We want to look white? Bull.


As an Asian in the relatively multicultural nation of Australia, I’ve rarely encountered hardcore racism but there are a few things that still irk me. Apart from the racist slurs of: ching chong ling lang and ni hao ma (while pulling their eyes up to make them appear more slanted), one thing that just downright pisses me off is the whole “you want double eyelids so you want to look white thing”. First of all, you and your stupid, puny, idiotic brain.

1.       White people are not the only people who have blonde hair and big eyes. So when an Asian goes and dyes their head red, why don’t people go up to them and say, hey, I think you’re trying too hard to be Hispanic. It’s arrogance, pure arrogance. No, white people the world DOES NOT revolve around you. (And just to say, I have many white friends who are lovely. I’m just talking about the particularly laughable bunch)

2.       As a person with monolids let me tell you firsthand how annoying it is to anything with your eyes if you have monolids. Eye shadow doesn’t really work because once you open your eye, half of it is buried and eyeliner lines don’t show up half of the time. I fact, I could just line my outer corners and no one would notice that my inner eye wasn’t. Some people get double eyelid surgery for medical reasons because monolids can cause your eyelashes to grow weirdly and be of discomfort (now I don’t really know this, I got this from a friend). Indians have double eyelids too. So why can’t we?

3.       And lastly, those people that say in defence of their own arguments, that we should be happy with the way we look. If everyone in the entire world was happy with how they looked, models would not exist. And if you’re not even the slightest bit insecure about how you look, you must be a cyborg. So shut up. Leave me and my eyeliner in peace.

I’m sorry that I had to rant this to everyone but I just get so pissed every time a white person (usually on YouTube make-up tutorials) decides to bash Asians for wanting to be white. It’s ridiculous and arrogant beyond belief.




On another note, I am in dire need of applicants for my app fic :) So please check it out if you could....

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jongty #1
THAT IS SO TRUE! btw WHITE PEOPLE listen up...some asians are born WAYY WHITER and PRETTIER and some HAS BETTER BODIES..best of all we all have better PERSONALITIES. and some asians actually have WAYY BIGGER EYES and at least we AREN'T rasist
Great job. You are super right. <3
I agree with this. I'm Hispanic btw and it bothers me how ignorant some people can still be. It's a damn shame.
Juleeyaaa #4
and i agree with kamisama. it's like those very skinny people who think they look like they're anorexic and those fat ones who want to be skinny. you know.
Juleeyaaa #5
er. actually many asians have double eye-lids. just not koreans. lol. virtually ALL darker skin asians, like the burmese and malays, have double eye lids. so.....
And to anyone suspecting that I'm just getting offensive, because I am too an Asian who wants-to-look-white, then excuse me. I'm just going to say this, but I'm saying all of this as an Asian with big eyes that have double eyelids, fair skin and relatively high cheekbones.
I don't think it's that Asians want to look 'white' per se, but it's another one of those "we want what we don't have" things.

Asians want nice pale skin, why? Not because of white people, but because as a majority we have skin which looks slightly jaundiced, which at times can be a medical condition, and can seem sickly (ie. not healthy at all.) Why the hell would a bunch of ethnocentric people want to look like a person of another ethnicity, anyway? We Asian have a lot of pride in our cultural and in our people, and we certainly don't (at least not all of us) think that looking 'white' is looking 'good'.
Asian want double eyelids, why? Not because of white people, but mostly because it makes your eyes look larger. Also, if we want to be really honest here, most white people don't actually have double eyelids. They simply have a higher brow bone, which means their skin just folds over there. They don't have the same type of 'double eyelids' that Asians want anyway, so whichever white person says that Asians who want double eyelids are white-wannabes can go ____ themselves.

Also in other news, if I'm going to put the same sort of spin on this that self-worshipping white people are going to put on this; whites think high cheekbones are attractive, so many want high cheekbones. Asian in general have higher cheekbones. BA DUM TSS.
Your Asians-want-to-look-and-be-white-because-oh-hey-we're-so-great argument is now invalid.

/rant over/