Random/Personal Questions - Stolen from tripandfall


Play any instruments?
I'm a triangle virtuoso~ (No - I haven't got a single drop of musical talent in me at all). Although, for what it's worth I could play piano in primary school - but I've forgotten everything now.

Have you ever dyed your hair? If so, what color(s)?

I haven't actually. I've sort of always wanted to but I've never actually wanted to - if that makes any sense. I've always sort of wanted to dye my hair something bright and rediculous, but I haven't actually had the balls to do it...

Have you ever painted the walls of your room?
The walls of my old room yes - but not my new room. I moved to the bigger room in the house again.

Ever tripped in front a bunch of people?
I can't really remember a time, but I can guarentee that I have. I somehow manage to make a fool of myself no matter what I do. Though, I can also guarantee that I've never tripped over in mud or on something slippery - I know I've never done that. The only thing I trip on is dry, flat ground. Yea~ I've got the skillz.

Last time you drove your car (if you can drive/have one)?
If I drove a car that would be illegal as I don't have my licence nor do I actually know how to drive. However, I am past the age where I can.

Are you currently dating?
Daehyun~ But he doesn't need to know about that.

When it's New Year's, do you make New Year Resolutions and actually commit to them?

I think that New Year's Resolutions are a waste of time. How many people actually stick to them for more than a week?

Ever felt attracted to the opposite before?
Yes and no. This is an interesting quesiton for me. I'm gay, but when I was younger I was attracted to girls. But then again, I don't know whether that was because I thought that was "right". This is a very interesting question for me.

Did you used to play hide-and-seek when you were little inside stores?
Hell yea! In between the racks of clothes with my little sister when we were younger. It was the !

Have you ever had to hug someone you didn't want to?
No. Not that I can think of, but who's to say this situation won't arise in the future?

Did you ever throw up after one roller coaster ride or a few?
I've never thrown up - or even gagged - on or after a rollercoaster. I love them so much!!

Have you ever played games such as 'Spin the Bottle'?
This is an awkward question...

Yes, I have played spin the bottle. I was really, really, really drunk and so were my three female friends. As you can imagine, it was a little awkward once I returned to my sense.

Are you happy with where you are in life right now?
Very happy. I try not to think about the bad things that happen to much. I accept them and move on with my life. That way they don't way down on me. Thankfully, my life is going well for me right now.

Have you ever wanted to flip a table before? If so, why?
Hah! Quite a few times actually. During my HSC for maths was a one. My Yr12 teacher was a bastard. He taught me about as much math as a disabled monkey could. I failed that test bad...Thankfully it didn't count towards my ATAR (the thing that determines what university you can get into here in Australia)

Did you like Pokemon as a child?
Pikachu is my hero! I loved Pokemon as a child. In fact, I still do. Pikachu's still got the swag!

Are there times where you wish to go back in time and redo or fix something you regret?
Not really - as I've already said, my rule is to not spend too much time regretting the things of the past. There nothing that can be done to change things, so regretting and regretting and blaming yourself and wishing that you could go back in time and change things only hurts yourself. 

Do you find yourself singing or humming to yourself sometimes?
Yea. I do it when I'm listening to music. I do it in my head when I'm listening to someone I would rather not be listening to.

Ever wanted to learn a foreign language?
I'll be studying Japanese at Uni and I'll probably continue teaching myself Korean while there. So yeah, I've always wanted to learn a foreign langauge.

Have you ever lost your wallet or purse?
No, not that I can remember.

Have you ever swallowed gum?
Yea, I've swallowed bubblegum before which wasn't a pleasant experience.

Tell me something that turns you on.
Are we talking something ual here? If so, I'm not answering that, although if you really want to know then I guess I could tell you....
But I won't!
Instead I'll say what makes me think 'This fic is asdasfjhdjfladj!'
+ Good grammar - perfection isn't necessary - I'm not - but If I'm reading it and facepalming and table flipping then you need to work a bit harder
+CLICHES! - I hate them with a passion. I don't mind the occasional clishe, but if the fic is full of them then I feel like I'm being tortured.
+Plot originality - As there aren't really any new plots that can be created here on AFF as most authors have pretty much got all the bases covered, but orginality can also involve taking something completely unoriginal and create a totally unique twist. To be honest, I prefer unique and original twist on unoriginal plots because the unoriginality of the overall plot enhances the originality of the twists.
Tell me something that turns you off.
I'll say something about people here.
+ I really can't stand people who think they're better than everyone else. I hate that with a passion. What makes you so great?
+ People who enjoy annoying/bullying/belittling other people. Again - what makes you so great?
+ a bunch of other things I don't have time to write out. The two above are the major things I can't stand in another person.
Post the link of your current favorite song.
Nell - The Day Before (I cry whenever I watch this music video + I reallly love the song. So beautiful~)

Baek Ji Young - I Hate It (This song is really good. I love how it sounds sad, but upbeat as well. Plus, the piano is really pretty sounding and her voice is incrediblei)

Post a gif of what you're currently feeling right now.
Yea...I'm dancy like that~

Have you ever watched the sun rise?
Yep, it was really pretty

Would you defend a friend if they were in danger?
Of course!

Are you still a ?
Yes lol.

Ever been to a concert? Was it fun?

Do you like group projects?
As long as everyone in the groups works an equal amount and everyone gets equal credit for the work. Then group work is a rewarding experience.

How often do you use headphones/earbuds?
My iPod is conjioined at the hip...so...all the time.

Headphones or earbuds?
Earbud. Headphones are too big. They look and feel awkward.

Showers or baths?

Walks on the beach or in a forest?
Walks on the beach. My eyes have more places to wander...

Which horror movie scared you the most? If any?
I haven't really seen any 'horror' movies. The movie that rather than scare me but left a real impression is 'Confessions'. It's a Japanese psychological thriller that is beyond incredible. Like seriously, you should watch it. It's mindblowing.

Has your best friend ever made you angry?
No, he'll never do that. I've been frustrated with him when he refused he liked this girl who me and some friends were trying to set him up with (because we knew he liked her). But, once he admitted guess what happened? They're dating now! I'm super happy for him. She's awesome.

Do you think you are an awkward person?
When I talk to someone for the first time, I can be really awkward, but around my friends I'm comepletely shameless. I say everything, I don't shut up. I can actually be quite funny when I want to be (I sound like I'm tooting my own horn here...)

Cupcakes or muffins?

Ponies or Horses?
I'm allergic to them. Like really badly allergic...

Would you like to be able to fly?
Hells yea! I'd be able to save so much freakin money. Flights out of Australia are rediculously expensive!

Ever done or considered to do drugs?

What color shirt are you currently wearing?
Brown with a random white and red design on the front.

What color underwear did you wear yesterday?
Black I think...I'm not that sure.

Have you ever flipped off someone?
As in give them the finger? If so, then heaps of times...It's not really considered a big insult here anymore.

Cats or dogs?
I like both, but I'm allergic to cats. It really . But I love dogs. We have two new puppies. They're so friggin adorable!

Would you swim in the lake or ocean?
I've swum in the ocean and in a river and a lake...I'm in Australia and swimming and beaches in particular are a big part of our culture.

Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla choc top~

Have you ever seen a meteor shower?
No, but I wish I could. It'd be so fascinating and beautiful.

Have you ever broken a bone?
Never~ I've sprained my wrist before and I've done the tendons in my knee but that's the worst I've done.

Any tattoos?
No. I don't like the idea of someone inking me with a needle. If I ever did get a tattoo, it would have to be meaningful. A meaningless tattoo is a waste of time and money.

Any piercings?
None. Thinking of the pain makes me cringe especially at some of the ones I've heard of...in the lower region of the male anatomy. Like OW!!!!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Europe (Russia, Poland etc), Korea, Japan, China, Pacific Islands, UK, Ireland and others

Tell us a recent awkward moment you had.
The morning after playing spin the bottle with a bunch of girls...awkward for a gay guy in the closet...

Know the Duck Song? The Llama Song? Banana Phone?
I knew the duck song, but I can't remember it.

What shows did you watch when you were a child?
Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh (It wasn't only me!!), Sailor Moon (Loved that show), Cardcaptors, Tom & Jerry, Looney Toons (Bugs Bunny Daffy Duck etc.) SCOOBY DOO, and others...
Could you live without the internet?
NO. Don't even suggest a life without internet. The mere thoughts sends spastic shivers down my spine.

Strangest food you've eaten?
Hmm...Muscles (its a shellfish. Kind of like oysters only not as gross)

Cookies or brownies?

This was good fun!!



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I actually thought me and my elder brother were the only ones that hide between the racks of clothes. Looks like I was wrong, guess it was a thing back then!!

How much I envy you, you have puppies! I have always wanted one since young, but my mum is allergic to them. I only have a guinea pig, and she's even overweight...