Welp -_-

Like the title says this is one of those ...-_-... moments for me. If you read the author note on my dorm life story, I said that I would be going to the doctor's today because my bottom lip has been swollen for 3 days -_- well the doctor's office is failing and they have to call my mom back -_- I still haven't gone, but it turns out that my bottom lip is sunburnt -_- It's very painful and it burns...not literally like fire burn...but stinging burn I guess you could say -_-
Is that even possible????
Apparently it is since my friend (2Tired2BeNarcoletpic) is an expert on uber random things like this -_- It sort of scares me how she's so paronoid about EVERYTHING.
Anyway, hopefully the doctor's office will call my mom back before she leaves for work. If not then idk >_<
I drew a japanese vocaloid in second block and got my schedule changed, bbyong~ XP
Date & Time: September 12, 2011 4:23 PM
Listening To: Teen Top - Don't Spray Perfume


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nice random add in of that drawling and schedule change, u random girl
omona, i hope it feels better soon!