Phew now is the day of the storytelling contest!!! I actually woke up at around 2am… my head freaking hurts and I still wanna sleep but I’m oblige to wake up for the sake of fixing and encoding my piece… yeah I endured that super massive pain that’s caused by my migraine T.T hmmm… I was encoding the story while reading some random one shots on the AFF (too stubborn) okay so I keep on editing while encoding and since I told you that I’m practically reading stories, I didn’t get track of the time and didn’t notice that it was already 5:30am yet I haven’t finished polishing my piece… I was like panicking and rushing then finally I get to finish it at around 6:04am at least my mind is already functioning at that time!!! I keep on re-reading and re-reading it yet it doesn’t enter my mind!!!

The contest was at around 9am so I still have more time to prepare. Goooooodddddddd my head was pulsating when I took a morning bath!!! left the house at around 8:20am and hurriedly entered my favorite net shop a few blocks away from my school so that I can have a hard copy about the piece (we usually give copies to the judges) anyway I then proceed to have it photocopy into three copies each (there are usually three judges) it’s my second time to join this so I’m practically familiar with such things…

Upon arriving at the room which we call as the quarters of our team, I was surprised t see only a minimal amount of students roaming the corridors when it was already a bit late… I am wearing a blue team shirt (the assigned color for seniors) and uhhh I began memorizing my little piece I keep on doing it again and again but its not helping!!! I was really depressed and then we were all called to proceed to the gym (we did it in the room last year so now I felt much nervous and the fact that we’re gonna use a microphone! Oh im dying)

I was so busted and doomed when the teacher announced that the first contest would be STORYTELLING!!! and I was like “oh how great life is, are you guys ready for my funeral?” so uhm our presentation number was based on the year level and im the fourth presentor… one participant down, and it doesn’t make a great impact so I still have a chance (hey! She’s still a freshman) then the next one, which I actually thought as one of the tough competitors, omo my heart beat is increasing every minute… my team mates keeps on giving me assuring words to calm me down… then the third one came, she was quite a close friend and she get to memorize her script! I wonder when she did it though. But uhhh she was loved by the audience for she’s a natural comedic actor… (What can I do?? Im more on serious dramatic lesson learned stories when it comes to contests like this!)

Okay then finally my turn came… I’m totally nervous as hell! I’m sure that my heart will burst out of my chest in any minute now… so yeah I handed the copies first… (Why am I the only one who did so?) Then I walked up to the stage and I can feel my knees trembling and my body shaking I even spend 2 minutes t calm myself down. Then I began (I don’t usually shake and become nervous when I memorize the script but duh!!! I didn’t curse the stupid theme!) As expected I did lots of adlibs and did something shameful… the story was about intramurals so it’s expected for me to tell things that’s related to the activities… I sang (that’s the first time I did it with a mic and in front of a crowd!) I danced (well I’ve been doing it for a few years so its okay) and act (I was once part of the theatre arts club in grade school)… I stuttered but still managed to finish the story with a bow…

After that my face was so flushed and I promised that id really Jump of a building when I get last place T.T I was just sulking in the corner emitting a gloomy aura… (Poor little me) I keep on saying “is it possible to do it one more time? I’m willing to repeat it” another one is “what to do? I’m practically be on last place, oh what a shame T.T”… I’m pretty sure that my bestie was annoyed yet she pitied me so she just put on her assuring smile.

I was like a walking zombie when suddenly I heard that I got second place! My face brightens up and I keep on jumping up and down and yelling “yeheey!!! Banzai!!! Hooray!!!” seems like god still love me after all kekekeke… I was so happy for I was expecting to be in last place but omo! I was on second place ^^ though I wasn’t able to get the golden medal (the third participant got it, she deserves it for she did indeed great) but a SILVER MEDAL is worth the hard work and sacrifices and the efforts… so IM STILL HAPPY FOR THE OUTCOME OF THE RESULT ^^

Anyway thank you to all those who helped me about the said contest! I owe you a lot!! I love you guys ^^


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yuppo... ill reply on your walls ^^
Wow, not only did you write it the night before but you had to present it? sounds so tough! Congradulations, you did much better than you thought huh? I love when life turns out like that ^^ It happened to me recently with placement tests in my Japanese class XD Can't believe you even sang and danced, you're the best!!
Awww, through all the bad things that happened you still got second place!
It's good, :D Was worth it xD
This is just interesting.
When you got the wrong theme.
It's frustrating.
But you got second place.
Banzai!!! Kekekekeke...
Btw, all those singing and dancing and acting, are those adlibs too?