And On The Topic of Seriousness...

Some stuff just happened that left me, I guess you could say...irked. I'm not going to say what, simply because that would involve the other person, and it would just be dishonorable on my part to do bashing of any kind.

But this thing revolved around uality, which for those who know me, is kind of a big thing.

I, being the age I am and thoroughly confused about EVERYTHING, only really know that I'm biual. How do I know? Because I just do. I am naturally attracted to people of both genders, and it's not because I chose it. No one wakes up one morning and goes,"I guess I'll be gay today!" nor do they go,"I guess I'm gonna be straight!"

Using Leviticus as a reason to hate on gays is not valid. Why? Because it was written by men, not god. And frankly, no one should be following a book word for word that says that menstruating, being , and wearing a blend of fabrics is sin. Now, I understand. I am an atheist, but I get why people follow religion, and I find the concept to be rather beautiful. I've the Bible, and it most definitely contains morals and metaphors that can be followed so that one leads a kind and satisfying life. But why are we going to take this uplifting book and turn it into a weapon to make people feel bad about themselves?

I've been told numerous times that I will go to hell. While I don't believe in such an afterlife, it stands to reason that if someone says something like that with such a malicious intent, I will feel bad about it regardless of my faith. I don't believe I should suffer hate or consequence for being in love. I highly encourage people to come out if they so choose, and to be proud of whatever it is they are. At the moment, I'm struggling with my own gender. I don't feel comfortable in a female body, and am commonly referred to with male pronouns by my friends and teachers who support me. Not everyone has this luxery of comfort. I really wish that more people would acknowledge that. 

Those who are not out of the closet spend their lives fawning over making sure no one finds them out. They are intent on making it look as if they are the epitome of society's norm, and this obsession with being "normal" causes them to focus and think constantly about that aspect of themselves. 

I always tell people this when they try to understand what it's like to be gay/bi/trans/panual. Think of it this way: You're walking down the street with the person you love. You want to hold their hand, but you know that if you do, people will be staring you down until you stop. They'll whisper things behind your back and insult you to your face just because you love that person that's walking next to you. 

How does feel?



And no one should have to feel like that. Why should someone homoual feel any different from someone who's heteroual? Why is there a difference? Because something else goes into a different hole? That's ridiculous.

All I'm asking for is maybe for this to be spread around. I don't care where. Just...if you can. Maybe it's a stupid attempt on my part. But this means a lot to me, and even if you aren't gay, if you care about equality, I think it should mean something to you too...




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i'm totally hetero but i like (i dont like yuri though) and that doesnt mean that my uality will chqnge or anything
This touched me :) I'm sad to say that I am still in the closet, but I am making progress! I am now mostly open at school. No one asks, but I don't hide it, so~ :P But my family is a whole other story :/ But I am happy about my progress. I feel so much closer to you with this post <3 I can really see us becoming great friends :)