〈 i n t e r d i t s 〉♛ Ahn Hyerin











Ahn Hyerin






username : k-rst-n 
profile link : clicky to go to my profile!
nickname : just call me Kirston




character's name : Ahn Hyerin 안혜린
» Rin; it's a shortened form of her name. Close friends and family call her this.
» Fish Hye; a nickname given to her by her friends. When she concentrate really hard, she tends to make a fish face unconsciously. Also because her favorite hairstyle is the fishtail braid and she seems to always be wearing her hair in one. Hye is just the first part of her name added on to the nickname, but also, if you say it outloud, the whole name sounds a bit like "fishie".
» Slow-Rin; she's not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, and is often heard saying really dumb things.
date of birth : December, 25th, 1992
age : 20
ethnicity : Korean
birthplace : Busan, South Korea
hometown : Seoul, South Korea
languages :

» Korean; fluent
» Chinese; basic (she is learning it)



ulzzang : Park Sora  
pictures :
image || image || image || image || image 
back-up ulzzang : Pony
image || image || image
style : High heels are her life. All the shoes she owns are pretty much heels, except for the occasional flats and tennis shoes. She likes a lot of bright colors. Her closet is as if a rainbow puked all over her clothes, but in a good way of course. She likes to wear a lot of accessories, especially daring and edgy ones. She also likes a lot of bows and headbands. And she always has her favorite bright lipstick with her. When it comes to fashion, she likes to be the one that people go to for advice. She also likes to dye her hair often. Her most favorite hair color of hers was her red one, and she comes back to that color a lot.
height : 168cm
weight : 47kg
extras : Both of her ears are pierced, as if her right cartilage. There's a small scar on her cheek that she got from falling out of a tree when she was little.



personality :
» Hyerin is a pretty easy going person. She loves to meet interesting people and is always on some kind of adventure. She doesn't care for much and is always finding a way to have a little bit of fun, even if it does get her in trouble. She doesn't have second thoughts about breaking some rules for her benefit. Though most of the time she doesn't even realize she's breaking a rule. She's a very relaxed and laid back person. She hates people who are too strict and never have fun.
Hyerin is very competitive. Everything she does, she'll make it into a competition or contest. And like she says, "Competitions are meant to be won. By me, of course." She'll take a simple thing as a small race and turn it into a big contest. She will literally do anything to win, and cheating is not beneath her (but only if it's a small bet between her and friends. She won't cheat if it's something serious). This can be a good thing, since the idol industry is pretty competitive, and you need to do your best at all times to get to the top. But this is also a bad thing, as sometimes, she tends to go a bit overboard. She hates losing anything, and can sometimes get a bit dramatic about it. She doesn't like being in second place either. She says that it's better to be dead last than to be second, "since if you're second, you were beaten by a tiny bit, and you'll always think about what you could've done just a little better to push you over the edge. But if you're last, you know you were screwed from the beginning and it doesn't even matter if you tried your best." Competition between people makes her work harder. Especially if someone says she can't do something. She'll be determined to prove them wrong, and when she does, it's just so satisfactory.
Being smart is not her field. There's a stereotype that all Asians are good at math, but Hyerin is here to prove that stereotype wrong, one math problem at a time. She's lucky she wasn't last in her class, but that's only because she barely scraped by. She is kind of slow (thus the nickname 'Slow-Rin') and she knows it, so even she makes fun of herself for being dumb. She can be heard and seen saying and doing the most stupidest things sometimes. And she'll get the most easy questions wrong. For example, she was once asked what 3 x 1 was as a joke and she confidently shouted out, "I know this, it's 4!" Her problem is that she doesn't think before speaking, but even if she did think, she'd probably still think 3 x 1 is 4.
Painting is her thing. So is fashion, but painting is her escape. She could sit down and paint for hours and hours and she'd be perfectly content. She may have very well been the dumbest in math class, but she was the top of her art class. She loves to paint, and at one point, she even considered a career as a painter. Though that never happened, she still continues to express herself through her art. Hyerin often times gets lost in her own paintings, and forget about just how long she's been sitting there doing it. Art is her escape from the real world and she won't give it up for anything.
Like how painting is her escape from the world, writing raps and choreographing is her way of expressing herself. She loves how easy it is for words to come flowing out of in a jumbled mess of rhymes and rhythms and then somehow transform into an amazing piece of rap. She loves how her body moves when trying to come up with dance moves. She likes how calming and freeing it for her. She thinks it's pretty cool that a bunch of out of sync, unorganized, separate dance moves can all come together to make a wonderful piece of art. Just like how painting is her escape, so is writing and dancing. But even though she loves to rap and dance, she likes to do it on her own will. If she's being forced to practice, she won't enjoy it anymore.
She is a natural joker. That was probably why she almost flunked out of school. She was the class clown and trying to make people laugh instead of focusing on her studies. She always has a list of lame jokes on hand and will tell them at the most random moments. She'll say the weirdest things too, like how she randomly asked out of no where, "Wait, what's your mom's name again?" to one of her friends. Even though she's joking most of the time, there are instances (like that one) where she was being serious and people thought she was joking. 
Hyerin is known as the girl who can't be serious for long. Even though it's true most of the time, there are actually times where she knows to shut up and stop kidding around because serious business is going on. Those are the times where you'll see a complete switch in her. Instead of that happy go lucky girl who's always joking around, she'll be dead silent and be formal and respectful. When the moment is very important, you'll see this switch happen. She doesn't like it whenever she has to be in her serious mode, and she basically has to force herself to go into it, but she knows that if it's a serious matter, she shouldn't joke around. She's not all that irresponsible. 
Hyerin is a very grateful person. She knows she wouldn't be here if it weren't for her friends and family. She's grateful towards her parents for everything, but especially for letting her chase her dream. She's grateful to her siblings because they gave her strength and pushed her to work harder. She's grateful to her friends, especially the ones she met while still a trainee, because they helped her through the tough times she wanted to quit and they convinced her that she was strong enough to stay. In short, she's very thankful to everyone who's made an impact in her life. That's why she always makes it a point to say thank you to everyone, no matter how small their role is in her life, whether is be a pd or an mc or even a passerby who held the door open for her. She thinks that they deserve to hear a thank you.
background :
» Hyerin was born in Busan to a lawyer and a (at the time) secretary. She was her parent's "Christmas Gift" (although she barely made the deadline to be called a Christmas Baby). Her mother quit her job to stay home and take care of her, and it's not like they needed the extra money since her father was a lawyer after all. Her dad spoiled her to no end, to make up for never being around, while her mother was actually the one to put her foot down when her dad went overboard. Thanks to the balance between her parents, Hyerin grew up to be a pretty okay person.
Four years after she was born, her mother got pregnant again, this time with twins. Though Hyerin was used to being an only child, she was very excited at the prospect of not only getting one, but two, new siblings to play with. And when her two twin siblings were born (a beautiful girl named Soojin and a handsome boy named Jaejin) she immediately knew she was going to love them with all her heart. She spoiled her brother and sister and let them play with her and she even gave them a ton of toys. No wonder, growing up, that the three of them were extremely close siblings.
As they grew up into teenagers, and then young adults (and Hyerin into an adult), they all found their own interests. Soojin's was photography, Jaejin's was business, and Hyerin's was music. Her parents were very supportive of their children's hobbies and interests and often times helped them get started towards their dreams.
It was actually her father who told her about an audition for SME. He knew that she loved to dance and rap, and occasionally sing, He also knew that SME was one of the top entertainment companies in the industry, and so he pushed her to pursuing her dream through SM. At first, she didn't even make it through the first round. She wasn't experienced enough and her talents still had a lot of improvements to be made. But given her competitive nature, this little setback did not deter her from her dream. It actually only made her work even harder on improving. The second time she tried out, she passed with flying colors and was accepted as a trainee.
likes : 
» interesting people
» winning and competitions
» art
» music, especially rap and hip hop
» lame jokes and corny pick up lines
» dark chocolate
» the guitar
» sleeping
» her family
dislikes : 
» uptight and strict people
» losing and getting second place
» being serious
» milk chocolate
» being away from her family and hometown
» having to get up and being woken up when she's still tired
» being forced to practice
» diets
» small rooms/places, especially those that are dark.
» elevators
hobbies :
» painting
» choreographing dances
» writing raps 
» fashion
habits :
» she sometimes makes a fish face when she concentrates really hard. It's unconscious and she never notices herself doing it until someone points it out to her.
» when she's angry and or upset, her Busan accent will be heard loud and clear
» she has a bad habit of sleeping in the clothes she wore that day (makeup and all) and then waking up in the morning and regretting it.
» she has a Busan accent
» she want's a tattoo, but is too afraid of the pain to get one.
» she is left handed
» her favorite color is red 
» she at math and often gets even the most simple problems wrong
» her favorite instrument is the guitar, though she has never had the time to learn how to play it
» she is a very heavy sleeper, and nothing can wake her up during the night. The only way she'll wake up is if you physically touch her.
» she is afraid of small spaces and can be described as claustrophobic. That's why she hates elevators.
» she is also afraid of the dark. She always has a night light on when sleeping, or else she can't sleep.
» she spaces out a lot



family members : 
» father || Ahn Jiwoo || 49 || lawyer || alive || 6
» mother || Ahn Hwayoung || 45 || housewife/stay at home mom || alive || 8
» brother || Ahn 'Jay' Jaejin || 16 || student || alive || 10
» sister || Ahn Soojin || 16 || student || 10
family background : 
» Her family was a pretty normal one. No scandals, no falling outs, nothing extremely interesting. Her dad was never home, but that was the norm with working men these days, and since her mom was stay at home one, it was pretty much expected, as her dad was the one making all the money. Hyerin understood that. Soojin and Jaejin, though, unfortunately didn't.
They became increasingly distant from their father as they grew older. It has gotten better recently, what with the whole family coming together to support Hyerin, but there's still a little rift between the twins and their father. Even though her father was what she would call a workaholic, he was still a very caring dad that tried his best  to be a good father. He spoiled his kids a lot, and it's always their mom that has to put a stop to it.
Hyerin's family is very supportive of her. They push her on and they are her strength when it comes to keep on going. They're the whole reason why she doesn't just quit.  They know that they're basically her life line, too, and they don't hesitate to prove themselves when they get the chance. Especially her twin siblings. They're very much like Hyerin in a way, and they're always helping her out with stuff and telling her they believe in her.
Even though her family was wealthier than the average family, they don't let it get to their heads. They live in a modest home and don't flaunt their wealth around. They don't need the newest technology or the flashiest cars. All they need is each other and they're quite alright with that. That's their family motto.
friends :
» Kim Minseok (Xiumin) || 22 || member of EXO-M || 7
» Im Yoona || 22 || member of  SNSD || 6
» Kang Jinae (OC) || 19 || trainee at SM || 8
» Seok Minsuk (OC) || 22 || in the military || 6
best friend :
» Jung Soojung (Krystal) || 18 || member of f(x) || 9
» Byun Baekhyun || 20 || member of EXO-K || 9
» Song Aerin (OC) || 21 || student studying medicine at university || 8
rival : 
» Park Sunyoung (Luna) || 19 || member of f(x) || Hyerin entered the company as a trainee around the same time Luna was about to debut. Even though Hyerin was older than her, Luna still treated her with disrespect from time to time. This was before she debuted, though, and so now Hyerin hates that she has to be the junior since Luna is her senior. Also, for the while that they were both trainees, they were very competitive with each other.



trainee days :  
» Whoever says being a trainee is easy was lying. And Hyerin is proof of that. There were some times that she had a lot of fun, but those were rare and were far in between. All she can remember from her trainee days was being forced to dance, rap, sing (occasionally), study, and sweat; and of course, she was always getting scolded for one reason or another. She was a very 'out there' type of person, and was always trying to make new friends. But that only seemed to do the opposite for her, and people avoided her and didn't like her. She always joked that it was as if all the trainees were mute, since they never talked to her. That partly was due to the fact that Luna basically ostracized her and made everyone do it too. 
She was very lucky to have met very amazing people that did not follow Luna's word, though. Those people were Kang Jinae, Byun Baekhyun, Kim Minseok, and Jung Soojung. They were the ones that made her trainee years the least bit bearable. She had many a times thought about quitting and going back home, but her friends had convinced her otherwise, so she's very grateful to them, Things did get a bit awkward between Krystal and Luna, but Krystal was always there for Hyerin no matter what. 
Change was not fun for Hyerin. She hates changes. And being a trainee was definitely a very big change. Having to practice 24/7 was exhausting, and having to diet was even worse. Never seeing her family was also a terrible thing for her. Especially never seeing her siblings. Going from seeing her brother and sister every day to seeing them once every blue moon was emotionally draining for her. She even wanted to quit at some points because she missed them so much. But phone calls with them helped her realize that even though she wouldn't be able to see them, knowing that they supported her was enough. And those are the things that helped her get through her trainee days. 
years of training : 4 years
stage name : Hi-Rin (if you don't like this you can change it, it's okay)
position :
» main vocalist
» lead rapper, dancer
» vocalist, lead dancer
» lead vocalist, main dancer
» main rapper, vocalist
persona : The Artistic Joker
fanclub name : Christmas Lights; she was born on Christmas, and also since she's afraid of the dark, her fans are her "light".
fanclub color : deep red #cd0202



love interest : Park Chanyeol
his personality : 
» Chanyeol is a happy go lucky kind of guy. He's always seen with a smile on his face, and if it's not there, something is definitely wrong. He can always cheer Hyerin up or make her laugh, which he likes to do often. He likes to a lot and tell her that his rapping is way better than hers, even though he doesn't mean it. He just knows it makes her work even harder, which is good. He's the type of person to go out of their way to cheer someone up. Chanyeol is always up to something, whether it be causing havoc during practice of running amuck around the company; there's never a dull moment when you're around him. And that's why Hyerin loves to hang out with him. He makes her day ten times better every time, and she loves it.
back up love interest : Kim Jongdae (Chen)
his personality : (how does he act around you?)
» She's in love with his voice and he knows it. So whenever he starts singing he makes it a point to look right at her, and seeing her get all flustered over how "perfect" (according to Hyerin) his voice is very satisfactory. Chen is a generally happy guy. He's quiet, but only to people he doesn't know well. When he does talk, that mouth of his gets him into trouble a lot. Especially with Hyerin, as he's always saying something to aggravate her. He's the troll of EXO and everyone knows to stay away from him. Hyerin, though, loves to team up with him to pull pranks on the idols of SME. He's way too smart for his own good, and he tends to make fun of Hyerin for her lack of smarts a lot.



suggestions : If the fanclub name hasn't already been decided, maybe they could be called 'Rebels'? Since interdits means forbidden, the fans are being "rebels" (in a way) by liking them. And some songs are Miss A - Touch, f(x) - Nu Abo, Wonder Girls - Like This, EvoL - I'm Sorry.
comments/questions: I couldn't really find if you had wrote the group's concept so I didn't know what type of songs to find, but I hope these are okay! Also, I hope my application is okay, and that it's not too messy. Also, I hope the family background part is okay, because I feel like it's on the shorter side. If you need me to add more, I'll be glad too.Good luck with the story!
scene requests : Variety show with EXO? Or an SMTOWN party. Oh, what about a scene where Luna and Hyerin are on the same show (or something where they have to be together) and they have to pretend to be the best of friends for the cameras? Oh, and can you maybe include a scene where Hyerin asks what Interdits means (after she's joined and it's been explained to her multiple times)? Because her character isn't the smartest and that'll be a way to show that, I think?



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