Exo at GDA

[FLIGHT INFO] EXO WILL NOT BE ARRIVING AT 4PM. EXO are leaving on the flight thats at 4PM and arriving at KLIA on 9:50pm. v:k_empresss


Exo will arrive at KLIA at 9:50PM with Infinite, 4minute, B1A4, Beast, SJ, Cn Blue, FT Island, Kara, and Juniel. OMFG


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Urghhhh....i really want to go..dammit..its so far..tch..i just should stay with my brother or sister at KL...aish....¬.¬
What the heck am doing right now?!!! I should FCUK my job and go to KLIA!!!!!!
OMG !!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TT ^ TT
I WANT TO GO !!!!! TT^TT, Sepang is not that far from my house *tears*