What happened to HunHan?!?




Something happened to/with them, I hear?!?

Am I hearing correctly??

Anyone, Care to share??





PS- My signature will now be Soori, me Korean name ^^ Unless anyone has any objections (which I doubt...)


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Koalas #1
Eh?? What's all this? Must check after school.
luhan tripped at the airport, sehun extended his arm to grab luhan but the manager dragged sehun away so sehun couldnt do anything and now people are bashin sehun for not helping luhan instead of blaming the fans that crowded them
Im not sure if this is the correct one but there was an incident that happened at the airport where Luhan fell. Everyone is blaming Sehun for not helping because fans just saw him walk past. Im certain he did nothing wrong! There's a video of it that you can watch
Supposedly luhan fell at the airport and sehun didnt help him up...so now luhan fans are mad at sehun's and sehun fans are mad at luhan's...

People are so petty...