My Hiatus is Over!! + AFF One Year Anniversary

First of all, I'd like to happily announce that I'm home from my holidays! I had a great time at both my Nan's and at the coast - particularly at the coast. There was so much to look at when we went to the beach...


'A Quiet Life' has only the epilogue to go and then it's finished. After that I'll be alternating between 'This Prison Called Love' and 'Crash Into You: The Sequel'.

There will be some times that I won't be able to update. I'm getting everything ready to move to Wollongong (4hrs from where I currently live) for university and that will take some time away from updating. 

I move into the dorms at Wollongong on the 25th of February - this means that for about a week before this and maybe two, three maybe four weeks after this I won't be able to update. In advance, I would like to ask for your patience during this time. I'll continue working hard on my fics. I've found that not only are they a good way to de-stress, but they also helped me greatly for my creative writing section on my HSC exam. So I'll try and continue writing. If I'm placed in a situation where I'm unable to continue writing, then I post something about it.

And this is the end of part one of this post.

Part two is a cause for celebration. When I was looking at my profile a few days after New Years, I saw that my date joined was the 12th of January, 2012. Right now, here in Australia it's 11:46 pm on the 13th.


I'm so happy that I found AFF. I've met some awesome people here all of whom I'd love to be able to meet in real life. We'd have so much fun meeting up!

Also, I've been able to read some really brilliant fanfiction. To be brutally honest, before AFF I never really thought of fanfiction as anything to be excited about. I never thought of it as anything but delusions. 

Here again, the importance of not jumping ot conclusion and being judgemental is shown clearly.

So, to end this here, I'd like to say a big thank you to all the awesome AFF friends I've made over this year. I hope we can continue talking here on AFF for a few more years to come!




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"There was so much to look at when we went to the beaches..." LOL Bet you enjoyed every seconds of the view there!
Welcome back, Armablakken! ^^ lol
And Happy Anniversary! :)
hiheymondays #3
Happy one year Armablakken! <333

Cheers :)