/casually stealing stuff from umma/


Sorry for stealing this umma I love you <3



1. What is your username? 

2. Do you read or write fanfics? 
I do both because I do not have a life :B

3. When did you first start reading/writing fanfics? 
I've been writing fanfiction for a really long time. About... five years now, maybe? 

4. What was your first fandom?
In Kpop terms, it was SNSDs fandom ♥ 

5. First ship?

6. What website(s) do you use the most?
Asianfanfics, FaceBook, SoShiFied, Pokéfarm, DeviantART

7. What do you think of AFF?
It's amajjing ;;

8. What groups have you written? 
... SNSD, F(x), Ace of Angels, 2NE1, T-ARA, Kara, BEG.. 

9. Pairings?
I've written many different pairings. Almost every pairing within SNSD, some F(Generation), and pretty much everything ;;

10. Any groups you would like to write?
This question is confusing me.

11. Do reviews affect how you write a story? 
Not really. I mean, it's my story. If people don't like it, they should gtfo and just not read it.

12. Do you use a beta? 
Only sometimes.

13. What ratings do you read/write?
Everything. Though the rated stuff doesn't make it online on this account because I claim to be innocent ;;

14. What warnings have you used on your fanfic(s)?
None whatsoever :3

15. Do you have any squicks?

16. Do you roleplay online?

17. Have you ever stolen something from another person's work? 
No :3

18. Favorite fandom to write/read?
SNSD / F(x) stuff ;A;

19. Favorite pairings? 
At this moment; LunBer, KryBer, SooTae, SooSica, SooFany, SooBer, KrysNa, JungLi, JeTi, TaeNy, 2Ny, YoonYul, TaengSic.

20. Favorite writer(s)?
... There's a lot. Too many to mention. I consider authors my favourites when I actually take the time to read everything at random times and such.

21. How long should a chapter be?
... That differs. I just stop when I stop.

22. Do you read/write drabbles?
/stares at all them drafts/ I write them, reading... not so much.

23. Any groups you avoid?
Male ones? .3. 
Well, I don't really avoid them, I just prefer to stick to dem gurlz.

24. Pairings you avoid?
YulSic. and straight /

25. Warnings you avoid?
I don't avoid warnings x3

26. Do the number of reviews tell you how good a story is?
No. There's too many great stories out there with hardly any readers. EXO stories are /always/ the ones which are considered good, even though they're all about the same ty plot and such, so the amount of reviews says N O T H I N G

27. What do you think of Mary Sue?
Stinks. Mary Sue and Gary Stue are annoying.

28. Have you ever flamed someone?
No, or at least not on purpose. ;;

29. Have you ever been flamed?
Nope :3

30. How many fanfics have you written?
Too many to count ;;

31.  What genres do you write or read?
Anything, really. 

32. What story of yours has the most comments and how many? 
Distant, a shocking total of 31 comments x3

33. Most words?
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever.. And I don't feel like checking it. 

34. Which one do you like the best?
.. One which has no title yet.. And which isn't online yet. It's TaeNy, though. But I seriously wanna finish it before posting it up.

35. Which do you like the least?
... Err.. I dunno D:

36. What do you think of hetero fanfics?
I don't read them .3. So idrc.

37. Slash/
no to the thanks.

38. Favorite hetero pairing?
None. If I had to choose, probably SooHae.. 

39. Favorite slash pairing?
... /kills self/

40. What are your favorite genres?
Any =w=

41. Will you read someone's fanfic if they asked you to?
Lol sure =w= If I feel like it and it interests me.


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eightaenine #1
Yah! you are not a good burglar! :P