♕ Prince’s Protection Program App. ♕



♕ Prince’s Protection Program App. ♕




Account name : unknownsweet101



Name : Kim Jung Hee

Age : 17 years old

Nicknames  :

  • Jung-Jung | Called by: Kim Jonghyun | Reason: He knows that she hates it everytime he uses that nickname but being the older brother who loves to tease his dongsaeng, he keeps on calling her that way especially on public places and inside the agency's building.
  • Baby J. | Called by: Friends | Reason: There's really no reason behind. It's just a nickname they made for her. ( If she's the youngest, her age will be the reason )
  • Angel T. | Called by: Co-workers and sometimes by her friends | Reason: It means "Angel of Temptation". That's what she's famous for in the agency that's why her nickname 'Angel T.' was created. It's also like her code name. Angel of Temptation because of her specialty in acting and manipulating others when doing her job. Also, she has a very beautiful looks and figure. With that she can 'tempt' people to give her the information she needed.

Birthday : February 20, 1995

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Every Agent Is Required to Know English, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese :

  • Korean || Native
  • English and Japanese || Fluent
  • Chinese || Basic

Height/Weight : 5' 2" || 105 lbs

Blood type : Type AB



Ulzzang Name : Park Hye Min / Pony

Ulzzang Pics  : Click Here

Backup Ulzzang : Lee Jung Ha

Backup Ulzzang pics : Click Here



Style : 

Jung Hee doesn't have a particular style. She can be girly,boyish, badass,etc., whenever she wants to. As long as it's fashionable, she's satisfied with that. Being the fashionable girl she is, she never left home without looking good enough to satisfy herself. She's not a fan of simple and plain outfits so a t-shirt and pair of jeans just won't do. She loves to make her style unique and eye-catchy but still making sure it's not over-the-top. She's only willing to change her fashion when it is needed for her job.

Casual : | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |

When it comes on her casual outfits, she loves to mix 'n' match her clothes. That's why she mostly wears a lot of layers instead of the simple ones. She always makes sure that she looks perfect before going out of her room. Of course, she always wears a pair of heels ( mostly wedges since it's easier and convinient to wear.) because of her short height. Even some of her sneakers have heels. As much as possible, she wants to avoid wearing flats since she feels like she's so small. But what to except her brother is also small too, anyway. It's not really a problem since she can still kick some asses despite of her high-heel shoes and her short height.

Formal : | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 | | 11 | | 12 | | 13 | | 14 | | 15 |

During formal events, she prefers to wear cocktail dresses or mini dresses. She finds them more comfortable and easier to move around than wearing full-length dresses. She also doesn't have to worry about tripping anytime and most of all, she's more than ready to be on action whenever there's a need to. She also likes it because she can flaunt her high-heels. Since no one will notice her shoes when she wears gown.

Swimsuit : | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 |

She wears two-piece swimsuits but never the too revealing ones. When she's not in the pool and just strolling around, she wears a beach dress over it.

Sleepwear : | 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | | 9 | | 10 |

She enjoys wearing cute pajamas especially the ones with very adorable designs.



Personality :

Jung Hee is the kind of girl who never left her room without a smile plastered across her face. For her, smiling and laughing is a must. That's why if she has problems, nobody notices it. Whether she has problem or none, that's the huge mystery for everyone to solve. It's also thanks to her skills in acting, she can hide her true emotions behind those bright smiles. She's always with her big circle of friends whenever she have time. There, she's smiling and laughing non-stop. She's very funny, cheerful and talkative as well but despite all of that she can never comfort someone who is upset and crying.

She's also a very sweet and loving girl who loves her family and friends the most. They're the most precious people in her life. She's willing to give up anything, everything, including her life just for them. She's also very clingy on them. Just like her brother, she loves skinship since she felt closer to them that way but she only does it to people who are very close to her. She is somewhat possessive when it comes on her friends but not that much that it will annoy the hell out of people. Possessive in a way that she doesn't want them to forget about her presence. When that happens, she gets somewhat upset and she gets jealous when they are paying more attention to an acquaintance than her. She tends to do cute stuff when she's jealous. Like, denying the fact that she's not upset even though it's painfully obvious already.

She may look like a harmless girl but she's definitely not. Well, aside from being an agent who is the best when it comes on handling and using a gun, she sometimes does naughty and playful things. Of course, her number one partner in crime is Kim Jonghyun. She loves to tease and to play pranks on her friends but she never went overboard that it might offend them already. If that happens, she'll apologize again and again until she's completely forgiven. She also playfully flirts with her close friends. She does it because she loves to see their hilarious and priceless reactions.

She's also very hardworking and passionate when it comes on work. She's very active when it comes on training and accomplishing assignments. She's almost the best at everything. She can fight with and without weapons. She also have fast reflexes and speed and she can also drive fast without getting into accidents. She's also good on manipulating and deceiving others in order to get the information needed. Being a dancer she is, she's very flexible and agile so that's why she can easily dodge attacks and do a quick escape. Her short height is also her advantage since she can easily conceal herself and also to smoothly pass through a small opening. After training for years, she's somewhat considered as one of the best agents.

She's someone who is not easily offended by someone's joke and she also doesn't get mad easily. But once she reached her limit, she'll just keep silent and doesn't talk to anyone. When someone tries to talk to her, she'll just stare at them which somewhat looks like a glare and won't say any word at all instead she'll just pass by them and walk away. If she decided to answer back, her words will be short and cold. She forgives others as long as she sees their sincerity when apologizing but she never forget what they have done. Things will be back on the way it used to be but once the same thing happens again, she'll not let it go that easily anymore. But Jung Hee getting mad rarely happens so it'll take a whole lot of effort and hardwork to break her. The only thing that would make her mad instantly is when someone hurt her family and friends.

When it comes on shopping, she can't control herself from buying something especially when it involves fashion. She loves fashion that's why even though it takes her no time to prepare herself, she still always looks absolutely perfect. People is curious on how she can do all of that in a flash. She can make any style suit her. When she wants something, she'll immediately look at Jonghyun with hopeful eyes wishing that she can lure him into buying her what she wants. When he refuses to do so, she'll stubbornly go against him and pleads at him by doing forceful aegyos and sometimes even striking a hit on his conscience that will surely make him guilty for not buying her what she wants. Thanks to her skills, she always ends up getting her wishes. But when someone give her a acceptable reason why she can't have what she likes, she'll eventually give up and agree on not getting it. ( not that easily, though. she'll stay stubborn until the end.)


Likes : 

  • Her gadgets and weapons || It's as if she can't live without them. She treats and called her favorite handgun as her "Baby". In the agency, her gun can be easily recognize since her gun is the only one that has a touch of pink. Well, almost all her stuffs has a touch and shade of pink.
  • Children || She always have a soft part in her heart for children especially for the orphans and the abandoned ones. When she's around them, she'll immediately turn like a caring and loving umma. She wants them to feel that they are loved. She doesn't want them to be like her who didn't remember how it felt to be loved unconditionally by her parents.
  • Food || She loves to eat a lot but she doesn't gain weight and get fat at all. Maybe it's because she just burns all the calories she took in when training and on missions. Food especially sweets are her best friends especially when she is stressed out.
  • Dancing || Aside from training, dancing is also her way to relieve her frustrations in life. Dancing keeps her mind off things for a while. It's like a temporary escape whenever she has problems.
  • Doing disguises || She loves it whenever she acts as if she's a different person. She can act her character flawlessly and finish her assignment in no time. Not to mention that she also gets a chance to do a makeover to herself which she loves doing.


Dislikes :

  • Blood || She's not really scared or sick of it. It's just that at the back of her mind, seeing lots blood make her remember something she knows important and horrible at the same time. She just doesn't want to feel those uneasy feelings but with her job, she knows she can't avoid seeing even a single drop of blood.
  • Jonghyun calling her "Jung-Jung" || She hates that nickname because she finds it very embarrassing. Whenever Jonghyun calls her by that nickname, she'll call him back as "Jjong-Jjong" using the same tone he uses and with an irritated face. 
  • Disturbing her beauty sleep || She hates it when someone wakes her up due to senseless and useless reason. When someone does that, her mood will be all cranky and it will take time for her to be back to normal. The only excuse she can accept when someone force her out of her slumber is when it's related to her job. When it's an emergency or when there's something suspicious or dangerous around them. She'll immediately be on alert.
  • Doing household chores and cooking || She doesn't know how to do any of them, at all. Sometimes she tries to help others because she's feeling guilty since she's the only one who's not doing any task but she's immediately shooed away by them. It because she's only making things worse and making the room a whole lot messier that it was. They also doesn't let her step a foot in the kitchen since they believe that there's a huge chance that she might set the whole building on fire.
  • Negative and gloomy atmosphere || She hates seeing people who are upset especially when they cry since she doesn't have a single clue how to cheer them up. Plus, she herself can't be completely happy when people around her is sad.

Habits :

  • Biting her fingernails when she's in a very intense moment ( ex: when she's nervous,worried,frightened,etc. )
  • When she's laughing, she throws a fit. She claps her hands and stomps her feet when she's laughing so hard. She sometimes even hit the shoulder of the person beside her.
  • Putting a gun under her pillow whenever she sleeps
  • Smirking every now and then when she can sense her victory
  • Ruffling her hair with a groan when she's frustrated.

Hobbies :

  • Shopping
  • Dancing
  • Training and practicing her skills
  • Listening to music
  • Taking pictures from her pink polariod camera. She did a collage of the pictures on one of the walls of her room so that her memories will be always remembered by her.

Talents :

  • Dancing
  • Acting
  • Using of weapons especially guns
  • Memorizing things
  • Manipulating others

Fears :

  • Death || Despite knowing the fact that she's practically risking her live while doing her job, she's scared of death. She knows she can't die yet. Not when she doesn't even know a lot about herself.
  • Losing her family || Jonghyun is the only family she has so she couldn't take it when something bad happen to him.
  • Deep Waters || She got drowned and almost died when she was 6 years old. That's why she's scared of going into deep waters. Sure, she can handle getting in a pool as long as the water only reaches her shoulder. Once it reaches her neck, she'll freak out and gets the sensation as if she's drowning again.
  • Cockroaches and Frogs || She's a girl who doesn't fear going against her enemies even though they're huge group of men. But cockroaches and frogs are the things that will make her shriek. Once she sees one, she'll scream her lungs out and run for her life.
  • Darkness || By darkness, it means zero-visibility. She doesn't like the feeling of it. She feels she's very vulnerable and can be harmed any minute. She can't protect herself completely in the dark since she can only feel and hear the person around her. She's afraid that she might end up getting killed.

Background :

Jung Hee never knew her parents and other relatives aside from her older brother, Kim Jonghyun. Both of them grew up under the care of the agency and in return, the two of them were trained to become agents. Jung Hee never learnt the real reason why she is trained to be one of the best agents. She believes that maybe it's a way for them to return the favor to the agency since they are the reason why they are still alive. They're the ones who gave them shelter, food, clothes, money and all the things they needed in life. They also take a good care of them and also teach them about academics and also being an agent. But what Jung Hee doesn't get is why were they even in the agency in the first place? Why are they keep on insisting that the training is for their own sake and it's safer for them to be a part of the agency? And why does his brother seems like he's keeping a secret from her?

What really happened is that her parents where killed or better yet, murdered. Both of her parents are one of the best agents and they really do know a lot. They are a big threat to everyone who committed a big crime. They know secrets which are very dangerous to keep. Finally, someone made a move and brilliantly plan something to kill them and to end the great threat they have on them.

Her parents were killed in front of a 3-year-old Jung Hee. She woke up in the middle of the night and decided to go to the room of her parents after hearing noises and agonizing screams coming from their room. Once, she opened the door she saw how her parents where brutally killed by the unknown killer.Being just a clueless kid she was, she just stared at the scene in front of her as blood started to overflow. The 8-year-old Jonghyun, immediately went to the room of their parents upon hearing the disturbing noises. There he saw Jung Hee as she watch the scene quietly. Stunned at want he saw, he accidentally bumped the vase behind him as he took a step backward and made it fall down the ground. It made a shattering sound which made the killer look at their direction. Jonghyun quickly grabbed Jung Hee and dragged her away from the scene before the killer can even chase after them. They didn't even had the chance to take in the appearance of the killer. Knowing their parents advise when something bad happens, he lead went straight to the hiding place in their house. They both went underground through the a trap door and hide quietly as possible. 

After making sure the killer was gone, the two of them got out and escaped the house. They didn't bother to take a look of their parents. Jonghyun, led the two of them to the agency where their parents work. He memorized the correct direction to take since their father made him remember it by heart since he was young. Their father said that if something bad happen to them, go directly to that place and everything will be fine. Jonghyun, told the whole story and the agency did their thing which is to take care of the two children.

Jung Hee grew up without remember the tragedy of her parents death. Maybe it's because she was too young back then. The agency decided to keep it that way, they keep it as a secret to her. They just made up a story to cover up the real thing that happened. Jonghyun tried his best to dodge the question everytime Jung Hee asked him about it. But secrets are meant to be revealed someday. As Jung Hee grew up, she slowly has hazy memories about the incident that's why she's confused whether it's true or not. She grew up as if she doesn't completely know herself at all.

Now without her knowing it, those killers are after her and and Jonghyun's life. Since they saw what happen, they want them dead. Plus, they want the entire Kim family to be completely eliminated so no more threats would happen again. That's why the agency believed that she should be train so that she could protect herself and also be under the protection of their agency.  




Father: Unknown || Deceased

Mother: Unknown || Deceased

Sibling: Kim Jonghyun || 22 || Agent || He's a very protective and sweet oppa. He loves to tease Jung Hee whenever he sees a chance but when she gives him her infamous death glare, ( means she's already at her limit ) he immediately begs for forgiveness. He always tries his best not to spoil her dongsaeng too much because he wants her to be responsible and to gain control to herself when it comes on shopping but once Jung Hee uses her killer tactics, he'll eventually end up giving what she wants. He just can't resist her. Despite being funny and playful, he can also be a serious older brother whenever he likes especially when it's about something important. It's so obvious that he loves and cares for Jung Hee so much. He's even willing to give up his life just to save her little sister and he's scared to death that anytime something bad might happen to her. They were both inseparable ever since they were young.

Relative: Unknown



Love Interest 1 : Lee Taemin

Love Interest 2 : Kim "Kai" Jongin

Love Interest 1 Age: 19 || July 18, 1993

Love Interest 2 Age: 18 || January 14, 1994

How would you like your relationship to end? : Get Together



Area of Specialty :

  • Using Guns || Jung Hee is an expert when it comes on guns and she can use almost all kinds of guns out there. No matter how far the target is, she can aim and shoot it perfectly.
  • Acting || She uses it to deceive people. That's why she can easily escape anything dangerous and gather information from people. Her goddess-like appearance also helps to make things even more easier for her.
  • Hand-on-hand combat || Even without weapons, she can easily defend herself and also to cause physical harm on others.
  • Flexibility and Agility || She has great reflexes that's why she can easily dodge blows and attacks from her enemies.
  • Intelligence || She can easily memorize and learn things. She's also fast when making up excuses and making conclusions which are almost all correct.

Years of Training :

She got in the agency when she was only 3 years old together with his brother and she started training when she was 8 years old. She was thought slowly at the very young age and the training went more intense as she grew up.

Why did you join Triple P?:

She was part of it ever since she was young. She grew up and spent her entire life as part of the agency. She doesn't have a clue why she was part of it in the first place. All she knows is that she's a part of it already and she's may be only doing it to return the favor back to the agency since they were the ones who took care of them. People around her are telling that it's for her own sake that's why they are training her.

Chosen Princess :

Sleeping Beauty / Princess Aurora

|| Just like Princess Aurora, she's somewhat cursed but it's not because some witch put a spell on her. Just like Aurora, Jung Hee's life is at stake. The killer behind the death of parents are hunting her and her older brother down. That's why her past was kept to her so she could live her life freely and without worries. It's also the reason why the agency and the people who cared about her protect her with all they have. Jonghyn and the agency are the only ones who knew what really happened that night. Just like what the 3 fairies did to Aurora, people who know the truth did their best to save Jung Hee's life. She's also like 'Sleeping Beauty' because first of all, she has an exceptional beauty and people can't deny that fact. But she's not sleeping for 100 years or like in coma. Her memories are the ones who are 'sleeping' that's why it seems like she doesn't know herself completely. What if one day those memories 'awaken'? Can she handle it? Just like Prince Philip, can her prince save her? Save her from breaking down and from her horrible past?



Comments :

Well, first of all I want to apologize if I went crazy on filling up the application form especially on the background part. You said to do it briefly but it seems like I didn't. I can't find a way to cut it short so I hope you don't mind if it's a bit long. But let's look at the brighter side, shall we? At least you learned a lot about Jung Hee, ne? Again, mianhe~

Next, thank you for creating this interesting story. I always wanted this kind of story, wherein the girls are the badass who protect the guys. So good luck with your story since it's very interesting already even though it's only the teasers.

Okay, that would be all. Hope you liked Kim Jung Hee. And when you find something wrong, confusing or whatever in my application please feel free to inform me so that I can fix it right away. Kamsahamnida!

Author-nim, HWAITING!!! =))

Suggestions : 

Nothing much really. As for the scenes, feel free to do anything about it. I do love surprises! =))

Password : tiara




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