dreams of blood and betrayal



i once dreamed in only red: 
                       maroon skies,crimson flowers
                                     hearts bleeding in every bed...  
Baek Sunhae ┊ rose ┊ april 6 ┊Assassin ┊21 
Drama153 xxxx Byeon Seo Eun xxxx ( ETHNICITY ) xxxx
Korean xxxx 166 cm/52 kg xxxx



250x225                                               WHO ARE YOU UNDERNEATH THE LIES? 

personality. Rose is a very haughty girl who's confidence in herself and holds herself in high regards. She doesn't care what others think about her but she's very judgemental of others. So basically, she's definitely the type to judge a book by it's cover. And she thinks badly of everyone, even those who comes up to her with a nice attitude. This is mainly because her judgement is her defense. No matter what, she'll definitely think bad of everyone until she actually tries and gets to know the person or vice versa. But Rose isn't a very trusting person. And when she does trust someone, that person better hope to God that he/she doesn't break it. Once you break it, there is NO second chance.

She's a strong person both mentally and physically, but internal wise, she is not. She becomes very sensitive to those who manage to worm their way through her shell and she becomes quite like a mother. She's protective and gets worried easily. If they ever betray her, she becomes broken. To Rose, her family are the dearest thing to her in the world. She trust no one else and believes in no one else but her family. And if any of them were to break the trust she places in them, she becomes like a doll - emotionless and without a heart.

To those that hasn't broken through her shell, they usually come face-to-face with a cold and stoic person. She doesn't talk a lot but that doesn't mean that she is weak. If it comes to arguments, Rose has enough wit and intelligent to win it. She also has enough sarcasm to drive you to the brink of edge. But she prefers not to interact with the world if possible. Her life is seclusive and anyone who doesn't know her would be smart enough to leave her alone.


  • Rain
  • Spicy food
  • Birds
  • Quiet places
  • Lightning/Thunder
  • Fireworks
  • Anything that symbolizes hope
  • Childrens


  • Bullies/Jerks
  • Failure/Losing
  • People who can't stand up for themselves
  • Caramel
  • Crowded places (subways, schools, rush hour, etc.)
  • Betrayals


  • Sketching/Drawing/Doodling
  • Running
  • Cleaning
  • Reading
  • Archery
  • Hiking


  • Takes off her clothes when she has nightmares
  • Brushes her teeth while she's taking a shower
  • [give me a minimum of three.]

trivia. [give me a minimum of three]

fears. [give me a minimum of three]


WHO ARE YOU TO THE AGENCY?                                                          


years of training. Trained for 7 years. Started at the age of 14

the story behind the codename. 

Rose is her codename because to her, it means that her thorns has been picked off, but she still remains strong. That she will grow new thorns and show everyone that she will continue to move forward with her life and won't let anyone make her falter. Also that she is a strong and beautiful.


Rank C. Rose would have been higher but because of her lack of trusting people, it prevented her from working with others in missions. Rose is mostly independent unless she's paired up with people she trust. She's a hard worker but can be a bit stubborn at times.


Range combat and Poison


One of her strengths is her fast reaction to critical situations. She's quick on her feet and always has a backup plan just in case. But if that blows up, then she's really quick at thinking about new ones. She's incredible under pressure, especially when there's comrades involved. Her second strength is her sense of awareness. She's able to tell when something's wrong or something is just out of order. When something is off, Rose is more than likely to pick it up, be it the strange quietness or a pair of eyes watching. Her last strenght is her strong trust in her instinct. Rose almost always follow her instinct and it has saved her life more than once. A lot of people tend to ignore their gut feelings, but Rose never go against it.


A weakness of hers is her inability to trust people. Because of this, she doesn't have partners when she should have one. Not having a partner can really bring the chances of a person's survival down. This inability to trust also gives a lot of problems when she does have a partner since she's more than likely to snap at the person if they irriate her or so on. Another weakness is her rash attitude. She always have a smart comment to give and when she's not thinking, it tends to come out which can sabotage the situation. Which is why she stays quiet the majority of the time. And her last weakness is her family. Which is why most of her partners aren't people that she's close with because if the situation gets dangerous, she tends to try and stay back to help her family if they get in trouble instead of continuing on with the mission.



275x182                                                                        ITS YOUR STORY.

before the agency. [

Before the agency, Rose what was life like before The Agency took your character under their wings? How did they come to be considered "lost" enough for The Agency to take an interest in them? please be as descriptive as possible.]

initiation. [after you got The Agency to give you a shot, how did you convince them that you were worth the trouble? What trials were you forced to face? Please be as descriptive as possible.]

secrets. [is there anything that others don't know about you? Things about yourself that you wish to remain hidden?]




your trainer. G-Dragon of BIG BANG

your partner. 

Rose would rather prefer someone who can handle their own weight. Of course, she would also like a partner that doesn't get on her case about everything. So Male is a preferred gender, unless the female can absolutely hold her own end. If this person was to become close to her, she'd rather it be someone who is stubborn just like her and doesn't give up.

The relationship they'll eventually share will be a strong one because she never really had a partner before. Since the two will be partner, Rose will more than likely end up trusting this person, thus creating a strong bond.

other lost children. 

Other trainees sees Rose as a nuisance and as a sad person. A nuisance because if Rose doesn't get her way or if she's told what to do she tends to last out. She also keeps to herself when her situation is just like the others. But they also see that she's still living in the past and hasn't learned to move on just yet.

love interests. 

  • G-Dragon
  • Bang Yongguk

rivals.  N/A



anything else?

[leave any suggestions or any other ideas here]




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