Tears Have Been Shed...Blood Shall Be Drained

I will cry myself to sleep tonight and for the following nights until Death comes and claims me.

Tears are not just drops of water coming from one's eyes. Tears are words...words being said by a broken heart. Tears are statements...statements that express great agony. Tears are...they're ing coming out from my eyes!!!

Depression is overtaking me. It's consuming every part of me. It's paralyzing all my functioning parts. It's gradually killing me.

Death is near and I will be welcoming it with open arms and a peaceful soul. It doesn't matter who's going to miss me as I take my leave from this world. All that matters now is that...I will be gone. All traces of me shall vanish. All memories of me shall be forgotten. My story shall never be written down. No one will ever know all my doings in this world. I shall cease to exist.

My body shall go down to Hell and be punished for all I have done as a human. I shall shed tears of blood as every Satan's whip crashes onto my skin. No matter how much I plead for freedom, I know I will never obtain it.

By this time, I may have forgotten how to be a human since Hell has made me a beast...

But I will always remember you...until you join me in my suffering.






























See you in hell...


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