Love War, Nyx Application




Love War, Nyx Application Form


Aff username: Kimjade


Link to profile:


Name:  Goo Yun Ji  구윤지


Nickname(s): Ji Ji


Birthday: April 21, 1993


Blood type: O+


Height: 168 cm


Weight: 45 kg


Birthplace: Boseong, South Korea


Ethnicity: Korean


Languages: Korean, English, Japanese All fluent


Personality: I’m distant, but want to be closer. I hold my-self back from people because I don’t want to be hurt again, but I desperately want someone to tell me they like me for me and that I don’t have to hide from them. It might seem pitiful but it is my fondest wish.

I am silent, but full of wisdom even in my naiveté. I don’t let many know of it though because I don’t want to seem foolish or stuck up. I don’t want it to seem like I am bragging. I care about what others think of me. I have shaky confidence and have to try hard every step of the way to keep my head above it and not drown.

I don’t like to see people bullied and I will stick up for them even if I don’t know them, or don’t like them. Because I know how it feels I will not let someone do that to others. I will guilt trip the bully into leaving with their head down in shame.

I don’t take charity. I will if it’ll bring disrespect to the person offering to refuse, but I will feel bad about it until I can pay them back some way.

I like to volunteer with little kids, but I don’t like them once they can talk back. I enjoy talking with elders to hear their stories and gain insight from them. I don’t mind anything they say to me, even if it is to say I need a husband or not to dye my hair or insult me even. I will just smile at them. I had to care for my grandmother once before she passed away and it made me want to cherish my elders while I still can. I will go against my introverted personality and make others respect an elder, like make them give up their seat to an older person on the bus.

I want to be in love but never have, and I secretly think that I can’t love someone that way.

I have a brother complex. I try my best to help my family out when I can. 

I hide away my hurts, only allowing them to come out when I am alone. I hate for others to see me cry and think I’m weak, because I obviously am not.

I’ve been told I have a princess complex, but I just don’t see it. I’m not selfish even when I want to be. I help the needy even if I am broke and living off of ramyun. I have a hope for humanity that I hold on to tightly, so I won’t lose all my faith in them. I hate all the negativity and it makes me angry to see injustice. But I do have a mean side that I don’t show to just every one. I can be snide and cruel too. I won’t hurt a nice person intentionally, but I will go after a bully or someone mean spirited. I try to hold it in check but sometimes my words jump out without thought.

I always feel guilty if I hurt someone’s feelings unless I think they are jerks that deserve it, which are mostly men. I don’t feel like they have feelings anyway when they treat a girl harshly.

I don’t like vain guys so I will rip their confidence away bit by bit because they annoy me.

I’m sly around girls I don’t like, they most of the time don’t realize I’m there because I’m so quiet, so I hear a lot of mean spirited plans to hurt others. Then I will counter their little plans with something of my own that I dig up on them so they are the ones embarrassed and not the person they were going after, because I can’t stand people like that.

I think people should have decency about them. Its common sense and it bugs me when others don’t have that.


Your personality off and on stage:

On Stage I am super cute and sweet, I will be y when the concept calls for it, but still throw in some sassy attitude which makes the fan boys have nosebleeds. Lol

Off Stage I am not so cute. I try and hold it back as much as possible but am cute unintentionally. It’s natural for me but I don’t like it much because people tend to baby me then.  I am more reserved than y and like to read and study. I always have the sassy attitude though. I am quick witted and sometimes sharp with my words. I try not to speak because I have hurt people accidently with my careless comments.  L


Your personality around girls and boys: Around girls I am shy and quieter than normal unless I know them really well, then I am crazy me all the time. Around guys I am shy but flirtatious, which is a character flaw, lol.
Actually I do that unintentionally as well but nobody believes me when I tell them that.


Background: I grew up not knowing we were a little on the poor side. I’ve never worn branded clothes or had my own TV or anything like that. My Mother worked two jobs for as long as I can remember and my Father always worked in construction. Before I began school we lived at a resort and ran it for a rich man. My Mother cleaned the cabins and my Father managed it on top of doing their other jobs. No other kids lived around us so I had no steady friends. The kids that would stay at the resort always left after a week or two, so I got used to saying goodbye to people I cared for. My brother is older than me by nine years so he was never around even though he was always my hero.

I took piano lessons after starting school and loved that I had the ability to make such beautiful music. That is when I fell in love with it. I made my Mother so proud when I had recitals. She was always tired and worked hard for us. My Father was an ‘absentee’ in our life; he kept to himself when at home and didn’t talk to me much at all. He favored my brother even though he wasn’t his biological child.

My brother would get odd jobs and spend all his time with friends and girlfriends. He was a little of a playboy back then.  He fought to keep his life separate from our Fathers, which dad didn’t approve of, of course. I was picked on a lot in school and learned quickly how to hold my infamous temper so I wouldn’t get into trouble with the teachers. I was more inclined to the arts and Math was my worst subject.

(This is where it diverges from my actual 100% me and gets ‘Koreanized’ for the story).

I kept to myself and only had one good friend, but I didn’t trust her fully either, which turned out to be a smart move, because she me after I did better than she with the piano.

I joined the music club and learned the violin. Finding that I had talent with the strings my instructor had me take Gagyeum lessons.

My Father didn’t want to pay for them however, because we had so little money. The teacher gave me the lessons for free to cultivate my talent. I will always be grateful to her for that chance.

We always lived in good houses, even if they were small and I never minded it. I was naive in the knowledge that my family loved me. I didn’t learn the truth until later in life. When I was eleven my Mother and Father divorced, I lived with her and my Brother moved out on his own after completing his military duty.

My Father was okay with my desire to be an idol, but my Mother wanted me to be a teacher or dentist. I didn’t have the capacity to do that, (too much school). While I was in training my Father developed cancer. He only lived a year. When he died my family, 2 aunts and an Uncle took everything leaving me with nothing but a few pictures. They didn’t even let his kids have his ashes. They began spreading horrible rumors about my brother and I. That is when I knew they didn’t really care about us at all.

I just brushed it off though. I’m not petty like that. I burn incense and hold the memorial for him anyway. I will never not feel guilty I wasn’t there though.

It pushed me to work even harder. I will never fail, so that my dad can see I’m okay. I will make it, no matter what. I do everything I can for my remaining family now. My Brother found a wonderful American woman to marry named Lisa. My Mother doesn’t like her and I have to get on to her about her treatment of my sister. I find her to be a wonderful person and like her a lot. My Mother is thinking of remarrying an older man whom I don’t really get along with, and our relationship has become strained over time.

My brother is now a choreographer for an entertainment company. He’s got great talent for it.

Not to brag but, I can cut up a dance floor my-self.

To coin a phrase “I’ve got moves… you’ve never seen.” lol


Goo Dae Seuk (Deceased) – Father; a stout man who never let his kids get away with anything. He was a stern man who didn’t believe in sparing the rod. He would take up for his kids in front of others and keep them from trouble if they did wrong, but he would beat them afterwards and make them go to bed without dinner. He ignored his family a lot. Never home to see to things, the raising of the kids fell to their Mother. He passed away while living with his younger brother and his family.

Kang Eun Mi (56)   – Mother; a stern woman who lived her life working. She gave everything for work and the home, never letting her children go to school looking poor or rumpled. She became bitter after all those years of getting nothing in return. She refuses to take care of her children now that they are out of the house and doesn’t listen when they tell her the man she is dating isn’t good for her. She gossips too much about others and smokes too much, which keeps Yun Ji from going home much at all. She is more concerned with what the neighbors think of her than with her own children. She disapproves of Yun Ji becoming an idol because of that. Her two jobs are, running a small restaurant and delivering clothing from the drycleaners to the more upscale neighborhoods.

Kang Ji Joon (27)   – Half-Brother; a fun loving man who cares for his little sister a lot. He took his mother’s name after he turned 18. He and Eun Mi left her ex-husband after he tried to beat them one night. They have never seen him since. Ji Joon is always pushing Yun Ji to do her best and telling her she is great. He fully supports her decisions in life and when he doesn’t he calmly tells her why. The siblings have never had a fight like normal brothers and sisters do because they are hardly ever around each other for long. He was a wanderer in the past and couldn’t settle anywhere for long until he met Lisa, an American studying at Korea National University of Arts. He attended the School of Dance, she the Interschool Division. They grew close in a short amount of time and soon began dating. After he graduated, Ji Joon married Lisa against his mother’s wishes and they moved to a loft overlooking downtown Seoul. He is now a sub choreographer/dancer for SM Entertainment artists. Lisa teaches English to young children at the local language institute. They have recently found out they can’t have children.  

Does your family like your partner? : Sure He is well mannered and mom likes the fact that he is well known and popular so he will make more money. *Rolls my eyes at her shameless behavior*





Ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji


Back up ulzzang: Seo Ji Hye


Fashion style:




•The traditions and traditional instruments of Korea

•Her brother

•Elders (they have a lot to say)

•Playing pop songs on the traditional instruments

•Reading/writing/learning (they all go hand in hand)

•Different languages and cultures (I'm fast at learning them too!)


•People that talk badly about her family

•Cigarette smoke

•The smell of hospitals

•Harsh winds (unless she is in one of her ‘moods’)

•Vain/prideful people that put others down because they think they are better than anyone

•Spiders or any bug for that matter

•Clowns (they are just freaky man)

•Obnoxious/rude kids



•Writing songs/composing music

•Playing weird songs and popular music on her Kayagum

•Learning dance choreography from anyone who will teach their steps

•Painting landscapes/sketching nature



When I am happy I tend to hop around or dance suddenly.

When I am sad I will stare out of the window (sometimes without blinking) or hang my head so my hair covers my face.

When I am embarrassed I hang my head and cover my face with my hair, which is really long, because my face becomes very red.

When I am thinking I will run my lower lip between my teeth, worrying it.

When I draw or write the tip of my tongue sticks out. If it’s at night and I am laying on my stomach writing and fall asleep, my tongue will be caught between my teeth and I will wake up with indentions in my tongue. Lol

I twirl my hair all the time, so the sections of hair at my temples are always wavy.


Stage Name: Yun Ji


Persona: The dancing queen


Fanclub name: Willows

Because they think my dancing is graceful like the wind in the willows, swaying the branches back and forth.


Position:  Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist


Other talent(s):
I have natural aegyo
I am hyper flexible
I studied martial arts, Tae Kwon Do, for six years and have a 4thDan Black belt.
I can blow a huge bubble with little bubbles inside it (soap bubbles).


Years of training: 4 years and 2 days


Training history:  I was scouted at my friends audition. The director saw me dancing to one of the other applicant’s song as they practiced outside of the building.

They were hard years and the relentless practice made every one short tempered. There were fights and chairs thrown, but we always made up in the end because we all had the same dream and we were there for the same things. It made us work hard. We ran a lot to build stamina, we strained our voices to perfect our tones and we pulled muscles while dancing full out every time. There were rivalries between some of the trainees, but in the end our seniors would make us apologize to everyone and then we would have to clean the building for the next three weeks, from the bathrooms to the offices and practice rooms. We were put on diets and ran ragged, yet we all knew this was for our benefit. So we could become the idols we dreamed about becoming, and reaching the top.

My attitude made it hard for me to make friends at first but soon after meeting MBLAQ we all became good friends. I can’t really talk to Cheondoong, but we get along, we’re just awkward around each other and Joon and G.O tease us about it all the time. Joon is my best friend though.


Trivia:  (These are 100% me, not just the character. I like to personalize my apps)

I am always cold no matter the temperature. If the air conditioner is on I will be wearing a shawl or a long loose sleeved shirt or light baggy sweater.

I get anemia during ‘that time’ of the month and I will be listless and tired. I get very crabby during this time and my temper sparks easily even when I’m trying to be nice I will snap and change into a growling, hissing entity in the blink of an eye. People tend to stay well away from me around this time and let me sleep more, and give me more red meat to replenish my loss.

I secretly strangle people in my mind if I don’t like them (and sometimes even when I do) while outwardly I am smiling at them, not letting them on to it.

I have a sharp wit and a sarcastic sense of humor.

I have a bad memory until music comes on, then I can remember every lyric to the song.

I don’t eat chocolate until it’s ‘that time’ of the month. Then I crave it madly.

I dislike chocolate chip cookies. I prefer macadamia nut and white chocolate cookies.

My favorite color is blue

My favorite song is Lie by F.T. Island

My favorite band is MBLAQ (because they would kill me if I didn’t say that), lol!

The song stuck in my head right now (and for the last few days) - I don't know by MBLAQ


Your ideal type:

My ideal type is a man that dresses well and has good manners. He is sweet and never lets me wait alone. He knows that I care about him even if I don’t say it and doesn’t whine about it. He does his thing and I do mine but we still text or talk all the time. A man who will respect me, who is intelligent and can carry on a conversation with me. My type is a man who isn’t ashamed to tell me his thoughts and how he feels, someone who is strong, funny, sometimes silent, and helpful and an all-around great guy.

1: Kwon Ji Young

2: Kim Jaejoong


Partner: Lee Taemin  이태민


Partner's personality: Taemin is sweet to others and he tries to be accommodating so as not to cause any problems. He doesn’t like to be babied and wants to be treated as a man. He is humble and has good manners, but still acts childish at times. He carries sweets around and gives them to people. He is contentious of everything and dresses well.

He is shyer around me than he is with his band mates, but we do laugh and joke around once we have been around each other for more than five minutes.


Partner’s ideal type or someone he likes: Lizzy from Orange Caramel

Taemin says: “My ideal type girl would be someone who only looks at me, like a sunflower.”


Have you met before the show? N/A


You and him at first: We were awkward and shy around each other, but he forced himself to talk to me and we were able to talk comfortably after about 20 minutes.


Are you please having him as your partner? : He is a cute!


Your couple name: The Minion couple 민윤

Min from his name and Yun from mine

Ex-boyfriend(s): G.O from MBLAQ.
We went out for like two weeks and found out that we were much better as friends.


She's my ideal type: TaeYang from Big Bang


Yang Seungho: We are like brother and sister, we fight and tease each other but he protects me from things and is really sweet. When it comes to giving advice he is the one I turn to.

Jung Byung-hee: We treat each other like best friends and know more about the other than anyone else. We are really close, as we dated for a few weeks, but found we were better suited as friends.

Lee Joon: We are giggly together and play pranks along with Mir on all the other members. He lets me play with his hair and I always for not taking showers by pinching my nose and waving around him. We are always laughing around each other. Good friends. My buddy.

Park Sang Hyun: Thunder and I are awkward around each other. We just have different personalities. He is still a friend and I would do anything for him but we are not very close.

Bang Cheol Yong: Mir and I are good buddies. We hang around Joon all the time and goof off. We are like the three stooges or something. He and I even color together, lol.

Lee Min Young (Min) Miss A: We are good friends and we always joke around with each other. We like to have dance offs and we sometimes train together. She is my best girl-friend.




Rival(s): Jessica Jung SNSD


Scandals: I might have had a small, miniscule scandal with G.O but we cleared it up as just being really good friends. Rain chewed my out for it though.


Extra(s): I don’t like church people if they keep asking me to go with them, I will get mad. I believe, I just don’t like going to church.  I’d rather believe in what I believe and send thanks for all the little things I experience, like the breeze and the smell of flowers, the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind and the song of birds overhead.

I’m naturally spiritual and don’t care too much about material things. But I would like to make money to give to my Mother to make her life easier for once and to my Brother as well for his never ending support.


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