking-to-one-fandom' thing?? that was also me back in high school. xDD
but now, i'm multi-fandomed too but i only consider myself part of cassies, inspirits and shawols. (& maybe exotics in the near future, i think?) although I like more groups too but I think those three would be the ultimate ones. XD
Anywaaaay, I'm just glad I saw this post now coz if not, I would've ignored you for the rest of my AFF life. :O
I'm occassiinally in AFF so if I haven't seen this post about you changing username, I wouldn't recognize you at all. xDD
Soooo, I miss you and hope to catch you around then!! :))