59sєcσи∂s //Application Form~Jung Eunmi





     {Jung} Eunmi







Name: Tiffany Tran

Username: Forever_Inspirit

Activness: 7-9 (depending on school days) 



Character Name: Jung Eunmi

Character Nickname/s: Mimi 

Height: 164cm

Weight: 46kg

Date of Birth: March 29, 1995-17

Birth Place: Gwangju, South Korea

Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea. From birth-8. Incheon, South Korea. From 8-14. 

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean(fluent) Japanese(Basic-learning stage) English(Basic-learning stage) 



Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-Up Ulzzang: Kang Sura

Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5

Style: Eunmi's style is really casual and comfortable. She likes wearing things that she can walk and move around easily in. Tight clothing and super high heels are a no-no. She would only wear those if it was a short party or could sit down most of the time. She can wear regular heels, like those on boots. Other than that, she mostly wears flats and the usual, vans and converse. Eunmi sticks to her basic colors too, not wearing super bright colors often. Black and white are main colors for her, because well, they're simple and east to match. She likes wearing different types of clothing too, always matching them with cute accessories. 

Pictures:  I really can't explain it all, so I'm bombarding you with pictures. Hope you don't mind(:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Clothing for mainly everytihng except training: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Practice clothing: 1 2 3



Personality: Jung Eunmi is first very shy and won't talk much to people who don't really know her. She really keeps to her self if she is in a room with strangers, even if it is killing her to not talk(because she really likes talking.) When someone is her friend, she shows them her true color- a fun-loving, hyperactive child. She makes people go, "Woah, my first impression of you was way off." She loves smiling, and living life to the fullest. Once you become friends with her, she will open up to you real quickly, which is sometimes a bad thing for her when she meets bad people. She's been hurt many times, but never let's those people get to her. She lives with no regrets, an is planning to live that way for the rest of her life. 

Jung Eunmi likes joking around and playing pranks. She is one of those people that can "get away with murder." She is mischievous and can get away with anything. She doesn't lie and tells the whole truth if someone asks her something. But, she's so sneaky that she never gets caught and questioned. When people don't know her, they think she's "weird"  Well, heck yeah. She is. She's unique and is not afraid to show it. Eunmi is one of a kind. 

Personal Quote:

~Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but so is lunch dinner and all the snacks in between. 

~People hate what the don't understand. 

~"Life is life, fight for it"-Mother Teresa

~"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" -Dr. Seuss

~The most important one that Eumi follows :

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching. Love like you'll never be hurt. Sing like there's nobody listening. And live like it's heaven on earth." -William W. Purkey


  • Food. Eunmi can never skip a meal. If she does, there's something wrong
  • Meeting new people. Even though she is shy at first, Eunmi is very excited when she has a chance to make a new friend.
  • Memories. She loves them and cherishes them-good or bad- because they made her who she is now. 
  • Reading, whenever she has time, she will pull out a book and read. But she can only read stories that interest her, like romance, comedy, action and mystery. 
  • Music. Everything in her life has to do with music. She sings/raps and sometimes even dances the moment she wakes up. (Her alarm clock song changes everyday.) And she falls asleep listening to soft, calming music. 




  • Lies. She hates it when people tell lies, even ones with good intentions behind them. 
  • Being controlled. She hates being in the situations where she has to act as a puppet on strings for someone. When things get too far and she is sick of being bossed around, hell breaks out. 
  • Running. She only runs when she has to. (Trainee days) She's okay at it, she just thinks it's boring.
  • Swimming, because she can't. She never learned, because she was always afraid of drowning. She usually just stays in water, she can move easily in. 
  • Snakes. She despises them. Whenever she sees one, even in a picture, she screams and covers her eyes. She can't even touch a picture without getting freaked out. 
  • Being questioned. She hates when people question what she's doing and won't stop asking dumb and useless questions. 


Phobias: The dark, paranormal stuff (even though she loves watching horror films.), water because she cannot swim, snakes. 


  • Writing in her journal every night about her day. She has about 15 of them, from age 5-the present and carries them around every where she moves. 
  • Taking pictures of things that make an impact in her life and putting them into her scrapbooks. 
  • Collecting items that remind her of special people. 


  • She cannot go to sleep without the blanket covering her entire body from head to toe. People usually have to check if she's still breathing or not. 
  • She and bites her lips all the time, even when they aren't dry. 
  • She jumps around randomly whenever she's excited. 
  • She starts laughing when things get awkward. 
  • Staring off into space, when she's supposed to be paying attention. 

Character Backround: Jung Eunmi lived a normal life. She went to school and met people, and came home to get into a fight with her little brother. She had oustanding grades, because she really tried hard in school. She was not always number one on the charts, but was always on it. She had a loving family, and she was thankful for them...even though she was human and had her bratty moments. Her brothers were always there for her whenever she needed them, and when she didn't need them. They would still come to annoy her. Her parents have been supportive over everything she has done, but objected letting her audition at first. She begged and begged, but they would not let her unless she showed them her potential. She put up a performance at school, and she immediately got scouted. (She has also never had a boyfriend. Never had time to. And she thought no one would approach her, because of her brothers) 

Moving around- Eunmi lived in Gwangju until she was 8. She moved to Incheon when she was still 8, until she was 14 and was scouted. 


~ She's brilliant in all subjects in school except Language. She reads and writes well, but when it's put into questions. She blanks out. 

~She loves playing sports, but hates running. Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Football

~She's pretty organized and neat. When she's not lazy...Okay. So she's messy, but tries to be neat on her free time. 






Mother//Kim Eunji//48//Chef  and managerof Jung's Barbeque //Eunmi and her mother are very close to each other. Her mother is very fun and has a young heart and mind.//

Father// Jung Changmin // 52// Owner of Jung's Barbeque// Eunmi and her father are even closer than she is with her mother. Father's little girl, right? As his only daughter, he cherishes her more than his own life.//


Brother//Jung Changjo//20//Studying at Seoul National University, studying Law//Changjo is an over-protective brother that loves his little sister very much. He treats her as if she was still a baby. Eunmi comes to Changjo with her problems, because he's always there for her and will give her smart advice. Unless it's about boys, the answer will be. "Where does he live? I'm going to beat the living crap out of him."//

Brother//Jung Eunjo// 14// Studying at Incheon High School/ Slave at Jung's Barbeque// Eunmi and Eunjo bicker a lot  whenever they see each other. Even though they argue a lot, they still love each other. Eunjo acts like he's older when it comes to Eunmi and boys, being protective and what-not. People actually believe he's older, because he is already taller than Eunmi.// 


Friends: Jung Jessica//23// Member of SNSD/Girl's Generation// Jessica met Eunmi during one of her trainee days, because people kept on asking her if she had another sister. The two bonded quickly and became great friends, because they both had bubbly personalities. 


Best Friend: Lee Moonsoo//20// Studying at Seoul National University, studying art// Moonsoo was a friend of Changjo that Eunmi fell in love with because of his looks. She quickly grew out of the love and saw him as her best friend after getting to know him. He's dorky and goofy, but is serious when things have to be.

Rivals: {Sohyun//18//4Minute// Sohyun had fallen for L.Joe ever since they filmed toget in "Crazy" She thought Eunmi was getting in between them and swore to crush her in every little thing she did.//



Stage Name: Jung Eunmi

Position:  Miss Spade-Main Rapper, Vocalist, Main Dancer

Back-Up Position: Little Clover-Vocalist, Rapper, Maknae

Persona: Chubby Bunny 

Personal Fan Club Name: Smilers

Personal Fan Club Color: Indigo

Years Of Training: 3 Age 14-17

Trainee History: Eunmi spent day and night, working on perfecting everything. She rarely got any sleep and when she did, she would always be interrupted by something. She didn't have trouble with the dance, but adding rap and vocals while doing those vigorous dance moves was hard. She would usually stay by herself to practice perfecting every little detail. The physical training was pretty easy for her since she did sports, but running. Running was her least favorite thing to do, and she had to do it a lot. Even though she would come home late, she wouldn't go to sleep and snuck out to eat. On her off days, she went to the park to practice singing in a bigger area. That's how she met L.Joe. He helped her out a lot, and often snuck in her dorm building to bring her food to eat in the practice room. During that time, she practiced with him and improved a lot with her English. He made sure she slept more and threatened to stop visiting with food if she didn't. Her panda eyes disappeared right away, and her cheeks filled with its natural rosy color. Thanks to him, Eunmi survived the trainee days, happy and healthy.

Eunmi didn't spend much time with her fellow trainees, but they were her friends. Because all of them were tired from training, none of them noticed her leaving the dorm at night. They were like family to her and helped her in every way they could and Eunmi did the same. Together, they grew and eventually became one. 



Love Interest: L.Joe from Teen Top


Name: L.Joe

Age: 19

Group: Teen Top

Personality: He's really sweet and loves to laugh and eat. He has a feminine side, but can also be very manly, when it comes to his performances. He's dorky and funny. He's a guy that makes every girl's heart skip a beat when he says their name. 

How They Met: At the park, Eunmi was practicing rapping, and couldn't get the English phrase right. L.Joe saw her and watched her from afar. She looked at him, noticing he was hiding behind a bush and staring at her. First, she didn't recognize him and just thought he was a creepy guy with purple hair. L.Joe notice she looked scared and began walking away. Not wanting to leave that impression on her, he chased after her to apologize. She ran away, until she tripped over a rock and fell. He caught her, stopping her from going face forward into the ground. She got a few scratches on her legs. L.Joe bandaged them up, after apologizing for looking like a stalker. He piggy-backed her to her dorm, helping her with the part she couldn't get right. That moment, she knew he was going to be someone special in her life. 

Relationship: Friends that have secret crushes on each other, but don't want to say anything because they think it will ruin their relationship. [Yeah, it's  THAT kind of relationship(:]


Back Up Love Interest: Kai from EXO 


Name: Kai. Kim Jongin. 

Age: 18...19 in two days. 

Group: EXO-K

Personality: Seems charismatic on stage, but is said to be an adorable little boy offstage. 

Did They Meet Yet?: No.

Relationship: Strangers





Scene Requests/Suggestions: A scene where my brothers meet and interrogate L.Joe.(: 

Password: Sucess, success. I wasn't  sure if you were talking about this one or dieing, because I usually type dying. People have different ways of typing it. 






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