Timeless App


User section

Username: Miko95

Profile link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/54360

Character Basic Info. Section

Full Name (somehow Korean):Park Yoo Ji.

Stage name: Haru

Nicknames: JYA(Jin Yoon Ace), Jinny, YooJi.

Age: 16

Birthday (day and month): 2nd January

Height (155-175 cm only): 169cm

Weight (38-55 kg only): 42kg

Ethnicity: Korean-Japanese

Language spoken: Japanese,Korean( Both Fluently). Mandarin and Thai(Basic).

Hometown: Seoul S.Korea

Birthplace: Osaka Japan

Pictures (at least 3-4 pics and put the name of the ulzzang you used):  http://www.gamexeon.com/forum/imagehosting/201107/272784e1571fc9c0cc.jpg // http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_kr0r0tn5Gy1qa5dcno1_400.jpg //
http://ulzzang1.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/kim-yoo-jin.png?w=338&h=600 (Kim Hyo Jin)

Personal Info.

Personality:Haru is cool type on stage and off stage and on camera she the cheeky jokester.  Haru has this warm and cool atmosphere around her, She's very polite to the elders and subaenims even if their younger than her. She loves being a noona, especially with idols...But she hide the fact to keep her cool image. Inside shes a shy and sweet girl, people see her as the cool type due to her talking skills and her control of expressions. Her sincere smiles are really rare, when she smirking or smilling in the corner means shes up to something. That something actually, she bought too much something she doesn't need or she's thinking something really comical. Haru has a wild imagination that usually shows on cam.

Past (How you became a trainee): Haru and her friend bet on videogame, the winner gets to keep the video game and the loser has to sing and dance at myeong dong in front of everyone. She lost and she confidently sang,raps and dance in front of the huge crowd.That was when she got scouted. The agent said that she was brave, has lots of passion and talents to be an entertainer.











*being called annoying



*Reading books

*Playing video games


*Taking pictures


Habits: Bows to everyone who is her sunbaenims, regardless of ages.

She will smirks suddenly when shes up to no good(pranks).


Family background (name of family and age.): Park In Goon(44),Jyunko Hanabi(42), Park Yoo Chun(21).

Father,In Goon work as a pattisier. Mother,Hanabi is a former CF model and now a CF director.Parents divorce since Haru was 3 years old. Both Haru and brother,Yoo Chun, student of a culinary school. Lives with father. Their father works hard day and night to create new dessert to support his kids.

Facebook name (make one up): Park 'Haru' Ji

Twitter account (make one up): Haruru968

Member Info.

Position (choose from below): Jack of all trades or Rapper/SubDancer

Persona (choose from below or make one up if you want): Charismatic one.

Fanclub name: Lovely Day(Haru)

Relationships Info.

Ideal type (choose your top 5):

1. Jo Youngmin

2. Shin Dongho

3. Yong Junghyung

4. Onew

5. Kevin Woo.

Friends (choose 5):Minzy(2NE1),Ji Hae(Girl's Day),Amber & Luna(F(x)), Sohyun(4Minute).

Rivals/Enemies (choose 3): IU,Hara(Kara),Seohyun(SNSD).

Bestfriends (choose 2): Minzy & Sohyun.

Past ex-boyfriends (how many?): 7

Other Info.

Password:YGEX Ent.


Haru earns her cooking talent from her father while her show business talents comes out of nowhere since her acting skill is ok.

She can cook italian,japanese,Korean cuisine almost perfectly.

She was a former local famous cosplayer.

She owns more than 50 Cosplay & Animes.

Others: ps. yeah Haru is tomboy like.

Your comment: please pick me or Haru will break your neck!! hahah just kidding :P fighting on your applications chossing!


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