Okay uhm so at last!!! The storytelling contest was finished ^^ and just as promised, here’s the detailed update regarding the said contest…

Tsuk tsuk!!! My English teacher keeps on telling me that the theme for the said contest is the same wit h the one that we used last Intramurals… which is actually “the change I want to see, begins in me” that is why I went on and ask help from you guys to give me possible situations that’s relevant to the theme… and I indeed put all your ideas in consideration… having to choose with so many and making a draft out of it.

Things were going on well as I’ve already made a story structure for a certain story that I’ve choose when suddenly, MY EVER DEAREST (TALKING BOUT THE OPPOSITE) TEACHER told me that I got the wrong theme and I was like “what the hell was that aishhhhhhhh… gotta dig a hole and hide in there” but since I was so damn kind… I just shouted frustratingly T.T so yep she changed it into “synergy, equity towards success” (I didn’t bother to remember what the whole theme was for I was so pissed!!!) yeah right, the theme is all about teamwork and stuffs…

I received the RIGHT theme the day before the said contest… “How was I suppose to do that?” oh well I am fond of writing stories but darn romance and depression is my specialty! What do I know about teamwork?? I keep on making story structures and drafts about the ideas that comes up to my mind… hmmm, a certain bestie of mine did help me in correcting all my faults and tried her best to relate my stories to intramurals since it’s the event that we are having… okay, I already have a story draft, ideas, RIGHT theme and stuffs… BUT… the heck! I seemed to be a bit lazy yesterday!!! So I felt too sleepy and I don’t have the urge to continue it in the end so I left it hanging though I already have an ending…

Night time came and I was certain that I could finish this…. (Though I actually don’t want to… why? Because… I’m lazy at that time) oh well I get to finish it… but uhm duh it’s so dull and I’m not satisfied about the ending and since I don’t want to kill myself by thinking too much about it, I put the big notebook aside and decided to call it a day…



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yeah its reall difficult T.T i sometimes wonder if things should be like on this way???
ugh, for you! One day to write a story is a bit...then about teamwork? My head would just be cocked to the side in confusion for hours haha
ohhh....such a bad luck!! it's fine as long you are great coming up with a story.