What is wrong with me?

Last December, our class had a Christmas party in a resort



we cooked food

swam (there was a pool)

drank (well most of the them did, I didn't)

there were supposed to be games but the host got drunk LOL

we also had this "awards" thingy

Some of the words were: 

Banyo King and Queen (those who go to the CR most of the time)

Mr & Ms Mirror Mirror (those who looks at the mirror)

Mr & Ms Prof Proof (those who aren't scared of the professors)

Mr & Ms Absentism

Mr & Ms Late Comer

Mr & Ms Bully

Mr & Ms Victim



those are the awards to name a few~


So~ I got one award




Guess what?















Ms. Victim

Let me explain: Those who gets victimized, bullied, pranked and stuff similar to that



My reaction: "Ako talaga?" (It's really me?)




I've thought about it....and yeah~ I could be




I noticed that  not just during college but also in high school....I get bullied


In high school I got bullied,
I cried a lot of times

and I easily cry when I was younger


in college, I get picked on and pranked



it's like people see me as an idiot



when I try to remember their faces when I talk to them....







it's like I want to punch them


I have this feeling that they make fun and laugh at me behind my back

because of their faces








What the is wrong with me?

Why am I easily targeted by bullies and pranksters?

Am I too nice? Naive?

What did I do to deserve and experience this maderfacker things?


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