f(x) Personality Test



[x] You love healthy foods. [sometimes ^^]

[x] You're very flexible. [not very, but i can do some splits and back bends xD]

[x] You're a great dancer. [people usually tell that to me. LOL xD]

[x] You're the leader-type. [Somewhat yeah ^^]

[x] You're the umma-type. [my mouth can't stop caring xP]

[x] You're tall. [Yepp!! about 159 cm tall ^^]

[  ] You're the oldest out of your friends.[youngest TT]

[x] You look younger than you actually are. [ no comment, i guess i have a babyface :P]

[x] Your ideal guy must be taller than you. [Yesh Of Course, MUST BE!] 

[  ] You're a big fan of KangTa.[who's that?]

TOTAL: 8/10 [HURRAH! My bias is Victoria :3]



[x] You're boyish.[sometimes i err-- am xD]

[x] You rock any hairstyle. [and i don't care what they say about it :P]

[x] You can rap. [i CAN]

[x] You speak more than one language.[actually i speak 6, but i ain't tellin' yah :P]

[  ] You like playing Guitar Hero.[nope :( ]

[  ] You have trouble using chopsticks. [ i am Really good at it :D]

[x] You were used to be in a Church band.[a choir, but USED TO BE, not now]

[x] You listen to sad songs when you're depressed. [and act stupid too]

[  ] You have insomnia.[haven't tried yet >:) ]

[x] You like swimming.[it's mah PASSION **_**]

TOTAL: 7/10 [i also like Ambuuurrr \m/]



[  ] You have muscular legs.

[  ] You have a twin sister.[JUST A SISTER xD]

[  ] You like purple.[i HATE purple -_- sorry to purple lovers >:D]

[x] You're a great singer.[people tell me that >:)]

[x] You're stunning/charming.[NO COMMENT :P]

[  ] You're the shortest among your friends.[i'm the tallest -_-]

[x] You can dance very well.[ well... sorta]

[  ] You think that Sulli is the most attractive member of F(x). [for me it's Vic :)]

[x] You're popular among your seniors. [if alumnus counts, then count me in!]

[x] A friend of you was used to be shorter than you, but now you're shorter than him/her.[YES and i HATE IT!!]

TOTAL: 5/10 [i also like Luna, she really have a POWERFUL VOICE ^^]



[x] People find you cute.[YEAAHH!!!!]

[x] You have a lot of charms.[YEAHH!!!]

[x] You're more childlike than a friend who is younger than you.[YEAHH!!! xD]

[x] Your smile is charming.[sorta...]

[x] You used to be short. [Yeahh!! until i grew tall -_-]

[x] You're not a tomboy, but not girly either. [somewhat like that :P]

[x] You're the tallest among your friends.[YESSSS!! \m/]

[x] You look up to someone not related to you. [yeah i do :)]

[  ] You have mismatched eyes.[I don't :(]

[ ] You look good (yet cute) as a boy. 

TOTAL: 8/10 [i also love Sulli because of her acting skills and her charms :3]



[x] You have an older sister and you think she's prettier than you.[yeah i do TT]

[  ] You're chic.[irdk :P]

[x] You're lazy.[yes i AM!]

[x] You're innocent and childish.[YEAHH!!!!!]

[  ] You have nice abs. 

[  ] You're very girly.[mostly not :P]

[x] You're the youngest among your friends.[Yeah. TT]

[  ] You're allergic to apples when you like 'em.[i have different allergy :( ]

[x] You're taller than an unnie friend of yours.[sad to adsmit but, yeah TT]

[  ] You hate cucumbers.[ I LOVE CUCUMBERS!!!]

TOTAL: 4/10 [Krystal is amazing, but we don't share the same personality xc ]


SO OVER-ALL, Vic and Sulli Matches my personality with a score of 8/10!

HURRAH!!  //throws confetti everywhere ^^//]


--find out yours by reblogging ^^--



--sweet as honey, Honeybearx


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i am like luna orz
i am like Sulli and Krystal O.O