No School Today


There's no school today omg XD

I am so excited!!!

The reason is because it has been raining from 2 am and now it's 9 am.

Yes!! it has been raining for 7 hours straightttt!

And there's a huge flood x_x

There's a lake in front of my school.

And because of the rain it has risen. idk what word to describe it.

When I arrived to school this morning, there's no flood yet. But it has been raining like crazy.

During my first class, suddenly the principal came inside my class and said:

"Students you can turn on your phone just in case there is a call from your parents or anyone."

And then my class teacher came:

"If you want to go home, you may as long as your parent/guarding is picking you up."

My class The whole school is like, CRAZY!!


And yeah I immediately go home.

I will be enjoying today with a hot choco.

While finishing my layout request from supernova.


I'm happy.

I hope tomorrow is a holiday too ;u;



And omg while I was writiing this, the rain stopped.



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you lucky duck
it rains in california but not enough for them to cancel school