✶Run and Gun → EXO → Wu Mei Ling

▬▬▬ ▬▬ Healing▬▬ ▬▬▬▬
Wu Mei Ling





this reality...
username: k-rst-n
link: my profile is a click away!
activity: 8

i hate it
character name: Wu Mei Ling
characer age and dob: 21; 01/13/1992
personality: Mei Ling has been told many times that she worries too much. She is your typical worrywart. She gets anxiety about the simplest things, and that often causes her to freak out and have a break down. She's slowly deteriorating mentally everyday with all of her worrying that she's doing. But it's only because she cares so much for the people she loves (which isn't a lot of people). She puts them first and is always the first person to ask if others are okay. Her own well being doesn't matter to her, as long as everyone's well being is okay. She doesn't know how to care for herself, only for others, and because of this, she is often getting herself in trouble for the sake of others. She frets over the littlest things and will have a nervous break down if things aren't the way it's supposed to be. She is very anxious, especially about being around strange people or people she doesn't know (ever since she's been taken by the scientist, this has gotten worse and she trusts even less people). She often keeps to herself and is introverted, and because of it, and doesn't socialize with other people much, unless she has to. The only time she willingly talks to others is when they're hurt and she is trying to help them.

She is a neat freak. Mei Ling has severe OCD and this causes her anxiety to skyrocket through the roof. Everything must be in a certain order or else she'll go nuts. She hates it when people mess with the order of things. She can always tell if something is out of place. That's how severe her OCD is. She's been known to cry before because something was out of place. Even if she has basically lived in a tiny jail cell all of her life, her OCD is still strong and she still does some things a certain way; for example, she always sleeps facing the west wall and she must be exactly an inch away from the wall. She drives people (and herself) crazy with her stupid rules, but she can't help it, it's just how she is. She likes rules. Following rules makes her feel better than being able to be independent and have to think for herself. It's better for her, even if it does make her life a bit boring. She likes a routine and hates changes. She absolutely hates any changes, ever, and would always like to stick to her routine.

Mei Ling has always been a serious person. Never has she told a joke or cracked a smile, no matter how many times people have tried to make her smile. With all her worry and freaking out, when does she ever have the time to joke around anyway? It's almost as if she's emotionless, what with her blank expression a permanent feature on her face. Her features only ever soften when ever she uses her powers, and/or when she's helping someone out. Using her powers relaxes her, and she feels at peace with herself. And helping others out, well, it just makes her feel better. Her serious and blank personality is only a facade though. It helps her not trust too many people, ever since being taken by the scientist. She's honestly just like a scared little girl, but to others, she's cold and threatening. She keeps on this facade, and only ever breaks it when she knows someone is seriously hurt and she needs to help them and make them feel better.

background: Mei Ling was eight when it happened. Yifan and her were on their way to the park. While they were walking on the street, Mei Ling felt someone following them, but when she turned around, no one was there. She didn't tell her older brother because she didn't want to scare him or worry him about little things (plus she wanted to play at the park and if she had told him, they'd have gone home). They continued walking and Mei Ling still had this feeling, but she shook it off, as it felt stupid. While they were almost to the park (literally around the corner), Yifan decided to get him and Mei Ling some ice cream. He tried to tell her to come into the shop with him, but she refused and was about to cry again, so he had no other choice but to leave her outside. He didn't worry much about it as it was a relatively safe neighborhood. While her brother was inside buying ice cream, Mei Ling noticed a man coming closer to her. She didn't run away, though she knew she should have, and just stayed there, looking at him. He started to run towards her and before she knew it, he had picked her up and whisked her into a van that was already to go nearby. By the time she realized what had happened to her, it was already too late.

When Yifan came out of the ice cream shop, Mei Ling was already gone. Her parents blamed him for everything. Even he blamed himself, and he still hasn't forgiven himself for letting his sister out of his sight. The day Mei Ling disappeared, her parents and her brother went out to look for her all night and day. They called the police, put up signs, called neighbors and relatives, they did anything they could to get their little girl back. It was no use. Her parents were heartbroken. There was no trail, no sign, no traces of her even left. She simply was gone. Her parents have given up on the thought of finding her now, but Yifan has never given up hope. Their parents act as if they never had a daughter, and whenever people ask how many children they have, their answer is always, "One. We have one son and his name is Yifan." No one ever talks about Mei Ling, and they dare not to bring it up in front of her parents.

Mei Ling and Yifan were almost identical in personality, and in some aspects of looks. They're both very independent people, and don't like to socialize a lot. That's why they were always together. They were each other's best friends (though they did have other friends, not a lot, but still some). Growing up, they were always mistaken as twins. They were both tall, both very good looking, and both had that same piercing stare. Even when Mei Ling was kidnapped, she never blamed Yifan, even though he blamed himself. It was her fault, she always thinks, because she refused to stay with him. She hates the fact that he could possibly be beating himself up over it and only wants him to know that she's okay and she has never blamed him.


  • the tune she always hums/whistles is a lullaby her mother always sang to her.
  • she is pretty tall, standing at 5'7. This makes her look even more threatening to others, though she really isn't.
  • her brother is her favorite person in the whole world.
  • she hates her name and wishes it were a more pretty one.
  • she likes to braid and rebraid her hair (as in braid it and then take it out and redo it over and over again).
  • she knows it's her own fault that she got caught, and blames no one else but herself (although she knows Yifan blames himself).
  • she is ambidextrous, and can write with both hands.


  • organizing/reorganizing things
  • people watches
  • humming/whistling
  • go on walks by herself
  • sit and think about the past, her family, her old life, etc. really, she sits and thinks about everything but what's going currently.


  • routines
  • rules
  • her boring life
  • for things to be in their correct order/place
  • neat people
  • being left alone
  • her power
  • her family


  • worrying so much
  • having anxiety
  • her OCD
  • being social and talking to people
  • jokes/smiling/laughing
  • the scientist


  • she taps her left foot repeatedly and quickly when she gets really nervous or anxious
  • whenever she is concentrating really hard, her eyes sort of glaze over and she stares off into space, not really focusing on anything
  • she bites her lips extremely hard when she knows she's about to cry

then again...
ulzzang name: Zhang Xinyuan
backup ulzzang: Yiyi 
power: Healing
backup power: Earth
sibling: Wu Yifan
backup sibling: Huang Zitao
lover interest: Park Chanyeol
personality: Chanyeol is a very happy person and nothing could ever bring him down. His bright smile is almost always on his face. He rarely ever gets angry, but when he does, it's pretty scary. He's the type of person that'll do anything to protect his friends. In short, he's basically the opposite of Mei Ling.

how you act towards each other: Mei Ling, like she is with everyone else, is cold and tries not to get too close to him, as she doesn't exactly trust him just yet. He's made it his personal mission to make her laugh, if only once, just for him. She doesn't know why she likes him, since they're so different from each other, but there's just something about him that makes her feel at ease, if only for a little bit.
backup love interest: Lu Han
personality: Luhan is a more of a quiet person. He only speaks out when it's necessary for him to. Though he does have his moments where you just want to squeeze his cheeks and coo, those moments are rare. He stays in the background and is the type of person that doesn't step out of line unless he needs to.
how you act towards each other: The two of them are more alike than they realize. They're both introverted people and are both quiet. Though Luhan is sometimes more outgoing, most of the time they're exactly the same. So whenever they're together, there is always a silence hanging over them. It's never an awkward silence though, more like a comfortable one. And since he doesn't make her talk or do anything she doesn't want to, she feels safe with him.

best friend: Meng Jia
ends): Jang Dongwoo
love rival: Seo Joohyun (Seohyun)
rival: Park Chorong
happy or sad ending?: preferably happy, but if you want to make it sad, it's fine with me.

don't we all hate this cruel world?
suggested scenes(optional): sorry, I have none at the moment.
questions: Did I do everything correctly? Please do tell me if I need to change anything.
why should i choose you?: I made a character that I would want to read about, and I feel like it'll be easy to write about her and it'll be interesting to read about someone like Mei Ling. This story is also very interesting and I really want to see how it plays out and how it'll end up.  I love stories about EXO and their powers, and this seems like the perfect story to read about that, and since it was an apply story, it makes it ten times better. I really don't know what else to say, so I'll just end it on this note. I hope you take my character into consideration, and good luck with the story!



`-shattered's corner —

» keep it in this format exactly. make sure you read the rules on who's taken and whatnot. erase brackets.
the subheadings have nothing to do with the application okay. thankya very much.


by e.g.




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