Inspiration at a Bad Time. Hiatus Maybe.

I honestly feel inspired especially because I've finished reading the book "Suicide Notes" by Michael Thomas Ford and because I've been rping as Yongguk and there's this person who is rping as Zelo... and we've been rping with each other in 2 rp groups in Roleplay Republic XD 


But why a bad time? Because I'm supposed to take an assessment test for the company NCLEX (an american nursing license) sponsorship and I swear I haven't been updated with anything nursing-related and haven't touched a nursing book since I graduated back in 2010 XD and now I have around 2 weeks to study.  Plus, there's work. Plus, there's laziness. Plus, lots of distractions.  Am I really going to be able to study? XD


On second thought, I can always try next year assuming that I'll still be in the company.  It's just that I really wish I could pass with my friend and then we can take the real NCLEX together, but the future really looks blurry for me XD  I do remember feeling this way before taking the local nursing board exams in my country, but the thing is~ we had enough time to study (okay, not enough but at least we had a longer time to prepare plus I was a fresh graduate)


Like today, my head has been hurting all day as I was tired from the long travel to somewhere far south to visit my yaya (maid) ~ well, ex-maid, she was only taking care of me for a few months when I was young.  She works in Australia now as a teacher and married an Australian and has a son, and she made a huge so damn beautiful house but the only thing that turned me off is that it's really faaaaaaaaaar away from tthe city like waaaaaaaay down south.  I understand that she made it there because her family really came from there.


It was like 3 to 4-hour drive just going there~ and her house was so damn huge with lots of stairs and I was busy touring and the sea was great right behind the house and I was tired from work to begin with and we left that house at around 10:30 so we arrived back in our home at like 1:30 or close to 2 am maybe~


My head hurts as if I went out drinking last night except I didn't so my headache didn't hurt as much as I would have if I really drank XD but it still hurts and so I haven't done anything studying at all.  I only did rp~ing to enjoy my lazy morning.  Then I went to sleep at lunch again, missing lunch, and woke up with a headache again because I missed lunch @_@


I may be in hiatus for the rest of the month, but we'll see~ When I'm stressed, I really tend to write a fic or two XD or maybe I'll post it next month if ever I do get to write.


I'm in the mood for BangZelo considering how much they've been interacting in the rps~


Oh and Suicide Notes is awesome *__* It reminds me a bit of Perks of a Wallflower but I actually like the main character in Suicide Notes more because of his sarcasm *_______*  I love the way he talk about things and I love how he answers the doctor sarcastically~ XD and I love his sister in the book too.  They seem to have the same personality.  There's something gay in this book too <3 Just find it out for yourself.  I also like the way the book is written with a missing "L"  


For example, "I real y hate..."  or  "and I fal and fal and fal"  and this girl named "Al ie"   


I thought it was a typo at first XD It's so cute and understandable~ Love it so much <3  Definitely one of my favorite books~


I want to start reading another book... but ugh.. I should be reading a NURSING book~ ugh.. the temptation~ *looks at my collection of ebooks*


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Hwaiting~ hope you do well for the test ^^
Get more rest and study hard~ we'll be supporting you ^^
i wish i could help you but ... i just wish you success and assure you that your readers would wait for you so take your time and don't push yourself. FIGHTING
hae_ki #3
hahahahaha~ go jiju ug cramming!
taga asa sa south imo ex-yaya? ka-char na nya oi... aussie much na :D